Sword Emperor of the Astonishing Sky

Chapter 2286 Fight! (5 updates)

"Oh it's you!"

Lin Bai thought of Gu Lingqi at this moment, and all the doubts in his heart were cleared.

The warriors who attacked Yanglong Island were more than a hundred powerful warriors who risked their lives in the realm of life and death. Who had the ability to mobilize so many warriors?

Lin Bai went to find Li Jiuge, but Li Jiuge said it was not him!

It turns out that this group of people came from the East Campus!

From the ancient family of Dongyuan!

The Dongyuan Gu family is such a giant, they naturally have the ability to mobilize so many powerful people!

Lin Bai smiled bitterly and closed his eyes to hide the murderous intent in his eyes.

Yin Jiuling saw the bitter smile on Lin Bai's face and asked, "Lin Bai, did you see any clues?"

Lin Bai sighed, stood up solemnly, and said guiltily: "Yin Jiuling, brother Aning, I'm really sorry. The unreasonable disaster you suffered for no reason is probably because of me!"

Aning frowned and looked at Lin Bai, a little confused.

Yin Jiuling said: "I guess it's also because of you!"

Aning smiled and said: "Yin Jiuling, what are you talking about?"

Lin Bai said guiltily: "Not long ago, I won the first place in the secret realm of Tianfu and became a quasi-sage. However, because of the skills I practiced, I attracted the attention of a disciple of the Gu family!"

"This disciple of the Gu family is named Gu Lingqi!"

"He wants to get the skills I practice from me, but of course I don't want to!"

"So, he made a bet with me. He said that within three months, he would definitely let me go to the east courtyard and willingly give him the skills, and beg him to accept it!"

Lin Bai said lightly.

Aning suddenly realized and said: "Oh, I see, so Gu Lingqi sent more than a hundred warriors to Yanglong Island to kill your relatives and force you to submit, but they obviously failed!"

Yin Jiuling then said: "So, they attacked us in the east courtyard. We helped you in the secret realm of gods and demons. Gu Lingqi thought that we had a good relationship and wanted to use us to blackmail you!"

Aning said: "No wonder the people who took action this time are all quasi-holy sons!"

"Especially since these quasi-holy sons have enmity with us!"

Aning said with a sneer.

Lin Bai asked curiously: "Who are the people who attacked you?"

Aning said: "Everyone who attacked me and Yin Jiuling was killed by us!"

"But the people who took action against Hu Qi, Feng Wenjun and the others are the Quasi-Saint Sons!"

Yin Jiuling said: "Wudao, Mo Baihe, Liang Weng, Ma Qiankun, Zhao Kun, Zhou Shaoxuan, Situ Yuntian, Liu Yunhe!"

Lin Bai silently wrote down these names.

Lin Bai asked: "What are your plans?"

Yin Jiuling said bluntly: "I, Yin Jiuling, have always been a person who will not offend others unless they offend me. Since someone offends me, I will eradicate it, even if it is the Dongyuan Gu family!"

Aning sneered and said: "Since they have already taken action, of course we can't sit still and wait for death!"

Lin Bai said: "But for today's plan, we still have to ensure the safety of the old weirdo, the four Tiancan brothers and others!"

Yin Jiuling and Aning nodded slightly.

Lin Bai said: "Yin Jiuling, Aning, I want you to find them and ensure their safety! As for the east courtyard, I will naturally help you take care of it!"

Yin Jiuling asked: "How do you want to deal with it?"

Lin Bai said: "Since Gu Lingqi wants me to go to the east courtyard, then I will go."

"This matter started because of me, I will deal with them!"

"Please go find the people who escaped!"

"I don't want them to get hurt because of me!"

Lin Bai looked at Yin Jiuling and Aning solemnly.

Yin Jiuling said: "Okay, Aning, let's split up. I'll go outside the sea of ​​gods and demons to find the four Tiancan brothers, Feng Wenjun, and Shi Jiamu who have escaped!"

"And I guess that Hu Qi, the old weirdo, the half-human beast, should be somewhere in the sea of ​​gods and demons!"

