Just as Crow guessed, these four demon clans really wanted Lin Bai to explore the way ahead.

Kong Jing turned around and sneered at Lin Bai: "Human boy, come here!"

Lin Bai's expression was gloomy and uncertain. Since he and Wu Wu had already discussed a countermeasure, why not Lin Bai use his plan? After hearing the sound of the empty mirror, Lin Bai walked forward calmly, and all the monsters in front gave way to Lin Bai. Road!

Lin Bai walked up to a few people and asked in a calm voice: "What's the matter?"

Next to Lin Bai, in a mist shrouded in black air, an eerie voice came: "The passage ahead is extremely dangerous, and there are magic circles and traps in it. If we go forward, we will definitely go there and never come back." , so I plan to let you go to the front!"

"You are so direct. Since none of you are willing to go to the front, why should I go to the front?" Lin Bai turned around and said to this group of black energy. This person was covered by the black energy and his face could not be seen clearly, but Lin Bai knew that The person is Xia Qing from the stone ghost clan.

A fat young man with an oval body and a face covered with pustules sneered at the side: "Go if you are told to go. If you dare to say no, I will let you die here immediately!"

A trace of anger appeared on Lin Bai's face. He looked at this person and recognized that this person was Leng Xuan of the Ice Toad Clan!

"It seems that I am riding a tiger and it is difficult to get out. If I go, I will die. If I don't go, I will die!" Lin Bai smiled coldly.

"Wrong!" Kong Qing, the third prince of the Peacock clan, said with a smile: "If you go, if you are lucky, you may be able to save your life. If you don't go, these monsters here will tear you into pieces in an instant. , there is no doubt that you will die, so the decision is in your hands."

Kong Qing sneered: "When you decided to enter the Tomb of the Demon God alone, you should have thought that this would happen. Either you would die in the trap of the Tomb of the Demon God, or you would die in our hands. Hum, don't you think so?" Do you still want to get out alive?"

The only person who didn't speak was Shan Ning, a woman from the Shanlong clan. She kept a stern expression from the beginning to the end and kept looking at the secret door in the passage ahead, ignoring Lin Bai, Kong Jing and others. people!

"Okay, I'm willing to try it!"

Lin Bai chuckled and walked forward, planning to break through the trap alone.

All the demon clan looked on coldly, but looked at Lin Bai with a sneer. Only the woman from the Shanlong clan, when Lin Bai walked past her, she whispered: "Don't forget the stone slab ten steps in front. Step on it!”

Lin Bai was stunned and took another look at the woman. He saw that the woman's eyes were always on the passage in front, without even looking at Lin Bai!

"Thank you!" Lin Bai thanked him and walked forward.

All the demon clan stood behind, watching Lin Bai move forward without taking their eyes away.

"Damn crow, it depends on your ability. If you remember one wrong step, I will die here today!" After Lin Bai took a few steps, he whispered to the crow on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, my memory is the best in the world!" After hearing this, Lin Bai suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. This crow has a bad memory, and Lin Bai knew it well. What he did yesterday, he If you can forget it today, is this still a good memory?

But now that he has been forced to go to Liangshan, Lin Bai has no way out and can only move forward!

"How to go?"

Lin Bai asked.

"This passage is about a hundred miles long. At the end of the passage is a stone chamber. That is the end. There is no passage. There is a puppet in the stone chamber. It is the strength of the Eight Tribulations Dao realm. As long as someone steps into the stone chamber, then The puppets will be activated, and many puppets will emerge from under the stone slabs in this passage, forming an encirclement!"

Raven whispered.

Lin Bai's eyes flashed: "So...this is a dead end?"

"Yes, this is a dead end. If anyone who enters this place follows this passage, he will definitely die!" Crow chuckled softly.

"How to break the situation?" Lin Bai asked.

"In front of the stone chamber, stand on the ninth stone slab and punch the stone wall on the right. There is a secret door that you can enter, but you are safe and sound!" The crow whispered: "Follow my instructions and go forward. I will keep you safe!" "

"The fifth stone slab on the left!"

Crow opened his mouth and instructed.

Lin Bai lowered his head and saw a row of stone slabs in front of him. From left to right, each one had a hundred stone slabs arranged neatly.

Hearing Crow's words, Lin Bai jumped up and stepped on the designated stone slab.

"The twenty-one stone slab on the right!"

"The forty-third stone slab on the left!"


"You can't step on any of the stone slabs in the first three squares. You have to fly away and land on the ninth stone slab on the right three squares away!"


Along the way, Lin Bai listened to the crow's instructions and flew forward safely. Although the speed was not fast, there were no dangers along the way!

"Lin Bai, be careful. The mechanism formation here is not easy to mess with. If you step on the wrong stone slab and trigger the poisonous fog here, I am afraid that even the Nine Tribulations Dao realm will have to perish here!" The crow reminded Lin Bai again.

Lin Bai didn't dare to be careless, he concentrated on it, his eyes were like a torch, and he followed the crow's instructions!

In the end, Lin Bai and Crow's cooperation became more and more tacit, and their speed became faster and faster. Lin Bai had already walked half of the passage that was about a hundred miles long!

Looking back, people from the four demon tribes slowly followed. They stepped on the stone slabs that Lin Bai had stepped on, looking for traces.

"If we can't get rid of them, even if we go inside the secret door, they will follow us very quickly!"

Lin Bai whispered.

The crow turned around a little, and as expected, the strong men of the four demon clans followed closely. The fastest one was the woman from the Shanlong clan. She stood one step behind Lin Bai. If Lin Bai took a step forward, she would Follow immediately.

"Then give them some trouble!" Lin Bai's face darkened. Anyway, these four demon clans had no intention of letting Lin Bai go. Even if Lin Bai risked his life to clear the way for them now, it is estimated that when Lin Bai is useless, these demons will The clan will also kill Lin Bai!

In that case, why not let Lin Bai send them on their way here!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Bai flew forward in an orderly manner, following the crow's instructions. There was no danger along the way, but Lin Bai's speed was getting faster and faster. Except for the woman from the Shanlong clan, the others quickly followed. Not available!

"Slow down!" Kong Jing shouted to Lin Bai angrily.

But Lin Bai turned a deaf ear and his speed increased rapidly. He was about to reach the end of this passage. His speed changed even more and he rushed towards the end!

"Damn it! I told you to slow down, didn't you hear me?"

"Damn human race, you are tired of living. When I get over, I will definitely cut you into pieces!"

The demon clan behind them started to curse loudly.

The crow was looking at the stone slabs on the ground attentively and exclaimed: "Here we go, the ninth stone slab ahead!"

Lin Bai's eyes were like lightning. He stepped on the ninth stone slab, raised his hand and suddenly hit the side wall. There was a loud vibration, and a secret door was opened by Lin Bai!

At the same time, Lin Bai turned around and looked at the many demon clans behind him with a sneer. He took out a few swords that were extremely powerful spiritual weapons from the storage bag, threw them away, and landed on different stone slabs, triggering the magic circle restrictions. The passage immediately vibrated, and poisonous gas, traps, and arrows came from all directions, attacking the monsters!

"Damn! The humans are harming me!" These monsters screamed miserably, but at this time, Lin Bai had already entered the secret door in a flash!


Ps: Brothers and sisters, it’s New Year’s Day. I wish you all good health, peace and joy in the new year.

I love you, hmm!

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