Chapter 4293 Fire Lizard Clan!

Within the territory of the Shanzhou Demon Clan, there are three major demon clans that are kings, namely the Colorful Snake Clan, the Fire Lizard Clan and the White Eagle Clan.

The area where Lin Bai is now is close to the fire lizard tribe.

Lin Bai was not stupid enough to break into the Fire Lizard Clan directly. After all, the three major demon clans in Shanzhou still had some background, and there was no guarantee that there would be strong men who had cultivated the Tai Yi Dao Fruit among them.

After all, Lin Bai was also a human race, and was naturally incompatible with the demon race. If the fire lizard tribe wanted to kill Lin Bai, it would not attract much attention here.

Moreover, as we all know, although the Eternal Demon Sect recruits many disciples, both demons and humans can join the Eternal Demon Sect, but the Eternal Demon Sect is still dominated by human disciples. When the demon clan invaded Shanzhou, the Eternal Demon Sect did not intervene on the surface. War, but the demon clan understands that once the Eternal Demon Sect intervenes, it will inevitably favor the human race.

Therefore, the Shanzhou Monster Clan does not have much favorable impression of the human disciples of the Eternal Demon Sect!

Lin Bai stood in the dense forest outside the Salamander Clan and thought for a while, then prepared to turn around and go back to other directions to look for traces of Zhou Xi and Sun Yao, hoping that Zhou Xi and Sun Yao had escaped the Fire Lizard Clan and the pursuers. Kill and hide somewhere else.

But when Lin Bai was about to turn around and leave, several little mountain patrol monsters came out from the Salamander Tribe. Their words made Lin Bai's face suddenly darken.

The little demons walked out of the Fire Lizard Clan and said with a smile: "I heard that the clan arrested a few disciples of the Eternal Demon Sect a few days ago? Is it true or false?"

"It's true. They are currently being held in Tianshan Mountain. When those people fled outside our clan, they were already seriously injured and their lives were not long. Moreover, there were soldiers chasing them behind them."

"Hmph, it seems that there is no peace within the human race. Now that we, the demon race, have invaded, they are actually still fighting among themselves?"

"Yes, if Jingyang City and Canglei Sect didn't both want to use the power of our demon race to weaken each other, otherwise, how could we demon race occupy most of the human race's territory so easily?"

"This is the human race... people's hearts are complex, better than demons."

"They say monsters are scary, but in our opinion...people's hearts are more terrifying than monsters."

The little demons chatted and laughed and began to patrol the mountain. Lin Bai followed them and listened for a while, confirming that the Fire Lizard Tribe had indeed captured a few disciples of the Eternal Demon Sect.

They were followed by several little demons patrolling the mountain. When they reached a remote place, Lin Bai suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of them.

"you you you……"

These little demons were so frightened that they lost their minds and souls. They were about to sound the alarm, but at this moment, Lin Bai's sword flashed and killed the other little demons, leaving only one of them alive.

Immediately, Lin Bai stepped forward, with a gloomy look on his face. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and struck the beast on the head: "Swallow the Heaven Dao! Search for the soul!"

Under Lin Bai's palm, the little demon looked frightened and twitched all over. After a while, his body fell limp and fell to the ground, no longer alive.

Lin Bai also learned useful information in his memory and found the "Sky Mountain" where the disciples of the Eternal Demon Sect were imprisoned.

The Sky Volcano, within the territory of the Salamander Clan, is a living volcano with magma spewing out all the year round, containing extremely powerful flame essence. Only the powerful and unpredictable people within the Salamander Clan dare to do it in the sky. Volcano practice.

The disciples of the Eternal Demon Sect who were captured a few days ago were also imprisoned in the Sky Volcano.

"It's strange that the Fire Lizard Clan caught a disciple of the Eternal Demon Sect and didn't kill him? Instead, he imprisoned him. Could it be that he had another agenda?"

