Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 963: Shi Zhongjian's choice

Thousands of meters in a radius turned into a sea of ​​flames, the creatures were burnt, and countless elves were bombarded and killed on the spot and turned into fly ash. 【】


   After the red flames dissipated, there was no greenery in the place, only the dark scorched earth and deep pits.


   However, the dilapidated tribal palace still exists and has not been destroyed by the blazing fireball.


   A dark golden light mask enveloped the entire palace, blocking the power of the monstrous fire.


   Ji Tianxing and Shi Zhongjian stood above the ruins, ignoring the surviving elves around them, looking solemnly at the broken palace.


   That dark golden light mask, which can withstand the blast of the scorching sun and fireball, must come from the hands of a strong soul refiner.


   And the strong soul refining realm in the colorful forest, only the tribal chief!


   As expected, a dazzling golden light lit up in the broken palace.


   A group of bee guards wearing golden armor, surrounded by a colorful butterfly man, flew out of the palace.


   Ji Tianxing glanced intently, and he could see clearly that the butterfly man headed was Princess Niya.


   And more than twenty elite guards behind her are binding a young girl in a fiery red dress with spider silk.


   The girl was Ji Ke, her skin was dark green, and she was faintly exuding poisonous gas. It was obvious that the poisoning was deep.


   She is in a coma, unconscious, her limbs are **** by a dozen spider silk ropes thick with thumbs, suspended in mid-air.


   Niya walked in the forefront, looking at Ji Tianxing and Shi Zhongjian with a sneer, her eyes revealed a cunning and cruel cold light.


   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was full of anger and rushed towards Niya aggressively.


   "Asshole! Let go of Koko!"


   Subconsciously, he released a giant sword of golden light and blasted towards Niya.


   However, Niya and the dozen or so bee guards were indifferent, looking at him with a sneer, eyes full of joking and contempt.


   At the same time, a one-meter-high figure appeared out of thin air on the roof of the palace.


   This person wears a golden robe, wears a jeweled crown, and holds a dark golden scepter in his hand.


   There is no doubt that this hornet is the chief of the tribe.


   "Arrogant human beings, dare to be arrogant when they die?"


   The chief yelled in a majestic tone, holding the dark gold scepter in his right hand, and pointing towards the sky.




   A bright golden light shot out, hitting the golden light giant sword head-on, blasting the giant sword to pieces.


   Ji Tianxing's attack was resolved, he subconsciously raised his head and looked at the roof of the palace, staring at the chief with gloomy eyes.


   The chief stood on the roof, looking at him condescendingly, his eyes were indifferent, vaguely revealing murderous intent.


   At this time, Niya flew to Ji Ke's side, stretched out her colorful right hand, and gently stroked Ji Ke's forehead.


   She looked at Ji Tianxing and sneered in a playful tone: "Stupid human crawler! Your companion is in my hands. If you don't want her to die in front of you, you'd better stop obediently!"


   Ji Tianxing and Shi Zhongjian can only stay where they are, and they dare not attack again.


   Numerous bee-men and butterfly-men flooded from all directions, blocking the water around the palace.


   Many elves are filled with righteous indignation, cursing with grim faces and shouting with bitter eyes, demanding that the chief kill Ji Tianxing and Shi Zhongjian immediately.


   Ji Tianxing stared at Niya sharply, and shouted in a deep voice: "If you dare to hurt Ji Ke, I will let you colorful forests fly away in ashes!"


   Niya sneered with contempt: "Hehe, you idiot, it seems that you haven't figured out your situation yet!


   If you don't want to kill your companion, just kneel down and beg for mercy! "


   At this time, she looked savage and cruel, not at all as innocent and cute as before.


   What happened tonight also made Ji Tianxing and Shi Zhongjian understand that these elves are by no means kind.


   Cunning, cruel, good at disguising and deceiving, this is their true face!


   Ji Tianxing's face was cold, murderous intent surged in his chest.


