Chapter 1914 The five weird Xuantian Sect members!

Hidden and speeding, Lin Bai went through all the memories about seizing the body in his memory.

"To seize the body, you must have the cultivation level of Yangshen realm, because only in the cultivation level of Yangshen realm, the soul in the body will be condensed and formed, and only at this moment can you be qualified to complete the body seizing."

"Senior Brother Gu Yuan is already at the ninth level of the Yang God realm. Warriors of the same realm or Dzogchen warriors cannot seize Gu Yuan's body!"

"Even if Senior Brother Gu Yuan is dead, it would be extremely difficult for a warrior of the same level to take over his body."

"Other than that, there is only one other way to explain it. If Senior Brother Gu Yuan is dead, then the person who takes his body must have a cultivation level far beyond the Yangshen realm to succeed."

"But after the body is taken away, the person who takes the body often needs to be close to the physical body of the person who has been taken away for two or three years before he can become completely familiar with the physical body."

"The time since I left the Xuantian Territory Spirit Boat and arrived at Immortal City was only half a year at most. Even if Senior Brother Gu Yuan was taken away, how did the person who took the body fuse his body in just a few months? To such an extent!”

"This is too incredible."

Lin Bai said with cold eyes.

Lin Bai controlled the flying sword, and instead of looking for the puppet to kill in the second level, he caught up with Gu Yuan's retreating traces.

Not long after, Lin Bai caught up with Gu Yuan, but he did not get close. Instead, he followed a hundred miles away without letting Gu Yuan notice anything.

When Gu Yuan moved forward, he was also very cautious, stopping from time to time to check if there was anyone following behind him, but he found no trace of Lin Bai.

Lin Bai followed Gu Yuan and walked away. Along the way, Lin Bai found that Gu Yuan saw the puppet on the ground while flying in mid-air, but he ignored it and had no intention of killing the puppet. .

"He didn't kill the puppet..., which means he was lying to me when he told me he was going to hunt the puppet."

"This person is indeed not Senior Brother Gu Yuan."

Lin Bai lowered his head to look at the puppet on the ground and said in a solemn voice.

Half an hour later, on the top of a majestic mountain, Gu Yuan flew away and landed on the top of the mountain.

Lin Bai stopped far away and looked at the top of the mountain where four or five people were already waiting for Gu Yuan.

These people were clearly Ding Huo, Lin Xiaoqing, Lei Chong, and Chai Ming.

After Ding Huo and the other five people stopped to talk for a while, they flew into the air again. Because the distance was too far, Lin Bai could not hear what they said.

"It would be great if Luo Quan were here. He would be able to clearly hear what Ding Huo and the others are saying from a hundred miles away."

"Are they leaving again?"

"They came to the second floor and didn't kill the puppets or challenge the warriors. What did they want to do when they were flying around here aimlessly?"

Lin Bai continued to follow them with his sword.

One hour, two hours, half a day, one day, two days...

Three days passed.

During the past three days, Lin Bai had been following Ding Huo and the others unhurriedly. Lin Bai was surprised to find that these five people gathered together and neither hunted the puppets nor challenged the masters.

They were on the second floor, flying around without knowing what they were doing.

"They seem to be looking for something?"

At dusk on the third day, Lin Bai suddenly had a premonition that they seemed to be looking for something.

Late at night on the third day.

Gu Yuan, Ding Huo and others stopped on a mountain to rest.

Lin Bai also kept a distance of five hundred miles from them and stopped.

At this time, Lin Bai suddenly found that Ding Huo was sitting cross-legged, and suddenly he stood up from the ground again, with a trace of ecstasy on his face, and his eyes were looking towards the sky.


Lin Bai saw Ding Huo looking towards the sky with an ecstatic expression, and he couldn't help but look up.

Look at the sky at a glance!

Lin Bai saw that the starry sky above the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons was extremely close to the ground. It was as if he could reach out and pluck the stars from the sky one by one while standing on the mountain!

But Lin Bai looked at it for a long time and didn't notice anything strange.

The starry sky is still the same starry sky, and the stars are still the same stars.

Although Lin Bai didn't see anything strange, Ding Huo's eyes were full of ecstasy. He looked up at the starry sky with an unprecedented look of surprise on his face.

Lin Bai looked at Ding Huo.

Lin Bai saw that after Ding Huo said a few words to the four people around him, the other people's faces became ecstatic, and they also looked up at the stars like Ding Huo did.

After watching for half an hour, the five people seemed to have finished their discussion.

Suddenly, Ding Huo took out something from his storage bag and crushed it suddenly. The black mist that covered the sky and sun enveloped the mountain and Ding Huo and the five of them.

After the black fog appeared, Lin Bai could no longer see Ding Huo and others.

"Black mist?"

"What on earth are they doing?"

"In the past three days, they did not hunt puppets or challenge warriors. Even if warriors challenged them, they did not accept it and left directly."

"They seem to be looking for something!"

"Now they are looking at the starry sky, ecstatic, and then they use this black mist to cover their sight. What exactly do they want to do..."

Lin Bai was five hundred miles away, with a frozen expression and a solemn expression. After hesitating for a while, Lin Bai's sword cautiously approached the mountain where the five people were.

Lin Bai wanted to know what they wanted to do!

Lin Bai wanted to know even more, who they were!

Who is it that took away Gu Yuan’s body?

Are they connected to the life and death curse seal?

This scene happened in a corner of the second floor. Even in the Immortal City, few people saw this scene.

In Banxian City, many warriors were paying attention to another scene.

"Are Leng Yun from the Divine Dragon Realm and Hei Luo Jianjiu from the Unnamed Realm actually planning to fight in the second level?"

"These two are among the top ten in Dongzhou Fengyun Record."

"If they fight, it will be so beautiful. It will be completely different from the battle between Yin Jiuling and Lin Yibing two days ago!"

"I have to say that Yin Jiuling is really strong. He actually defeated Lin Yibing within three moves."

"The fight started, Leng Yun and Hei Luo Jianjiu started fighting..."

Now the warriors in the Immortal City are all focused on the scene on the projection wall, including Chen Liang, Zuo Hao, and even Ren Tiangao, who is presiding over this assessment, all looking at it with piercing eyes. The battle between Leng Yun and Hei Luo Jianjiu.

It was precisely because of this battle that few people noticed the strangeness of Ding Huo and others.

The old man in gray robe was sitting in the numerous realms of life and death. His eyes completely ignored the battle between Leng Yun and Hei Luo Jianjiu. He focused his eyes on Ding Huo.

In the Immortal City here, the gray-robed old man is the only strong man who sets his sights on Ding Huo and others.

"Qiu Lin, have you found the entrance?"

The old man in gray robe looked at Ding Huo taking out the smoke from the storage bag and covering the mountains, and a hint of joy suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the smile on the gray-robed old man's face suddenly froze. He was surprised to see, outside the mountains shrouded in black mist, a young man with a sword. He stood outside the smoke, his expression Show the appearance of thinking.

"Lin Bai! Why is he here!"

The old man in gray robe showed an unprecedented look of surprise on his face.

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