Sword Emperor of the Astonishing Sky

Chapter 5985 The twenty-first prince’s private residence!

Seeing Lin Bai getting up to leave, Miss Yuewu finally became anxious: "Master Langhou, please stay!"

Lin Bai, who had just taken a few steps, had a proud smile on his lips.

Lin Bai knew that Miss Yuewu would not let him go easily.

As long as Lin Bai wants to leave, Miss Yuewu will definitely keep Lin Bai.

At this moment, Moon Dancer's face no longer had the wisdom it had before, but instead was filled with a trace of pain.

Because Lin Bai's speculation just now seemed to her... to have been perfectly confirmed.

The place where she had a private meeting with the twenty-first prince was indeed not far from the Moon Palace, and it was indeed an extremely luxurious mansion.

As long as Lin Bai is willing to look for a mansion like this, he can find it within a few days.

After Lin Bai found the house and took away the sword inside, she would no longer have any chance to negotiate terms with Lin Bai.

"Girl, is there anything else you can do?" Lin Bai said to Yue Wu with a smile.

Girl Yuewu looked at Lin Bai at this moment, her eyes full of fear and fear.

She was secretly shocked that Lin Bai almost revealed everything she had hidden in just a few words.

Girl Yuewu knew that Lin Bai was difficult to deal with, so she didn't talk nonsense, but said less.

Simple and clear said to Lin Bai: "I can give the sword to Lord Lang, but I also ask Lord Lang to help me rescue the twenty-first prince!"

Lin Bai nodded, "Even if the girl doesn't say anything, I will go and rescue the twenty-first prince."

"As I said just now...this matter is related to the safety of the imperial capital. If chaos breaks out in the imperial capital, neither His Highness King Chen nor Emperor Chu will be happy to see it."

The Moon Dancer finally lamented that now the initiative was in Lin Bai's hands, and she had lost many opportunities to negotiate terms.

"Please Lord Lang, come with me." Girl Yuewu shook her head helplessly and led Lin Bai out of the Snow Wind Palace.

"Please, Mr. Lang, hide your face and whereabouts. I think Mr. Lang doesn't want more people to know about this matter, right?"

"That's natural." Lin Bai smiled, changed into a black robe, used his spiritual power to change his face, and then followed the Moon Dancer.

After walking out of the Wind and Snow Palace, the Moon Dancer girl put on a cloak to cover her face and figure.

After giving some instructions to the maids of Snow Wind Palace, they took Lin Bai from the trail and left Snow Wind Palace.

On the shore of the Moon Palace Island, there was a boatman waiting in the darkness. The Moon Dancer girl walked over and boarded the boat without saying anything.

The boatman swung the boat down the river, and soon came to a luxurious house.

This area has left the Moon Palace area and is considered an extremely luxurious place inside Mingyuefang.

When the boatman docked, Yuewu Girl and Lin Bai walked ashore.

From the beginning to the end, Miss Yuewu never said a word to the boatman.

Obviously this is not the first time that Yuegong Oiran has done this kind of thing.

The Moon Dancer girl left and explained: "Many courtesans in the Moon Palace will secretly meet with dignitaries in the imperial capital here."

"This area is also called the 'Imperial Palace' of Mingyuefang. The warriors who can buy houses here are all prominent figures in the imperial capital."

"This house is the private residence of the Minister of Justice of the Chu State Court!"

Walking to a house, Yue Wu girl pointed at the door and said to Lin Bai.

"This house is the private residence of the distant prince!" Girl Yuewu pointed at another courtyard and said.

Following Miss Yuewu's introduction and hearing about the masters behind these private houses, Lin Bai was stunned.

Either a military king, a prince, a dignitary in the imperial court, or a descendant of a big family in the imperial capital... Anyway, none of them have simple origins.

"Where are these private houses used?" Lin Bai asked curiously.

The Moon Dancer girl chuckled and said, "This place is so close to the Moon Palace. What do you think these private houses are used for?"

Lin Bai smiled bitterly and said: "In the Moon Palace, the oiran can also keep people staying in the palace, so why bother?"

"This is actually something I've never been able to figure out. Why do so many people in the imperial capital prefer to meet with the oiran of the Moon Palace in a private residence?"

"You don't want to go directly to the Moon Palace?"

Yuewu girl smiled and said, "Master Lang Hou is not married yet, so of course he doesn't know."

She took a deep breath and slowly explained: "Like the prominent figures in the imperial capital, many of their wives and concubines are 'political marriages'. Can Mr. Lang understand this?"

Lin Bai nodded, expressing understanding.

Girl Yuewu continued: "For example, Lord Langhou and Miss Shen Xian have already made a marriage contract."

"Now that Lord Lang and Miss Shen Xian are not married, there is nothing to say."

"But one day, what if Mr. Langhou marries Miss Shenxian? Will he still be as free and unrestrained as he is today? The romantic place in the Moon Palace can come as soon as he wants? Can he leave as soon as he wants?"

Uh... Lin Bai was stunned for a moment, and felt that what Yuewu Girl said made sense.

Girl Yue Wu said: "If Lord Lang and Miss Shen Xian get married, and they are still nostalgic for the romantic place, and word spreads, what will outsiders think?"

"As the consort of Prince Hong's Mansion, Lord Lang stays in the Moon Palace all year round. How does this bring shame to the royal family?"

Lin Bai smiled bitterly. At this moment, he finally understood why there were so many private houses.

The circle of powerful people in the imperial capital was actually very small.

Many of them are political marriages and marriages between aristocratic families.

These big shots may look good on the surface, but if they linger in romantic places all year round, their wives and concubines will definitely not be happy.

Moreover...their wives and concubines are also from well-known families. If they are provoked, how would their good families be happy?

That's why there are so many private houses in Mingyuefang, which are specially used for the private meetings of the big shots in the imperial capital with the oirans of the Moon Palace.

The Moon Dancer girl and Lin Bai walked quickly through this area, and finally came to a magnificent gate.

Lin Bai looked up and saw two big characters written on the door plaque: "Huang Mansion."

Girl Yue Wu explained: "Huang Fu is the pseudonym of the twenty-first prince."

"Master Lang, please come in. This house has been vacant all year round, and only Prince Twenty-One and I know this place!"

Girl Yuewu stepped forward, channeled her cultivation power, and quietly opened the magic circle barrier, allowing Lin Bai to walk in.

The twenty-first prince indeed had a private residence in the imperial capital... Lin Bai took a deep breath.

"Where is that sword?" Lin Bai asked immediately after walking into the courtyard.

"At the waterside pavilion... I remember that after dancing with the sword last time, I put it on the waterside pavilion." Yuewu girl replied.

What... this is a key that can open the treasure of Jiuyou Demon Palace, and you just put it on the waterside pavilion?

Lin Bai was shocked, his body swayed, and he quickly rushed towards the waterside pavilion.

Yuewu girl also has the cultivation level at the peak of the Taoist realm. Her speed is not weak, and she also flies away with Lin Bai. The crow was extremely fast. After it heard the word "water pavilion", it immediately disappeared over Lin Bai's shoulder.

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