Sword Emperor of the Astonishing Sky

Chapter 6683 Princess Leping’s Mansion!

Outside the government office of Princess Leping, there is a two-story restaurant.

Bai Yifei and a group of Tianshui Sect disciples stood at the window, watching Princess Leping's government office from a distance.

Standing in this position, you can see everyone who comes in and out of the Leping Princess's mansion.

As for the other side and back doors of the government office, there are warriors from the Blood Dragon Legion watching over them. No matter in the sky or on earth, any warrior who enters the government office of Princess Leping cannot escape the eyes of everyone.

"Did you find anything?"

Lin Bai slowly came to the window. After Bai Yifei and others saluted, he briefly informed Lin Bai of the situation.


"There are many warriors who come to visit Li Guxian, but none of them are valuable warriors."

"He Qiyun came in just now, and she seemed to be very anxious."

He Qiyun... Lin Bai thought of the heroic woman he met in Kezhou.

She is considered to be from a famous family in Kezhou, and her family is rich and powerful.

Moreover, she has a very good relationship with Li Guxian, and they are close friends.

Is she also a warrior from the Nine Nether Demon Palace?

A question arose in Lin Bai's mind and he asked: "Is there any investigation about He Qiyun in the Zhaoxing Division's investigation?"

"We have reviewed the files just now." Bai Yifei said while handing a file to Lin Bai, which contained an introduction to He Qiyun.

"According to the investigation by the Zhaoxing Division, He Qiyun does not seem to be a warrior from the Nine Nether Demon Palace."

"But I can't say for sure. Maybe she hides it deeper."

Lin Bai slowly opened the file and looked carefully. He Qiyun's file was clean and clear without any stains.

But Lin Bai was no longer willing to believe these files.

After Tang Wei's incident happened, Lin Bai had realized that the hands of Jiuyou Demon Palace had reached into the top leaders of the major forces, and they had enough ability to fabricate "the truth of the facts."

Tang Wei was completely innocent during the Tianshui Sect's investigation.

But who would have thought that all of this was fake?

And now Li Guxian appears again.

If Li Guxian turns out to be the secret child of Jiuyou Demon Palace, then Lin Bai's world view of the demon world will be subverted again.

"Senior Brother Shengzi, she's out."

While Lin Bai was reading the file, the door of the Leping Princess' government office opened, and He Qiyun hurried out and disappeared without a trace.

"She seemed anxious."

"Senior Brother Shengzi, do you want to send someone to capture her?"

Although it is still uncertain whether He Qiyun is related to Jiuyou Demon Palace, she is too close to Li Guxian.

Zhao Xingsi has enough ability to capture her and then question her carefully.

"No need."

"Don't alert the enemy."

"Just send someone to monitor it."

Lin Bai did not rush to order the arrest. He only sent warriors from the Zhaoxing Division to continue monitoring He Qiyun to ensure that she would not disappear suddenly.

He came to the window, looked gloomily into Princess Leping's mansion, and took a deep breath slowly.

"Leave a few people to monitor the princess's office."

"The rest follow me to investigate the other people on the list!"

Lin Bai couldn't spend all his time monitoring the princess's office. After all, there were still many warriors on the list that he needed to investigate.

Just as Lin Bai made arrangements and was about to leave, he suddenly noticed that the door of Princess Leping's government office was open again, and several servants walked out of the government office and then went in different directions.

"Send someone to follow them and see what they did?"

These servants should all be servants of Princess Leping's mansion.

Lin Bai originally wanted to leave, but suddenly the actions of these servants attracted him.

He Qiyun came to the government office in a hurry. As soon as she left, several servants in Princess Leping's government office hurried away.

This is obviously not right.

"Regardless of whether He Qiyun is the secret agent of Jiuyou Demon Palace or not, there must be something going on when he comes to the office of Princess Leping."

"Looking at He Qiyun's hurried and anxious look, it's obvious that this matter is not a big deal."

"Then it's very likely that Emperor Chu announced the news about the Nine Nether Demon Palace, which attracted He Qiyun's attention."

"She came to the princess's office, most likely to tell her about this!"

"Haha." Lin Bai's thoughts surged, and a sneer gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I didn't expect that the news suddenly announced by Emperor Chu would help us invisibly. Maybe we can use this opportunity to judge Li Gu Does Xian have any connection with Jiuyou Demon Palace?"

Lin Bai suppressed the thought of leaving and continued to stand on the second floor of the restaurant to observe the Leping Princess's office.

"If Li Guxian learns that Chu State has announced the existence of the Nine Nether Demon Palace, then she may have guessed that they are not safe, and may want to move...or report it to the Nine Nether Demon Palace. .”

"If they cower, there's nothing we can do."

"But once they start taking action, we have a chance to catch them."

"The most important thing now is...whether Li Guxian is a warrior of the Nine Nether Demon Palace. If she is, then the kidnapped Holy Son will most likely be hidden in her mansion."

Lin Bai narrowed his eyes, and a strong light appeared in his eyes.

Whether there are any saints and saints left in the imperial capital, neither Lin Bai nor Emperor Chu can confirm, it is just a guess.

Even though so many Jiuyou Demon Palace warriors were captured during this period, no useful information was extracted from them.

But Lin Bai's intuition told him... there must be a saint son and a saint girl in the imperial capital.

So where will these saints and saints be hidden?

There is a high probability that it will be in the private residences or official residences of the five seven sects of the Chu Kingdom and the royal family. Only in these places can it be difficult for the spies of the Zhaoxing Division to get the news.

And in the end, if the Nine Nether Demon Palace killed the Holy Son and the Holy Lady and left their bodies in these private houses and official residences, it would be able to inflict heavy damage on the Chu State.


Lin Bai had a flash of inspiration in his heart.

If all the speculations in his mind are true, Li Guxian is really the secret agent of Jiuyou Demon Palace, and the saint son and saint are hiding in his mansion.

So now that the Zhaoxing Division and the Forbidden Army have taken action, when Li Guxian is forced into desperation, will she kill the Holy Son in advance?

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

Lin Bai felt a slight chill in his heart, although he still didn't know who the saint son and saint girl were hiding in the imperial capital, whether they were Meng Qixian, Nie Shang and others.

But Lin Bai also didn’t want to see the saints and saints having accidents.

"Master Langhou, some news has come back."

A leader of the Blood Dragon Legion came to Lin Bai's side and whispered: "The servants who just left the office of Princess Leping's mansion went straight to the private house where the Nine Nether Demon Palace is hidden."

"There are several private houses, the same private houses we raided two days ago."

"For example, one of the servants went to Chen Baixin's private residence in the Chen family."

"We can conclude that they are looking for the warriors from the Nine Nether Demon Palace."

"So the warriors from the Zhaoxing Division have already taken action and captured all those servants."

Lin Bai's eyes darkened, and he was finally sure...those servants were looking for the warriors from the Nine Nether Demon Palace.

He asked: "Did those servants confess? Were they ordered by Princess Leping? Or did they act on their own?"

The commander replied: "When the fifteen servants left the government office and were caught by the Zhaoxing Division, nine of them had already committed suicide. The remaining few had just been brought back to the Zhaoxing Division and were being tortured to extract confessions."

"But since these fifteen servants came out of Princess Leping's mansion and are confirmed to be warriors from the Nine Nether Demon Palace, then Princess Li Guxian must be inextricably linked to the Nine Nether Demon Palace."

"Although there is no clear evidence yet, Prince Liang has ordered... let us control Li Guxian first."

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