Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 897: Dream broken, dream awakened

"End this dream?"

Ji Ke was taken aback for a moment, showing a puzzled and anxious expression, somewhat at a loss.

She just woke up and still hadn't figured out what was going on.

At this time, the black robe dream demon once again blasted Ji Tianxing with his palm, and he fell from the sky and smashed into a palace.

The palace was smashed to pieces on the spot, Ji Tianxing also vomited blood, fell weakly in the ruins, and struggled for several times without being able to crawl out.

He almost ran out of strength, his injuries were extremely severe, his whole body was stained red with blood, and he almost turned into a blood man.

At most three or five strokes, he will be killed on the spot by the dream monster!

In the dream, the nightmare is invincible, he can only be passively beaten, and if he fights again, he will definitely die.

Seeing this scene, Ji Ke's pained face turned pale, tears rushed in his eyes, and desperately shook his head and shouted: "No! Brother Tianxing, don't have anything to do!

I don’t want to dream anymore, and don’t marry you as my wife...I only want you to be safe!

As long as you can live safe and sound, I will do anything! "

High above the sky, the Black Robe Dream Demon heard Ji Ke's shout, and suddenly looked at her with a grim expression.

"Little bitch! Having entered a dream, still want to leave? Want to be beautiful!"

The Black Robe Nightmare let out an angry cry, waved his palm to release the black air, and flew towards Ji Ke in the flower.

The mysterious black energy contained the power to suppress the soul and immediately calmed Ji Ke.

Her emotions calmed down, she stopped crying, and her worries and anxiety gradually disappeared.

Her mind also became blurred, her eyes were a little confused, and it was obvious that her mind was bewitched again.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing, who was seriously injured, struggled desperately to crawl out of the ruins, shouting to Ji Ke hoarsely: "Koke! Wake up soon! I can't sleep anymore!"

When Ji Ke heard his voice, his eyes became clearer suddenly, and his soul and mind were struggling desperately, trying to break free from the dream.

Mengmo frowned, and shouted with majesty, "Ji Ke! Don't you keep saying that you love Ji Tianxing? The long-cherished wish is to be with him and grow old together?

Is it just that you go back and treat love as a trifle?

Don't wake up! Stay in the dream forever, Ji Tianxing will accompany you all his life and never leave!

In the dream, no one prevents you from being together, let alone disturbs you..."

The Mengmo's voice contains a powerful soul-suppressing power, which is constantly bewitching Ji Ke's mind.

Ji Ke finally woke up, and was immediately bewitched by the dream demon, becoming confused and confused.

Ji Tianxing was even more anxious and worried, and while calling Ji Ke, he roared towards the dream demon.

"Damn devil, you're not sorry to die!"

Mengmo stood proudly in the sky, watching Ji Tianxing rushing forward recklessly, raised his right palm with contempt, and took a picture of it!


The huge black palm shadow fell from the sky and instantly hit Ji Tianxing, spitting blood out of his mouth.

He smashed into the ruins again, splashing rubble in the sky, and exploded with a loud bang.

Ji Ke's sanity suddenly became clearer, and his eyes were full of worry and looked towards Ji Tianxing.

Seeing the tragic situation of Ji Tianxing being seriously injured and dying, she was full of anger and worry, glaring at the dream monster, and coldly shouted: "Devil! You hurt my brother Tianxing, I will fight you!"

While talking, she flew out of the flower, rushing towards the dream demon in the sky.

"Keke, don't!" Ji Tianxing hurriedly shouted, ignoring his own injury, "You are not its opponent, wake up! End the dream!"

The dream demon looked down at Ji Ke and sneered coldly: "I can't get it!"

A black palm shadow fell from the sky, and Ji Ke hit Ji Ke with a bang.

She vomited blood when she was filmed, and flew back in embarrassment and fell into the flower flock.

The Dream Demon stood in the sky, looking down at Ji Tianxing on the ruins and Ji Ke among the broken flowers, and sneered playfully.

"Ji Ke, don't you want to be with Ji Tianxing forever?

Although you cannot be born on the same day, you can die on the same day!

I will kill you now and let you be a ghost couple! "

When the voice fell, the dream demon waved his palms to accumulate the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

The sky a hundred miles around was immediately shrouded by black clouds and became dim.

The endless black energy condenses into two kilometer-long, ferocious black dragons.

"go to hell!"

The Dream Demon screamed, and both palms urged two huge black dragons to blast towards Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke respectively.

Seeing, the two vicious black dragons, carrying the power to destroy the sky and the earth, slaughtered them with their teeth and claws, and they were about to be killed immediately.

At this juncture of life and death, Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke were both seriously injured, unable to resist, and could only wait to die.

Ji Ke was full of regrets, tears welled up in her flushed eyes, and she cried with blood and weeping: "Brother Tianxing, if time can turn back, I would rather die by myself than let you suffer such harm!

As long as you can live safe and sound, I will have no regrets even if I die!

Such a dream, I would rather not! "

After that, she bit her tongue sharply and opened her mouth to spout a **** arrow.

In the next instant, two ferocious black dragons descended from the sky, and suddenly drowned the figures of Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke.


There was a loud and deafening noise, and both of them were blinded, and they were about to fall into a coma and lose consciousness.

But the strange thing is that with a dull and loud bang, Ji Tianxing also heard a crisp ‘click’.

The broken sound is like a mirror being broken.

After a long time, the boundless darkness before his eyes dissipated and the light was restored.

Before he could see the surrounding scene clearly, he heard two male voices in his ears.

"Tianxing, you are finally out of your dream!"

"Tian Xing~www.ltnovel.com~Does your injury matter? What about Koko? Is there anything wrong with her?"

Ji Tianxing heard it right away, this was the voice of God Master Black Feather and Kun Wu, both full of concern.

He tried his best to open his eyes and gradually saw clearly that he was still in the secret room, lying on a bed of cold ice jade.

Ji Ke was lying beside him with a pale face, blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, and she was in a coma and had not yet woke up.

"I understand! At the moment when Koko and I were about to die, Koko woke up completely and ended the dream, so we could get a life back...

But why didn't Ke Ke wake up yet? How is her situation? "

Ji Tianxing's heart was full of worries, and he struggled to sit up quickly to check Ji Ke's injuries.

But as soon as he sat up, he felt a tingling pain from all his internal organs, and his soul and mind were a little fuzzy.

Obviously, he suffered a serious internal injury. Not only was he physically weak, but his mental state was also extremely bad.

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