Sword Emperor of the Astonishing Sky

Chapter 4279 What a bad fate!

The mother of Liu Jiangxue and Liu Anan was originally a powerful family in Dilong City.

Back then, the father of the second daughter came to Dilong City to do business and met Liu Jiangxue's mother by chance. The two soon fell in love. However, at that time, Liu Jiangxue's mother was still engaged to a direct descendant of another family in Dilong City. And they are getting married in a few months.

Just when the engagement was about to take place, his parents eloped away from Dilong City and were jointly rounded up by the two major families in Dilong City. In the end, the two had no choice but to flee to the Lianzhou border and lived in anonymity. With their parents' good business experience, the family was able to survive They lived happily, and later they had two daughters, Liu Jiangxue and Liu Anan.

But the good times didn't last long. A few years ago, when Xuanzhou invaded, their parents who went out to do business were unfortunately killed by Xuanzhou warriors in order to protect their property. The mother thought she was dead, and the father was seriously injured and fled back to see his two daughters and arranged for Liu Jiangxue to be killed. He and Liu Anan went to Shanzhou to find his uncle. After talking, his injuries broke out and he drove west.

The two girls immediately sold their belongings and set out from Lianzhou to Shanzhou. They met Lin Bai not far away on the road and placed him in a ruined temple. After half a year of wandering around, the two girls arrived at Shanzhou. state.

But after arriving in Shanzhou, although he got his wish and met his uncle, he was also willing to take in the two girls.

Later, when the family learned that the direct descendant of the eloped family had returned, they couldn't help but be furious. In the family's fury, they wanted to send the two daughters to the family where their mother was engaged to be married. Although their uncle strongly opposed it, he was unable to do so in the end. Twist the family.

The family's intention is to either marry her or be kicked out of the family.

Women like Liu Jiangxue and Liu An'an who are not highly cultivated, but are born like flowers and jade, and who have conquered the country, once they lose the blessing of their family and power, and have no place to stay in the vast demon world, they will undoubtedly be like lambs walking in the desert. There are dangers everywhere.

Seeing that he couldn't resist the family's decision, the uncle could only comfort the two daughters, saying that they would have a place to stay after marrying.

The two girls felt that they had a bad fate and couldn't help crying. Especially Liu Jiangxue felt that...it would be fine if she married herself. Poor sister, she is only fourteen years old, how can she serve as a concubine?

But there was no choice, their parents were no longer here, and the two girls still needed a place to stay, so they had no choice but to agree.

Finally... Before the two families could discuss the marriage preparations and the exchange of various benefits, the demon clan of Shanzhou suddenly invaded and destroyed thousands of cities in just a few months. The attack was so menacing that Shanzhou immediately fell into a fiery situation. middle.

The Eternal Demon Sect decided to choose Dilong City to build one of the teleportation arrays from the Eternal Demon Sect to Shanzhou, and this place was also regarded as a thorn in the demon clan's side. Although the Shanzhou Warrior Alliance once sent people to support Dilong City, they were still unable to resist in the end. The invasion of the demon clan.

Dilong City was breached today, and all the families in the city were destroyed. Only some family fire-level geniuses barely escaped.

As for women like Liu Jiangxue and Liu Anan, who were not favored by the family in the first place, they would naturally be abandoned by the family.

Maybe someone has said... In the world of cultivation, as long as you cultivate, are you afraid that you won't be able to find a place to stay? Even if you can't stay within the family, isn't it possible to survive in a remote warrior town?

It would be great if things in the world were as beautiful as imagined.

The demon world is extremely cruel. There are no rules or laws. Whether you are in a city, a warrior town, a sect, or a family, as long as you are not strong enough, you will be easily bullied.

In the devil world, even if you stay on your own, trouble will come to you.

For example, when Lin Bai first arrived in the demon world, he was wandering around and homeless. To put it harshly, he was like a bereaved dog. The demon world was so big that there was no place for his body, and no place for his soul to return.

Fighting, duels, and death can be seen almost everywhere in the demon world.

The biggest difference between the demon world and the spirit world is that there are no rules.

In the spiritual world, there are strict regulations in every sect and in every city. Some cities even prohibit warriors from fighting and dueling, and warriors are not allowed to fight and duel in the city. In such cities, only the weak can survive. .

But in the demon world, it is difficult for the weak to survive.

Not to mention people with weak cultivations such as Liu Jiangxue and Liu Anan, even if Lin Bai's current cultivation level is at the Nine Tribulations Dao realm, he is still walking on thin ice in the demon world, because Lin Bai knows that on top of his own cultivation realm, there are still more. Strong people.

Let’s not go too far, let’s just say that within the Eternal Demon Sect, disciples at the Nine Tribulations Dao realm are only at the grassroots level. Only those at the Dao Zun realm can barely be regarded as inner disciples. Only those at the Dao Immortal level can be defined as the mainstay of the sect. Only disciples at the Tao God level He is truly the future leader of the sect.

As for the warriors who have cultivated the Taiyi Dao Fruit, they all hold high positions in the Eternal Demon Sect, and there are quite a few of them. According to Lin Bai's estimate, the number of powerful warriors who have cultivated the Taiyi Dao Fruit in the Eternal Demon Sect is estimated to be more than twenty. many.

In the demon world, even warriors like Lin Bai, who consider themselves not weak, have to be careful and walk on thin ice, let alone two weak women.

"After I finish the work, if you have nowhere to go, you can follow me back to the Eternal Demon Sect. Although I cannot directly make you become inner disciples, if I intercede for you, you can still become outer disciples. of."

"Although the status of the outer disciples is not high, at least relying on the Eternal Demon Sect as a backer can be regarded as a place to stay. If you have other places to go in the future, you can also resign from the sect and leave the sect to find another job. Way out!”

"What do you think?"

Lin Bai asked with a smile.

Liu Jiangxue's eyes widened in surprise, looking at Lin Bai in disbelief.

Liu Jiangxue knew how difficult it was to join the Eternal Demon Sect. Even an outer disciple had to pass the Eternal Demon Sect's assessment and selection. Throughout the ages, countless warriors went to the Eternal Demon Sect every year. I hope to become an outer disciple, but in the end... one hundred thousand people go, while the Eternal Demon Sect only accepts a thousand people.

Not to mention the Eternal Demon Sect, even other mediocre sects in the Eternal Thirteen States are extremely strict in recruiting disciples.

It's not that Liu Jiangxue and Liu An'an have never thought about joining a sect to gain a foothold, but some small sects can't even protect themselves, and some slightly larger sects have become particularly harsh and ruthless in recruiting disciples. With Liu Jiang With Xue's talent, it would be impossible to join the ordinary sects in the Thirteen Eternal States, let alone a holy place of cultivation like the Eternal Demon Sect.

"The Eternal Demon Sect is extremely strict in recruiting disciples. Our sisters are not very talented in cultivation. I am afraid that... we will be rejected by the Eternal Demon Sect..." Liu Jiangxue did not dare to agree easily because she knew that the talents of the two sisters were not very good. Outstanding, in the demon world, it can only be regarded as below average.

Lin Bai said with a smile: "As long as you are willing, I will naturally arrange for you to become the outer disciples of the Eternal Demon Sect!"

Liu Jiangxue asked in surprise: "Mr. Qingluo...do you have such a big background power in the Eternal Demon Sect?"

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