Sword Emperor of the Astonishing Sky

Chapter 5838 The eve of hunting!

After leaving Chu Tinghan, Lin Bai and the others continued to play in the mountains.

Within the Seventy-Two Peaks of the Southern Territory, mountains are stacked up, green plants cover the sky, the mountains are quiet and peaceful, and the forest is shrouded in white mist, just like a dangerous situation.

After Meng Qinxian walked a long distance, he exclaimed in a low voice: "Isn't this Chu Tinghan too arrogant?"

Yi Heze nodded slightly: "Yes, I thought that when I was in my own territory and sect, I was already extremely crazy. But after I came to Chu State this time, I found that there were people even crazier than me. "

Lin Bai's eyes turned sharp and deep, and he said in a low voice: "Chu Tinghan is the eldest daughter of Prince Liang. She holds the position of princess and is a member of the royal family."

"Her father is the most powerful prince in Chu State today, and the most powerful military king in Chu State's military department today!"

"And it is said that Prince Liang has been thinking about His Majesty the Emperor Chu's Dragon Throne day and night, and has been making plans."

"As the eldest daughter of King Liang, with the mountain of Chu at her back, and her father supporting her, how can she not be crazy?"

At this point, Lin Bai paused for a moment, and then continued: "And I think this woman's swordsmanship is indeed not low. Her sword intention contains an extremely strong killing aura."

Lu Qingjun muttered: "Yes, when the sword intent spread out just now, I seemed to feel thousands of troops rushing towards me."

Yi Heze also said: "This woman's sword skills and sword intent were probably honed on the battlefield. Otherwise, she would never have such a powerful killing spirit."

Lin Bai, Yi Heze, and Lu Qingjun were sword cultivators among the crowd, and they were leaders in the top sects. As for their swordsmanship, they were naturally ahead of other warriors in the same industry.

All three of them felt that Chu Tinghan's swordsmanship was not that simple. Not only did she have a great background, but she was also extremely talented in swordsmanship, and she indeed had the capital to be arrogant.

Nie Shang clicked his tongue and said: "Tsk, tsk, this time the Royal Family Autumn Hunting is interesting. The three princes' faction, the Chen King's faction, the Liang King's faction, the three major factions in the Chu Kingdom that compete for the throne will all be in the Royal Hunting Garden." Meet inside."

Meng Qinxian sighed: "Nantian Hunting Garden is really a good battlefield."

Lin Bai shook his head and said: "Everyone, this royal autumn hunting should not be as intense as you think."

He said quietly: "As far as I know, Tianshui Sect, Tianxian Sect, and Shenglian Palace will not use all their strength to fight for it. Everyone is just going through the motions."

He sighed: "As everyone said, there is a lot of turmoil inside and outside the imperial capital of Chu State. No one wants to stand out here, and no one wants to be too dazzling at this moment, especially the five families and seven sects of Chu State. Their every move Any movement will affect the situation of Chu State, and they will not be stupid enough to fight for the prince-in-law and high-ranking officials during this royal autumn hunt."

The days in Nantian Hunting Garden were very short. Lin Bai spent a few days playing in the mountains, and the sun began to set before he knew it.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, everyone dispersed and returned to their residences to have a good rest and recharge their batteries for tomorrow's hunting in the south.

After Lin Bai returned to the Tianshui Sect's palace, he still came to the top of the peak and turned his Shura Dharma Eyes to look into the seventy-two peaks of the south sky.

He wanted to see if the man in black who appeared last night would appear again today. He had already received permission from Emperor Chu. If this man came out again, even if he escaped into the main peak, Lin Bai was sure to catch him. .

The man in black was not found, but Lin Bai saw many warriors from the Purple Dragon Legion of the Zhaoxing Division, patrolling the Seventy-Two Peaks of the South Sky day and night.

Apparently Zhu Mo also strengthened the defense of the Seventy-Two Peaks in the South Sky.

