Chu Tinghan hugged Lin Bai, while Chu Zimo and Chu Tingxue stood beside him majestically in battle armor.

Surrounded by dozens of soldiers from the Xuanwu Battalion were defensive formations.

Outside the magic circle, there are many powerful men and saints from the Northern Territory, including Shen Xinghe, the Holy Son of the Soul Refining Sect, Luan Tang, the Holy Son of the Corpse Refining Sect, several saints from the Tiandao clan, as well as small and medium-sized families in the Northern Territory. More than a dozen saints and saints.

In addition to the Holy Son and the Holy Lady, there were also a large number of direct disciples of the Northern Territory sects and families, all of whom were eyeing Lin Bai and Chu Tinghan within the magic circle.

"Your Xuanwu Camp's formation is simply vulnerable in our eyes!"

"Your Excellency, Princess, I advise you not to resist stubbornly!"

Luan Tang, the holy son of the Corpse Refining Sect, also threatened coldly.

"Although the Xuanwu Camp officers are not as good as you, the famous disciples, they are not invulnerable trash!" Chu Tinghan responded coldly: "Although you are famous disciples, you may not be able to break the formation of our Xuanwu Camp! "

"You are so stubborn!" Shen Xinghe, the Holy Son of the Soul Refining Sect, sneered, "In that case, let's come and learn about the strength of Chu State's military headquarters!"

"Fuck me!"

"Whoever can take off Lin Bai's head will be rewarded in the Northern Territory!"

The warriors in the Northern Territory didn't need Shen Xinghe, the Holy Son of the Soul Refining Sect, to remind them how valuable Lin Bai's head was.

Following Shen Xinghe's order, numerous Northern Territory warriors began to storm the Xuanwu Camp's formation.

Chu Tinghan immediately understood that the formation of the Xuanwu Camp soldiers could resist for a while, but it was by no means a long-term solution. Now he still had to evacuate here first, and then look for opportunities to counterattack!

"Tingxue, Zimo, let's break out!"

Chu Tinghan held Lin Bai's shoulders, lifted him up, and headed out of the magic circle.

After Lin Bai took some elixirs, his injuries began to improve. Although he did not yet have strong combat power, he was able to see the current situation clearly.

"Don't face the Holy Son of the Soul Refining Sect or the Corpse Refining Sect head-on, look for weak points to break out!" Lin Bai said to Chu Tinghan in a weak voice: "To the east...the Holy Son of the Tiandao Clan is very weak. , break out from this direction!"

After receiving Lin Bai's reminder, Chu Tinghan immediately sent a message, "Break through from the east!"

The entire formation of Xuanwu Battalion soldiers immediately changed direction. Chu Zimo took the lead and stabbed towards the east with a spear. The Holy Son of the Tiandao clan was caught off guard and was knocked away by Chu Zimo's spear.

A gap was torn open in the siege of the northern warriors, and Chu Tinghan quickly escaped with Lin Bai.

When leaving the siege, Lin Bai looked back at the direction of Wei Junfeng... and saw that only a dozen disciples of the Shen Lian Sect were struggling to support the attack of the Eastern Region warriors, and the other Northern Region warriors had no intention of supporting them.

The northern region is cold and cold.

The wind and snow in the Northern Territory were so strong that the warriors in the Northern Territory, who were obviously flesh and blood, became as cold and heartless as poisonous snakes.

"Brother Wei, it's such a pity..." Lin Bai looked back with some reluctance.

Chu Tinghan and Lin Bai broke through the encirclement. Although they lost some Xuanwu Camp soldiers, fortunately they had gradually left the Snow Mountain.

"Lin Bai and Chu Tinghan are leaving." Luan Tang, the holy son of the Corpse Refining Sect, knocked away a Xuanwu Camp soldier with a palm, and saw that Chu Tinghan had helped Lin Bai to escape from the perimeter.

"These Xuanwu Camp soldiers are really difficult to deal with!" Shen Xinghe, the Holy Son of the Soul Refining Sect, beat the soul of a Xuanwu Camp soldier to pieces and said coldly: "The most important thing is... they are not afraid of death!"

"Once the military order is issued, they will go all out. Even if they are facing mountains of swords and seas of fire, they will still move forward!"

Luan Tang, the saint son of the Corpse Refining Sect, said with a gloomy face, "I'm not asking you to praise them. Find a way to kill Lin Bai. This is the best opportunity!"

"Okay!" The Holy Son of the Soul Refining Sect responded. His body, which was originally shrouded in a layer of shadow, disintegrated little by little and disappeared into this space.

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