Lin Bai's face darkened, he used the Sky-Shielding Jade Pendant to hide his aura, found a suitable opportunity, and quietly sneaked into the Salamander Clan.

Lin Bai has a jade pendant that covers the sky, and has the "Swallowing Heaven Dao Technique! Breaking the Forbidden Rules." As long as he doesn't meet a strong person who has cultivated the Taiyi Dao Fruit, few people in the Salamander Clan can find traces of Lin Bai.

According to the memories of those little demons, Lin Bai avoided many strong men in the Fire Lizard Clan and headed towards the Tianshan Mountain.


In the distance, a huge mountain towering above the clouds caught Lin Bai's attention. The magma spurting from the top slid down the mountain. Layers of mist rose into the sky and condensed on the tip of the volcano to form a cloud that persisted all year round. .

This place is Tianshan Mountain.

At the lower end of the Sky Volcano, there are caves opened one after another.

Lin Bai approached cautiously and found that there were several little demons from the Salamander tribe guarding several caves.

Lin Bai's face darkened, and two flying swords shot out of his body, taking away the lives of these children in a flash of lightning.

Lin Bai walked out of the darkness, and the flying sword returned to his body. Lin Bai walked into the cave, and his senses dispersed. He could only sense a few weak warrior auras inside, but did not feel the presence of any demon clan.

Going deep into the cave, Lin Bai saw three warriors bound together by a vine that was burning with flames. The three men were pale, breathless, and their lives were hanging by a thread, unable to break free from the shackles of the vine.

"It's not Zhou Xi and Sun Yao!" Lin Bai took a closer look and saw that the faces of these three people were unfamiliar. They were not Zhou Xi and Sun Yao. But they had already come here. Lin Bai naturally couldn't return without success. Maybe they knew The whereabouts of Zhou Xi and Sun Yao.

Immediately, Lin Bai walked out of the darkness and came to the three people.

"somebody is coming."

"Who is it? Who is it?"

When the three people heard the footsteps coming from the entrance of the cave, they shouted in panic like frightened birds.

Lin Bai slowly walked up to the three of them and asked in a cold voice: "Are you three disciples of the Eternal Demon Sect?"

"Is it a human race?" The three people discovered that Lin Bai was a human race. They immediately breathed a sigh of relief and immediately replied: "We are the inner disciples of the Eternal Demon Sect. We were chased all the way here, but fell into the fire lizard. In the hands of the clan, please save my life, brother, I am very grateful."

Lin Bai asked: "Do you know Zhou Xi and Sun Yao?"

When the three people heard these two names, their eyes suddenly showed a look of horror. The next moment, one of them shook his head and said: "I don't know..."

Lin Bai saw the change in their expressions and already guessed in his mind that these three people really knew Zhou Xi and Sun Yao. Immediately, Lin Bai fell with a sword light, cut off the vines on the three people, and said: "No need to panic, I He is also an inner disciple of the Eternal Demon Sect, named Qing Luo."

"I am an old friend of Zhou Xi and Sun Yao. They were in trouble in Shanzhou and sent word to me. I came here to help them!"

The three people said excitedly: "Qing Luo! You are senior brother Qing Luo! You are the new owner of Hidden Sword Thatched Cottage!"

"Senior Brother Qingluo, we know Zhou Xi and Sun Yao, we know..."

Lin Bai asked: "Why did the three of you fall into the hands of the Fire Lizard Clan, but you didn't see Zhou Xi and Sun Yao?"

The three people said: "When we were chased to the front of the Fire Lizard Clan, we were discovered by the strong men of the Fire Lizard Clan. There were evil tigers in front of us and pursuers behind us. In desperation, we had no choice but to flee separately. .”

"The group of pursuers went after Zhou Xi and Junior Sister Sun Yao, but we... couldn't escape the pursuit of the Fire Lizard Clan and fell into the hands of the Fire Lizard Clan!"

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