Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 859: Save the fetish of Zhongzhou


For Yueluo Town, Ji Tianxing tossed midnight.

When he returned to the City Lord's Mansion, it was already dawn.

The city lord’s mansion was silent, and the guards were still heavily guarded.

The study room where Yun Yao lived was still dimly lit.

She was still busy in the study, leaning on her desk to handle official duties, as if tirelessly.

When Ji Tianxing came to the door of the study, the guard at the door bowed to salute, and he quickly made a silent gesture.

Then, he silently entered the study and walked quietly behind Yun Yao.

Yun Yao was still reviewing the dossiers intently, and didn't even notice his arrival.

He showed a gentle smile, quietly stretched out his arms, wrapped Yun Yao's slender waist, and hugged her into his arms.

Yun Yao suddenly woke up, her body stiffened, and she subconsciously wanted to counterattack.

But she reacted immediately, knowing that the person was Ji Tianxing, she immediately relaxed her vigilance.

"Tianxing, why are you here? What are you...what are you doing?"

She turned her head to look at Ji Tianxing, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Ji Tianxing held her hands, rubbed her pretty face with her cheeks, smiled and said, "Yaoyao, you forget to rest when you get busy. I feel distressed when you are so busy.

Honestly, during the previous half month, did you work like this every day? "

Yun Yao hesitated and responded, feeling a little moved and warm in her heart.

But she was smart in mind, she immediately saw the clues, stared at Ji Tianxing, and asked: "Tianxing, did you sleep up all night?"

Where did you go last night? I see your appearance, it seems that you have rushed to the road, and you have tried to fight? "

Ji Tianxing nodded and smiled and said: "Yaoyao, I didn't expect these to be hidden from you. You guessed it, I went to Yueluo Town last night."

"Yueluo Town?" Yun Yao frowned and asked suspiciously: "That's the remote town farthest from Yuejian City. What are you going to do in the middle of the night?"

Ji Tianxing didn't hide it from her, using Spirit Sense Voice Transmission to say to her: "Yaoyao, I have a surprise to tell you. I just discovered this.

The Dzi Bead I got in the Sea of ​​Burial Stars is a very mysterious god, and its effect is very strange!

This divine object merged with my soul, and an induction occurred last night, guiding me to Yueluo Town.

After I rushed to Yueluo Town, I found a black robe man escaping from the town, carrying a comatose young warrior. "

Hearing this, Yun Yao suddenly showed a surprised expression, "How can the Sky Filling Bead have such a magical effect? ​​That black-robed man must be a demon race, do you want to plant devil gu for that young warrior?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and shook his head, "I thought so at the beginning, but he is not a demon.

After I chased him into a cave, I realized that he turned out to be a demon gu puppet, trying to devour the flesh and blood of that young warrior..."

He told Yun Yao exactly what happened.

After Yun Yao listened to it, she only felt incredible, with excitement in her clear and big eyes.

"Tian Xing, the Sky Filling Bead is so magical? Can it also purify Devil Gu?"

"That's right!" Ji Tianxing nodded and said with a smile on his face: "The Heavenly Patching Bead is an ancient god, and no one knows how powerful it is and what effect it has.

But what I can be sure of right now is that this divine object is most likely the nemesis of Demon Gu and Demon Race!

Although the evolved magic gu is very powerful, and the magic gu puppet is very difficult to deal with, but I have the Dzi Bead in my hand, and I will be able to solve them soon! "

"Great!" Yun Yao was also excited, and said excitedly: "Tianxing, if repairing the dzi is really the nemesis of the demons, we will soon be able to resolve the crisis of Yuejian City.

The hundreds of thousands of Li people in Yuejian City are finally saved!

Not only the people of Yuejian City, but also the people of Li people in the Hundred Cities of Zhongzhou, can finally escape the shadow of Demon Gu! "

Ji Tianxing knows Yun Yao very well, knowing that she cares about the life of the Li people, and has long guessed that she would react like this.

Because he has many similarities with Yun Yao.

This is one of the reasons why they love each other deeply, value and rely on each other.

He held Yun Yao's hands, and said solemnly: "Yaoyao, if filling the dzi is really the nemesis of the demons, then of course everyone is happy, and we have a way to deal with the demons.

But this is just my guess, and I need your help to verify my guess. "

Yun Yao quickly asked, "How can I help you?"

Ji Tianxing said with a solemn expression: "Didn't you arrest a lot of suspicious people and lock them in the dungeon of the City Lord's Mansion?"

Yun Yao nodded and said, "Yes, there are more than one hundred people suspected, but we can't tell who the demons are disguised, so we can only imprison them all.

Facts have proved that among the more than one hundred people, some of them are actually disguised by the demons.

Since I ordered those people to be locked up, there has been no demons in the city to sow magic gu. "

Ji Tianxing showed a playful smile and said: "Okay, you take me to the dungeon now, I want to see those people.

If Dzi Bead is really the nemesis of the demons~www.ltnovel.com~ you may be able to identify who is the demons. "

Yun Yao showed expectant eyes and nodded again and again: "It makes sense! We can't tell who is the demon in disguise, but Bu Dzi may be able to tell!

After we caught the more than one hundred suspects, many relatives and friends of the people went to the City Lord's Mansion to intercede every day, and let the City Lord's Mansion release their relatives.

However, most of those people are the rich and powerful in the city, and Ye City Lord has to deal with those people every day, and he has long been overwhelmed, and his heart is languished.

Tianxing, if you can tell who is the innocent and who is the demon, that would be great! "

After that, Yun Yao left the study with Ji Tianxing and walked towards the backyard of the city lord's mansion.

In the wide but deserted backyard, seemingly defenseless, there are actually many secret whistles hidden.

The entrance of the dungeon is under a stone sculpture in the corner of the backyard, protected by the Tianyuan Array.

Yun Yao used the secret method to open the formation, and the stone base suddenly cracked and opened a door.

Behind the stone gate is a dark passage connecting to the dungeon deep underground.

Yun Yao led Ji Tianxing through the stone gate and walked underground along the stone steps.

After a quarter of an hour, the two reached the end of the passage and entered the dungeon.

The dungeon of the City Lord's Mansion is very large, like an underground palace, divided into two floors.

There are two passages on each floor, and rows of cells are on either side of the passage.

The entrance to the dungeon and every passage are heavily guarded and guarded very tightly.

Moreover, the entire dungeon is protected by the Tianyuan Great Array, even if there is an earthquake or the strong fight, it is impossible to destroy the dungeon.

When Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao entered the dungeon, the guards knelt down and bowed, and the guard leader personally accompanied them both, serving them from the front and back.

This book comes from

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