Sword Emperor of the Astonishing Sky

Chapter 4797 Don’t look at it, don’t think about it.

In the vast white world, Lin Bai and Xuan Tong sat side by side under the old tree.

"What did you mean by what you just said?"

Lin Bai suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his eyes, as if he had seized some kind of opportunity, but it disappeared in a flash.

Xuan Tong faced Lin Bai, with a charming smile on her lips.

The world slowly collapsed, and Xuan Tong and the old tree gradually turned into nothing and disappeared.

Lin Bai knew that he was about to wake up from his dream.

"Lin Bai, don't trust your eyes too much."

After Xuan Tong disappeared, his ethereal voice echoed in Lin Bai's ears.

In Jiuqu City, Lin Bai was lying on the street with his back facing the sky.

Xuan Tong's voice echoed in his ears.

"Don't trust your eyes too much?"

Lin Bai murmured softly and stood up from the ground, looking at Jiuqu City again.

This dream came so suddenly that Lin Bai didn't even understand why he was dreaming?

For example, warriors who have reached the realm of Taoism and Taoism will basically not be able to dream.

If a warrior in this realm suddenly has a dream, he will definitely be warned, or have a sense of what is about to happen.

This effect is most likely to appear in those magicians who specialize in "divination", "astrology", and "reading fortune".

Sitting cross-legged on the broad streets of Jiuqu City, Lin Bai recalled Xuan Tong's words and slowly suppressed the huge fluctuations of negative emotions in his body.

The state of mind once again returned to the wave-free state of the ancient well, and the Taoist heart became stable again.

After calming down, Lin Bai began to re-examine Jiuqu City.

At that moment, Lin Bai seemed to have grasped the way to break through the secret realm of Jiuqu City, but it disappeared in a flash.

"Don't trust your eyes too much..."

"Then don't look, don't listen, don't think..."

"Let this Jiuqu City lead me somewhere."

Lin Bai stood up from the ground, not trying to identify the direction, nor did he deliberately walk towards the inside or outside of the city.

After getting up, Lin Bai closed his eyes and let his mind go, leaving no worries behind.

Slowly lift up your steps and walk forward, as if you were a blind man.


Two steps...

Three steps...

Ten steps...

A hundred steps...

After Lin Bai cleared his mind, the map of Jiuqu City disappeared from his mind.

Lin Bai didn't know where he was going, or whether he was walking out of the city or into the city.

But at this moment, Lin Bai still had no other better way. As long as it was possible to leave, he was willing to try it.

He closed his eyes and walked in the direction in front of him.

After walking a thousand steps, Lin Bai was surprised to find that he did not seem to hit the wall.

You must know that although the Jiuqu City block is wide and huge, you can still encounter a wall after taking a thousand steps.

But Lin Bai did not hit the wall.

There seemed to be no object in front of him and he could keep walking.

After walking several hundred steps forward, Lin Bai still didn't hit the wall.

"Have I already left Jiuqu City?"

Lin Bai was rattling in his heart and his expression was uncertain.

Now there are only two results.

The first result is that Lin Bai has gone through the reincarnation of the Jiuqu City.

The second result was that Lin Bai walked into the void and is now lost in the void.

With uneasy thoughts, Lin Bai slowly opened his eyes.

A gap opened up in his eyelids, and a dazzling light immediately penetrated his pupils.


Lin Bai was overjoyed. In Jiuqu City, it was dark and there was no light at all.

There is light flashing in front of my eyes at this moment, which at least shows that this place is not in the void.

Lin Bai suddenly opened his eyes and saw a lamp hanging on the wall.

Now Lin Bai was facing the wall, and the dancing candlelight in the lamp was swaying in front of Lin Bai's eyes.

"I really came out!"

To this day, Lin Bai still finds it hard to believe that he has actually come out.

Lin Bai turned around and found that this place was in a passage.

Turning around, he looked behind him, along with the void.

Lin Bai had no choice but to walk forward along the passage.

Lin Bai took out the demon sword from the storage bag, held it in his hand, and walked forward slowly.

This passage is about a kilometer long. Although there is flickering light, it is also extremely dim.

After walking a thousand meters, leaving the passage, the view suddenly became clear, and a stone chamber appeared in front of it.

In the stone room, a skeleton sat cross-legged, and the robes on his body had been corroded by time.

Lin Bai saw the skeleton and did not approach it in a hurry.

"Are these the bones of the great supernatural being?"

Lin Bai looked puzzled and said to himself.

The skeleton sat cross-legged in the center of the stone chamber, and a beam of light fell from the top and fell on the skeleton.

Lin Bai could see that the bones were crystal clear and contained a strong Taoist meaning.

The robes on his body are not ordinary things. If they had not been corroded by the years, they would probably have infinite power.

This skeleton has obviously been dead for many years, and even the cassocks on it are about to disappear in the years.

Lin Bai was worried that there would be danger in the stone chamber. He first controlled two flying swords and entered the stone chamber. He swept back and forth to make sure that there were no magic circles or restrictions, and then slowly entered it.

Walking into the stone room, Lin Bai quickly observed his surroundings.

This stone chamber is not big, about a hundred square meters.

There is a hole at the top of the stone chamber, leading to the outside world.

That beam of light came from the hole.

"This place, no matter how you look at it... looks like a well."

Standing in the stone chamber, Lin Bai looked up at the hole at the top of the stone chamber, feeling like he was standing at the bottom of a well.

Check it out, there's no danger.

Lin Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

Let’s not say whether these bones are the remains of any great supernatural being, but they are the seniors who died here after all.

"Junior has taken the liberty to come here and disturb the peace of senior, please forgive me."

Lin Bai cupped his hands and bowed reverently to the skeleton.

But at this moment.

A surprising scene appeared.

As Lin Bai bowed devoutly, the skeleton sitting cross-legged suddenly lifted up.

A head without flesh and blood, Taoism gathered in the eye sockets, seemed to be looking at Lin Bai, looking up and down.

Being stared at by a sudden gaze, Lin Bai's whole body felt horrified and shuddered.

He hurriedly took a few steps back, away from the skeleton.

White rice-like rays of light slowly rose from the skeleton, swimming back and forth within the skeleton, making the entire skeleton look sacred.

"The will of the Tao!"

The light of these white rice grains floated around the skeleton, and then took the initiative to approach Lin Bai.

Lin Bai immediately recognized that this was... there was only a small amount of Taoism left in this skeleton.

The meaning of Dao is a warrior's understanding of the Dao.

It's an extremely mysterious thing.

Lin Bai immediately sat down cross-legged, circulated the Heaven-Swallowing Dao Fruit, and absorbed the diffused Dao into his body.

Taoism has many benefits for Lin Bai, after this Taoism merges with Lin Bai.

Lin Bai felt that the power in his body was rapidly increasing, and both the Supreme Phase and the Sword Heart were greatly improved.

The cultivation level of Jianxin has reached the fourth level.

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