   Shi Zhongjian was also full of anger, pointing at Niya and cursing: "You mean and shameless bastard! In vain we thought you were friendly and enthusiastic, but I didn't expect you to be so sinister and vicious!"


   "Hahaha..." Niya suddenly raised her head and laughed, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Insidious and vicious? I'll take it as you praise me!


   I only blame you for being so stupid that you dare to break into our colorful forest tribe. This is to die! Let us serve as refining highly toxic materials!


   For thousands of years, countless people have broken into our colorful forest, but how many people have finally gone out alive?


  Almost everyone was raided by us for their belongings and treasures, and then we smashed them into pieces, ground them into powder, and made them into various poisonous...


  If we don’t kill you alien races, how can we keep the secret of Qi Cailin and live safely till now? "


   "You...!" Shi Zhongjian was suddenly speechless, revealing an expression of annoyance and regret.


   Ji Tianxing kept his face gloomy and kept silent.


   No one knows, he is quietly deploying a plan to find a way to rescue Ji Ke!


   At this time, a dagger appeared in Niya's palm. The cold light flickered, and it was glowing with blue light, which was obviously poisoned.


   She was playing with the dagger in her right hand, gestured on Ji Ke's forehead, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and said in a cold tone: "Stupid guys, it's time for you to make a choice!


   Use your own skills, kneel down and surrender, or watch your companions, and I pierced my head with a poisonous blade! "


  As soon as these words came out, Ji Tianxing and Shi Zhongjian were furious, and they wanted to smash Niya into pieces.


   The chief on the roof also pointed at them with his scepter, and said with a sneer: "Idiots, don't think of any tricks!


  If you dare to act rashly, I promise to kill the girl before you save her! "


   Ji Tianxing did have this idea. He wanted to take the risk and suddenly attacked Niya and saved Ji Ke.


   But the chief has the strength of the Soul Refining Realm, so he stared at him eagerly, so he had to dispel the idea.


   Niya saw that they were indifferent, she frowned, and said in a deep voice, "What are you still doing? Do you want this girl to die?


   You don’t want to use your own skills? it is good! Blond boy, cut off his right arm with your sword! "


   She pointed at Ji Tianxing and yelled at Shi Zhongjian.


   Shi Zhongjian's eyes widened, and he shouted angrily: "You vicious bastard! Ji Gongzi is my companion, I will never hurt him!"


   "Don't want it? Haha..." Niya gave a gloomy sneer, and with a wave of the dagger in her hand, a blood mark was drawn on Ji Ke's forehead.


   The cold light flashed, blood splashed.


   On Ji Ke's forehead, there was a bloodstain with deep bones.


   Both Ji Tianxing and Shi Zhongjian almost ran away in anger, gritted their teeth with hatred, but were helpless.


   Niya played with the dripping dagger, staring at Shi Zhongjian coldly, and sneered: "If you waste any more time, I will cut off her neck!"


   Shi Zhongjian's body was immediately stiff, his expression was extremely complicated, and his heart was suffering and tortured.


   Either slash Ji Tianxing's right arm with a sword, or watch Ji Ke be killed by Niya, he has no choice!


   But no matter what kind of result, he didn't want to see it!


   When Niya brandished her dagger again and swiped towards Ji Ke’s throat, he finally made a decision~www.ltnovel.com~Stop it! "


   He snarled almost collapsed, holding the golden war sword in his right hand, and slashed to his left arm with a vengeance.




  Golden light flashed, blood spattered.


  The sharp golden war sword cut off his left arm all on the spot, bursting out a rain of blood.


   Broken arm fell from the air and fell on the grass below.




   The heart-piercing pain made Shi Zhongjian pale and let out a scream.


   He was sweating straight all over, squatting his waist in pain, his right hand tightly clutching his severed left arm, gritting his teeth and making no sound.


   (End of this chapter) [First published in this chapter. Love. Have. sound. Novel network, please remember the URL ()】)!!

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