Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 874: Demon Shrine

In the eyes of Master Black Feather, Ji Tianxing used the inheritance of the sword **** and swallowed Zuo Shuai's spirit.

But in fact, Ji Tianxing used the Dzi Patching Bead to purify Zuo Shuai's spirit.


He flew back to the front of Master Black Feather and smiled and said, "Master, fortunately not insulting your life!"

"Very good!" Master Black Feather nodded, and said two words sincerely.

Having said that, he waved his hand to cast the seal, and removed the Divine Soul Domain within a hundred li radius.

Calm was restored between heaven and earth, and the night sky remained gloomy.

Master Black Feather looked at Ji Tianxing, and said calmly, "Don't forget our purpose."

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Then let's find it separately."

The two dispersed, one flew east and the other flew west, releasing spiritual consciousness and spirits, and searching the earth.

The mountains, rivers and the earth in a radius of hundreds of miles were turned into ruins and dilapidated due to the fighting.

Several peaks have collapsed, and the ground is full of potholes and gullies.

But Ji Tianxing and Heiyu Divine Master wanted to search for the relics of Zuo Shuai and Tu Ren on this ruin.

The two intercepted Zuo Shuai and Tu Ren this time, not only to get rid of the two Demon Commanders, but also to make the group of demon dragons lurking in Zhongzhou headless.

Their main goal is to find the magic weapon for the two magic commanders to control the magic gu.

Only by finding the magic weapon that might exist can we have a chance to completely solve the Demon Gu Chaos.

Ji Tianxing searched the devastated ruins for two quarters of an hour, searching a radius of tens of miles.

He successfully found a dark, magical space ring, and a slightly damaged magic weapon.

He flew back to the night sky to meet with Master Black Feather, only to find Master Black Feather also found a space ring and a broken robe.

Although both of them agreed that the magic weapon for manipulating Devil Gu was very likely to be controlled by Zuo Shuai.

But they didn't know which spatial ring was the handsome left.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing gave the space ring and broken magic weapon to Master Black Feather, who would identify and find them.

Divine Master Black Feather first opened the space ring he found and searched the ring carefully with his soul.

Then he showed a disappointed look and shook his head.

"There are many magic stones, materials and magic tools in this ring, but there is nothing we are looking for.

That magic weapon that can manipulate the Devil Gu is definitely the magic weapon of the Ancient Demon Emperor, its quality is certainly not low, and it will also have the aura of the Ancient Demon Emperor. "

After that, he opened the space ring that Ji Tianxing found.

He once again used his soul power to search and rummage in this ring.

After a while, his expression changed slightly, and he took out a palm-sized black compass from the space ring.

"This mysterious compass is the highest quality and most powerful magic weapon in the ring.

If you guessed correctly, this compass should be what we are looking for. "

Hearing what he said, Ji Tianxing stared at the black compass and looked carefully.

I saw that the compass was dark, exuding an icy breath of death.

The compass is round with sixteen black dragons painted on its edges. There are many mysterious lines on the surface of the compass.

The entire compass is very simple and its surface is covered with traces of vicissitudes of life, obviously after countless years of tempering and erosion.

Moreover, he could vaguely feel that there was an extremely evil and powerful aura on the compass.

That was the breath of Yougu Demon Emperor.

He nodded to God Master Black Feather and smiled: "Yes, this compass does have the aura of the Ancient Demon King, and it should be what we are looking for.

Next, you have to study carefully, how to use this compass to manipulate the magic gu, how to completely solve the magic gu chaos! "

Master Black Feather nodded slightly, and put the black compass into the space ring.

"Let's go back to the Emperor's Mansion as soon as possible to study."

After that, he left the battlefield with Ji Tianxing.

The two turned into two streamers, dashing through the night sky and returning to Zhongzhou City.


The true north of the Zhongzhou mainland is the northern desert that makes all ethnic groups fear and hate.

The desolate and vast northern desert is vast and sparsely populated. Most of the terrain is desert and ice fields.

It has been blocked by snow and ice for many years, and the sky is freezing cold, and the violent north wind can blow boulders into the sky.

Therefore, grasslands and forests are basically invisible on the North Desert.

In the vast world, apart from black and brown, there is only snow and white.

Beimo is not as rich in materials and aura as other continents.

Here is extremely barren, heaven and earth aura is very thin, various cultivation resources are also very scarce.

Even birds and beasts are extremely rare.

In the legends of ancient times, the North Desert was a deserted place abandoned by the gods, and it was also a restricted area of ​​life.

All the wise races do not want to live in North Desert.

Especially after the demons were defeated and shrank to the northern desert, the various intelligent races were even more reluctant to set foot in the northern desert.

Except for the demons who are born with strong physique, almost no race can adapt to the harsh environment of the North Desert.

It is precisely for this reason that for thousands of years from ancient times to the present, the demons have been able to live in the North Desert without being completely wiped out.

In the deepest part of the North Desert, there is a big dark red river, flowing slowly around a huge iceberg with a radius of hundreds of miles.

There are ice fields and icebergs in all directions, and the temperature between the sky and the earth can crack rocks and steel.

But the river of blood, hailed as the "Holy River" by the Demon Race, has continued from ancient times to the present day, never drying up nor freezing.

This river of blood is thousands of miles long, flows from the iceberg that is 10,000 meters high, flows around the iceberg, and then flows back into the iceberg.

And this iceberg guarded by the "Holy River" is the holy land of the demons, the Heavenly Demon Palace!

The crystal clear towering iceberg is surrounded by straight and steep cliffs, and the ice walls are covered with spear-like ice edges.

On the top of the iceberg, stands an immortal palace of ice crystals.

This simple, majestic and majestic Ice Palace is exactly the Palace of Heavenly Demon.

According to legend, the Demon God is the ancestor of the Demon Race, and this Demon Palace was created by it.

In the myths and legends of ancient times ~www.ltnovel.com~ the demon gods wanted to dominate the world, but they were besieged by many gods and finally fell.

But these legends are too illusory and no one can confirm.

Since thousands of years ago, after the Ancient Demon Emperor occupied the Heavenly Demon Palace, he had grasped the authority and became the recognized leader of the Demon Race.

At this moment, in a secret room in the Heavenly Demon Palace.

A Mozu man with a height of more than three meters, a black body with dragon scales and two heads, was sitting in a pool of boiling blood.

This person has a tough and fierce face, with long snow-white hair, and a pair of black bone wings on his back, like the legendary Shura wings.

He was practicing silently with his eyes closed, but he was suddenly awakened and opened his eyes.

He only felt a colic in his heart, and his expression suddenly changed when he sensed something.

"The two demon commanders of this emperor were killed at the same time? How is this possible?!"

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