Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 846: return



In the muffled sound, Ji Tianxing rushed into the water column of the sky like a streamer.

He was already ready to condense the true essence shield to protect himself, and burst out the strongest force, rushing towards the hole of heaven above.

However, the moment he rushed into the water column of the sky, he was severely bombarded by an extremely powerful force.

His True Essence Shield instantly collapsed, as if he had received a full blow from a strong soul refiner, and was paralyzed by the shock on the spot, unable to use any strength.

Not only was he unable to rush upward, but he was suppressed by the water column and fell downward.

The endless sea water enveloped him, falling from the sky to the sea below.

There is no doubt that his first attempt failed.

However, after falling for dozens of miles, his body gradually became aware, and he struggled to rush out of the water column.

He returned to the sky with a pale face, panting violently, and hurriedly exercised his breath to relieve the pain of his body.

Fortunately, he has developed the ultimate sword body, and his physical defense is extremely strong.

Otherwise, the terrifying impact of the water column could crush him into meatloaf on the spot.

While he was quietly adjusting his energy, the sea surface thousands of miles below was constantly rising, engulfing the ancient city little by little.

Two quarters later, Ji Tianxing finished adjusting his breath and returned to his peak state.

He started a second attempt, rushing to the Tongtian water column with all his might.

In order to increase the chance of success, he even offered a sacrifice to protect himself.


He rushed into the water column of the sky like a streamer and made a dull loud noise.

The incomparable powerful force hit Shanheyin severely.

It's a pity that Shanheyin ran out of strength before, but now it has only recovered 10%.

Ji Tianxing only supported two breaths in the water column of the sky, before he was suppressed and fell down.

In desperation, he had to rush out of the water column and return to the sky again.

The second attempt ended in failure!

However, this time he was protected by Shanheyin and his body was not injured.

Shanhe Yin's power was exhausted, it became dim, and he was taken into the space ring.

He frowned and thought for a moment, then took out the Dzi Bead from the space ring.

He held the shining white dzi bead in both hands, staring at it with scorching eyes, feeling the mysterious power contained in it, and his heart was full of expectations.

"Men's dzi bead, ah, dzi bead, you are a divine object left by the ancient gods, and a treasure that can fill the sky.

I hope you don't let me down and take me out of this world smoothly! "

He whispered a word, and then urged his true essence to be injected into the Dzi Bead.

Suddenly, the Sky Patching Bead lit up with a dazzling white light, forming a circular mask like a huge ball of light, wrapping him up.

He placed himself in the white ball of light, feeling more at ease, and rushed to the Tongtian water column again.

This is his third attempt.


In the muffled sound, the white ball of light rushed into the water column of the sky.

The water column contained an extremely powerful amount of pressure, and immediately hit the white ball of light.

But the white ball of light trembled twice, and the powerful impact was resolved.

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing burst out with ten percent strength and rushed upwards with all his might.

The white ball of light continued to dissolve the impact of the water column, and began to climb upward, approaching the huge sky hole.

Although the white ball of light climbed slowly, Ji Tianxing was undoubtedly successful!

With the help of the Sky Pearl, he was able to withstand the terrifying force that suppressed the heavens and the earth, and went upstream along the water column.

After a hundred breaths of time, the white ball of light finally passed through the loopholes of the sky and left the mysterious world.


With a flash of white light, the ball of light crossed the invisible barrier between the two worlds and returned to the Profound Sky World.

Ji Tianxing was immediately overjoyed, full of excitement and joy.

But he did not dare to relax at all, and continued to explode with strength, rushing upward.

Because the white ball of light is still in a huge vortex.

The whirlpool exploded with powerful devouring power, pulling him down.

Holding the Dzi Bead in both hands, he desperately injected the majestic True Essence to urge the power of the Dzi Bead.

The white light emitted by the Bu Dzi Bead became more and more dazzling, making the white ball of light brighter and brighter and stronger.

Finally, the white ball of light rushed out of the huge whirlpool and returned to the blue sea.

Until this time, the extremely terrifying pressure and devouring power disappeared, and Ji Tianxing was finally relieved.

He hurriedly retracted the Heavenly Patching Bead into the space ring and swam upward like a fish.

He seemed to be tireless, swimming continuously for an hour before he surfaced.


When he rushed out of the water, he brought a large splash of crystal clear water.

He finally returned to the sky, felt a familiar breath and saw a familiar sight.

The water surface below is the large lake with a radius of thousands of miles, and the lake is a gray wasteland, and there are nine ancient stone sculptures.

There is no doubt that he successfully returned to the wasteland deep in the buried star sea.

"Finally came back! Fortunately, I got the Dzi Bead. I have experienced so many life and death crises before, and it is worth it!"

Standing in the sky above the big lake, Ji Tianxing murmured with a relieved smile on his face.

He looked at the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ and estimated the time.

"Damn it, it's the afternoon of the fourth day!

I still have a day and a half, and I must hurry back to Yunling Palace immediately! "

His complexion changed, he quickly turned and left, flying in the direction he came.

In order to rush back to Yunling Palace as soon as possible, he did not hesitate to sacrifice a sword fetus and fly with the sword in the sky.

"call out!"

He stepped on his golden sword, like a golden streamer piercing the sky, and soon left the big lake.

Three hours later, he flew out of the mysterious wasteland, into the vast forest and sea, and flew towards the exit of the Burial Xinghai.

What he didn't know was that after he left the mysterious wasteland, the lake with a radius of thousands of miles gradually disappeared.

That area was restored to its original state and turned into a gray wasteland.

The nine ancient stone sculptures scattered in the wasteland immediately collapsed and became dusty.

Night fell.

Ji Tianxing galloped over the forest sea, like a golden meteor piercing the night sky, very gorgeous and dazzling.

In the place he passed, countless monsters and ancient strange beasts were shocked.

Those ferocious monsters and ancient strange beasts pursued him one after another.

However, ordinary monsters couldn't catch up with him.

Even the ancient strange beasts in the Soul Refining Realm, after being chased for hundreds of miles, were thrown away by him and had to give up chasing them.

The long night is over.

When a new day comes and the morning sun rises, Ji Tianxing finally arrives at the exit of Buried Xinghai.

Without hesitation, he walked through the clouds and mist in the sky, left this forbidden area of ​​death, and hurried back to Yunling Palace with all his strength.

After a few hours, it was evening.

At this time, there was another long and burly figure, fleeing to the exit desperately, passing through the clouds and mist in a very embarrassing manner, and escaped from the sea of ​​buried stars.

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