"You should pay more attention in the sea of ​​gods and demons. They should leave some news for us!"

Aning nodded slightly: "Okay, I'll go find Hu Qi, the old weirdo and the half-human beast!"

Lin Bai heard An Ning and Yin Jiuling nodding in agreement, and said, "Then I'll go to the east courtyard!"

"Be careful, if you lose, wait until we come back!" Yin Jiuling looked at Lin Bai and said solemnly.

"That's right, Lin Bai, when we come back, no matter how many geniuses there are in the east courtyard, we just have to kill them all together. There were so many geniuses on Jiutian Yuanzu Mountain, but they were beaten so hard by us that they couldn't hold their heads up!" An Ning smiled coldly.

Lin Bai nodded slightly, and after the three exchanged sound transmission tokens, they left Yanglong Island one by one.

"Yin Jiuling, An Ning, if you have anything, contact me immediately and I will come right away!"

"If any of you are injured and one of you dies, thousands of people in the east courtyard will die!"

Lin Bai said with a cold expression.

Immediately, the three people went in three different directions.

Yin Jiuling went outside the sea of ​​gods and demons to find the four Tiancan brothers, Feng Wenjun and Shi Jiamu.

Aning is looking for the old weirdo, the giant half-human beast, Hu Qi in the sea of ​​gods and demons!

And Lin Bai went to the East Courtyard!

In the east courtyard, this turmoil was very small, and few disciples knew about it.

Only warriors at the quasi-Saint Son level know this.

There were originally thirteen quasi-holy sons in the East Campus, but recently Qin Tang and Gu Lingqi were added to the Tianfu Secret Realm, bringing the total number to fifteen!

And in the recent turmoil, nine quasi-holy sons participated!

East courtyard, Shuibo Island.

Shuibo Island is an extremely famous island in the east courtyard.

Because on this island, a quasi-holy son will preach here every month. Every sermon will attract hundreds of thousands of ordinary warriors to watch!

And today is the day when the quasi-holy son of Shuibo Island will preach.

The quasi-holy son preaching today is Liang Weng!

"The quasi-holy son Liang Weng is here!"

"Oh my god, is that the quasi-holy son?"

"The quasi-saint son stands out from the millions of inner disciples in the East Campus. The warriors who can become the quasi-saint son are not only powerful, but also the best among men!"

"I have met the quasi-holy son Liang Weng!"

"I've seen the quasi-holy son!"

On Shuibo Island, hundreds of thousands of warriors stood up and saluted.

"Hahaha, thank you for your support!" Liang Weng stood on the high platform with a smile and said with a smile: "Since it is my turn to preach today, I will come and lecture on martial arts to everyone..."

And just when Liang Weng spoke, suddenly, from the clouds outside Shuibo Island, something like a sharp arrow stabbed towards him!

Liang Weng was startled and hurriedly stepped away.

This sharp arrow-like thing suddenly hit the high platform.

Liang Weng took a closer look and saw that the object thrust from beyond the sky was a large flag three people high.

On this flag, the word "war" is written in black characters on a white surface with sword intent!

Liang Weng's eyes narrowed. As the quasi-holy son of the East Campus, Liang Weng was naturally well-informed. He could see the word "war" on this big flag at a glance. The person who wrote it must be a sword cultivator. Master!

The word "war" is full of indifference, dominance, coldness, murderous intent, ferocity... It gives people a chilling feeling at first sight!

After Liang Weng glanced at the war flag, he looked up and looked outside Shuibo Island.

At this moment, from outside Shuibo Island, a man in white floated over with an indifferent expression. He landed next to the Zhan Ziqi and said in a cold voice: "Lin Bai from the South Campus, holding the Zhanzi flag today, is here to challenge the quasi-holy son from the East Campus!"

"Under the banner with the word "war", there is a distinction between superiority and inferiority, as well as life and death!"

Liang Weng looked at Lin Bai under the war flag, his eyes suddenly shrank, a look of horror appeared on his face, and his whole body was horrified!

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