Tomorrow is the time for the royal family's autumn hunting. The warriors and families who are about to come to watch the ceremony and participate in the battle have already arrived at the Nantian Hunting Garden one after another.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Lin Bai returned to his residence, freshened up, put on the robe of the Holy Son of the Tianshui Sect, and followed Patriarch Pan Qing and others to the Yuhua Celestial Palace on the main peak.

On such an important occasion as the royal family's autumn hunt, Lin Bai, as the holy son of the Tianshui Sect, naturally could not act recklessly and wear whatever he wanted.

The robe of the Holy Son of Tianshui Sect has pure blue as the background color. The robe is embroidered with cloud patterns and wave patterns. It has a magic circle attached to it, which has the power of a magic circle that can resist attacks from the Taiyi Daoguo realm.

This robe of the Holy Son is not only a status symbol of the Holy Son of Tianshui Sect, but also an incredible and top-grade Taoist weapon.

Lin Bai put on the robe of the Holy Son, Patriarch Pan Qing also wore the robe of the ancestor on board, and the other disciples also wore the robes of the three disciples of the Tianshui Sect.

The robes of many elders, including Patriarch Pan Qing and the Second Elder, are all purple-based, with wave patterns embroidered on them.

The robes of the three unique disciples of Bai Yifei, Qiao Mo, Qin Yao, Fang Yuanshu and others are made of white as the base, and are also embroidered with wave patterns.

The difference between their robes and the robes of Holy Son Lin Bai is that they have different background colors and lack of cloud patterns.

The robes of the Holy Son are embroidered with cloud patterns, which represents the Tianshui Sect's high hopes for the Holy Son. They hope that the Holy Son can soar into the sky and lead the Tianshui Sect to make a comeback and regain its glory.

"Senior disciples and senior disciples of Tianshui Sect, I am following His Majesty's order to lead you to the main peak!"

The old eunuch who had led Lin Bai and others to Nantian Hunting Garden appeared again in front of the Tianshui Sect Palace, guiding Lin Bai and others to the main peak.

Pan Qing, the old man, led everyone out and said to the old eunuch: "I'll lead the way, let's go."

The old eunuch smiled and said: "Senior, you're welcome. This is the old slave's accusation and duty. Please come here, seniors."

Under the leadership of the old eunuch, Lin Bai and others followed slowly and walked down the mountain towards the main peak.

Lin Bai looked up and saw that on all the peaks within the seventy-two peaks of the South Sky, there were old eunuchs leading outstanding disciples from their families and sects towards the Yuhua Heavenly Palace.

In an instant, the entire Seventy-two Peaks in the South Sky was crowded with people. On the tree-lined paths among the green trees, one by one warriors walked out of the forest and headed towards the main peak.

Climbing the main peak, the Yuhua Temple in front is as grand as the Temple of Dongtian Hunting Garden. The colorful glazed tiles on the top reflect a charming halo in the sun. The palace has carved beams and painted buildings and white jade paving, which is extremely luxurious and beautiful.

Walking into the Heavenly Palace, under the leadership of the old eunuch, he came to the exclusive seat of Tianshui Sect and sat down.

For this royal family’s autumn hunt, the ranking and seating arrangements are also extremely sophisticated.

The rankings of the top sects and families in the demon world are all within the Yuhua Celestial Palace; while other small families and medium-sized families, sects and other disciples in the Chu Kingdom sit outside the Celestial Palace.

When those family and sect disciples sitting outside the Heavenly Palace looked up at the Heavenly Palace, their eyes showed envy and jealousy, secretly swearing that they would also sit in the Heavenly Palace in the future.

The seats in the Heavenly Palace are divided into three levels.

The first floor is the dragon chair dedicated to Emperor Chu.

The dragon chair of the Heavenly Palace is located at the highest point. The dragon chair is resplendent and resplendent, seeming to exude an invisible magic power, attracting people to move towards it.

On the second floor, there were seats specially prepared for the Chu royal family. Now Lin Bai had seen several princes sitting on the seats, drinking wine and listening to ditties.

The third level is the seat that belongs to the top sects in the demon world. Top sects and families such as the Five Seven Sects of the Chu Kingdom, Fantian Sect, Dingtian Sword Sect, etc. are all in this level.

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