Sword Emperor of the Astonishing Sky

Chapter 6586 Accept the gift!

The third prince said that the Chu State had sent people to the Daoxu world to look for Lin Bai’s relatives and friends.

Although Lin Bai heard the threat in this statement, there was also some expectation in his heart.

It would be best if the Chu State could bring over all their relatives and friends.

"How sure are you that you can find them?" Lin Bai asked curiously after calming down.

"We're not sure." The third prince told Lin Bai clearly, "The Dao Xu world is not that simple. Even Chu warriors have to be careful in the Dao Xu world, so the probability of finding your relatives and friends is not high."

"Even if they are found, it will probably be difficult to take them away!"

Lin Bai couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and said: "Then it seems that I still need to go to the Daoxu world in person. Why don't the Chu Kingdom let me go, and then return to the Chu Kingdom after I find my relatives and friends?"

"What does His Highness the Third Prince think of my proposal?"

"To tell you the truth! It's not that good!" His Highness the Third Prince smiled bitterly, "Who can guarantee that Lord Lang will come back after leaving the Chu Kingdom? Who can guarantee that Lord Lang will come back after finding his relatives and friends?"

"We can't guarantee it!"

The third prince said with a smile.

"It seems we can't talk anymore." Lin Bai snorted twice, "What if I have to leave? Will the Chu State have a grudge against me because of this and send people to hunt me down?"

The third prince did not answer the question directly and said: "Master Langhou, Chu State really wants to recruit you, but if Lord Langhou insists on leaving, Chu State will not force Master Langhou!"

"And in order to show its sincerity, Chu State is willing to open a portal to the Seven Realms of Heaven for Lord Lang as long as he agrees to stay in Chu State, so that Lord Lang can have the opportunity to go to the Daoxu World to find him. relatives and friends.”

Lin Bai was a little surprised and asked, "Chu is willing to send me to the Seven Realms of Heaven?"

"That's right." The third prince asked back: "Isn't this what Lord Lang and the Crown Prince have agreed upon? You help His Highness Prince Chen become the Crown Prince, and the Crown Prince sends you to the Seven Realms of Heaven!"

"Our country, Chu, has always kept its word. Naturally, the country of Chu will not go back on what the prince promised!"

When Lin Bai heard this, his eyes couldn't help but reveal a little joy.

Seeing that Lin Bai's attitude had improved slightly, the third prince said, "So, Mr. Langhou, it will not do you any good to go against the Chu State. I hope Mr. Langhou will take care of himself!"

Lin Bai took a deep breath and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"It's very simple." The third prince gave Lin Bai advice, "For now, agree to Chu's request, accept the gift from Chu, and stay in Chu for a while with peace of mind!"

"When His Royal Highness the Crown Prince completely takes control of the court, and the Chu royal family no longer pays too much attention to Lord Lang, even if His Highness the Crown Prince regrets it by then, I will find a way to send Lord Wolf to the Seven Realms of Heaven!"

The third prince said mysteriously: "Actually, Mr. Langhou, in the entire Chu Kingdom, the person who wants you to be sent to the Seven Realms of Heaven the most is not His Highness Prince Chen, but me!"

"Master Langhou is extremely smart, I guess he must have guessed it!"

"Only when Lord Lang is gone, maybe I will have a chance to regain the position of crown prince!"

"So no one in the royal family of Chu State wants you to leave Chu State, only I do!"

The third prince had a slight smile on his lips.

Lin Bai thought seriously about the third prince's words.

As he said, going against the Chu State would not do him any good.

If the Chu State is really pushed into a hurry, although they will not kill Lin Bai, they can definitely find a world that is not connected to the outside world at all and imprison Lin Bai in it.

This is definitely not what Lin Bai wants.

Instead of going against the Chu State, why not follow the advice of the third prince and show your favor to the Chu State for the time being, and then look for an opportunity to leave the Chu State when the Chu State royal family relaxes their vigilance.

The third prince is right. Now the person in the entire Chu Kingdom who wants to send him to the Seven Realms of Heaven the most is not His Highness King Chen or the royal family of Chu Kingdom, but his third prince!

"So, Mr. Wolf Marquis, accept it!"

The third prince said earnestly.

Lin Bai frowned and carefully considered the pros and cons of the third prince's words.

This third prince was extremely scheming, and Lin Bai could not tell whether his words were true or false.

But Lin Bai believed that the third prince was right. It was not a wise move to leave Chu and go against the Chu royal family.

Now the royal family of Chu State has instructed the third prince to give Lin Bai a gift. If Lin Bai does not accept it, he will be working against the royal family of Chu State!

"In this case, I would be disrespectful."

Lin Bai raised his hand and waved, and the nine treasure boxes held in the maid's hands were put into the storage bag.

When the third prince saw Lin Bai receiving the gift, a smile appeared on his lips.

Then, Lin Bai changed the topic and asked the third prince: "Now that the third prince has withdrawn from the competition for the position of crown prince, how will the third prince deal with Xia Jingzhi?"

"Xia Jingzhi..." The third prince looked gloomy.

Lin Bai thought carefully and asked another question: "Does the third prince know that it was Nanjiang Chonggu who secretly instructed Xia Jingzhi to come to Chu? It was also under the instruction of Nanjiang Chonggu that Xia Jingzhi participated in Chu The battle for the country’s inheritance?”

"That is to say... Nanjiang Worm Valley is openly interfering in Chu's internal affairs!"

"This is what Chu State cannot tolerate!"

"Hahaha." The third prince laughed when he heard this, and his eyes turned sneer when he looked at Lin Bai, "Master Langhou, Master Langhou, you are one of the few geniuses in the world in terms of martial arts cultivation, but When it comes to the emperor’s mind, you know nothing about it.”

"Master Langhou no longer has to worry about Xia Jingzhi's matter, the royal family will naturally handle it properly!"

Lin Bai didn't ask any more questions after hearing this.

He had already heard the implication from the third prince's words, that is, the royal family knew that Xia Jingzhi did it intentionally, and the royal family also acquiesced in Xia Jingzhi's support of the third prince.

Bai Yifei didn't know why at this moment and asked, "Does the royal family know that Xia Jingzhi was instructed by Insect Valley in Southern Xinjiang? If so, why doesn't the royal family get rid of Xia Jingzhi?"

The third prince glanced at Bai Yifei. He also knew that Lin Bai had the same question in his heart, so he chose to answer: "Because these things cannot be dealt with."

Bai Yifei was confused, "What do you mean?"

The third prince said: "Every time the Chu Kingdom celebrates Emperor Chu's birthday every ten thousand years, when the power of the Chu Kingdom is handed over, all forces in the demon world will send warriors to the imperial capital to support the prince's enthronement, hoping to gain some benefits in turn."

"Although the royal family of the Chu State openly warned the warriors in the demon world not to participate in the internal affairs of Chu, this kind of thing can never be avoided."

"The reason is also very simple. The forces in the demon world may only need to pay the price of one or two warriors. After the prince ascends the throne, he will get unexpected benefits. If you do this kind of business a hundred times, you will not lose money!"

The third prince sighed: "So, the Chu royal family is turning a blind eye to this. As long as they don't make things too serious, the Chu royal family will not target them in a big way!"

"And..." The third prince looked at Lin Bai again with a strange look in his eyes: "Can Mr. Lang guarantee that among His Highness Prince Chen's power, there are no warriors from other realms serving him?"

When Lin Bai heard this, he fell silent for a moment.

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