Chapter 7118: Overturning the Thousand States!

Teleporting from Tianlong City to the border of Huanglong Qianzhou, and going further is the unclaimed land that straddles the boundary between the two states. This kind of place is usually the gathering place for those outlaws.

But with the strength of Lin Bai, Yu You, and Wen Lao, even those who want to engage in the business of robbing families and homes in a land without owners would not dare to seek death.

I don’t know if they have gone out of the Demon Slayer Alliance’s sphere of influence after leaving Huanglong Qianzhou. Along the way, Lin Bai, Mr. Wen and others did not encounter any danger.

After crossing several state borders in a row, I never met the warriors of the Demon Slayer Alliance again.

Fantian Qianzhou, one of the Qianzhou in the Eastern Region of the Demon Realm, belongs to the capital territory of Fantian Sect.

Lin Bai and others set out from Huanglong Qianzhou, and after about five or six days of teleportation, they continuously crossed twenty or thirty large state boundaries, and finally entered the capital of Fantian Sect.

"The entire territory is under martial law!"

On the cloud boat.

Daozi Yuyou looked across Yunzhou's defensive formation at the land within the capital of Fantian Sect. The defensive formations in each city were in an open state. From time to time, disciples of Fantian Sect could be seen patrolling the entire territory in mid-air. .

Inside and outside the city, warriors and disciples from all major, medium and small families were on high alert, as if a war was about to break out at any moment.

Mr. Wen smiled sarcastically: "After Chunyang Sect and Phoenix Valley destroyed the territory of Qiye Shenzong, their next target will be Fantian Sect and Baitian Sect."

"Although Chunyang Sect and Phoenix Valley have not yet freed up their hands, these two sects cannot take it lightly, so they will inevitably be on high alert."

Lin Bai glanced at the situation in the capital of Fantian Sect. He could also feel the "roaring" feeling, and said, "Let's go to Fantian Sect."

Fantian Qianzhou, this place was originally the origin of Fantian Sect.

It is simply too easy to find the mountain gate of Fantian Sect here.

About two or three days later, Yunzhou, where Lin Bai and Mr. Wen were, slowly approached the mountain gate of Fantian Sect.

Seeing that he was about to approach the gate of Fantian Sect, Taoist disciple Yu You whispered: "Emperor, in what capacity should we visit Fantian Sect?"

"If you are visiting as the Nine Nether Demon Palace...then I guess..."

Daozi Yuyou wanted to speak but stopped.

Obviously, visiting the Fantian Sect as a member of the Nine Nether Demon Palace is obviously not a wise move.

This may even be considered a provocative feeling by the Fantian Sect.

"You two can just find a small city nearby and wait for me, and I'll go to Fantian Sect myself!" Lin Bai had already figured it out.

Mr. Wen and Daozi Yuyou have special status. If they visit Fantian Sect, it will definitely cause a shock, which is not appropriate.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to let Lin Bai go alone, while Mr. Wen and Daozi Yuyou wait outside the mountain gate.

Mr. Wen flatly denied: "No, if the emperor wants to go to the Fantian Sect, the old servant will also go with him. Otherwise, if the Fantian Sect is not good for the emperor, the old servant can still fight a bloody way." Come."

Lin Bai gave a wry smile and said something just now, but unexpectedly Mr. Wen continued: "Emperor, now all the warriors in the demon world know that you have become the emperor of Jiuyou Demon Palace."

"I know that the emperor has a good relationship with Meng Qinxian, the saint of the Fantian Sect, but I don't know if he will still regard you as a friend at this moment!"

"If Meng Qinxian still regards you as a friend, then of course, needless to say, he will find a way to protect the emperor's son's safety."

"But if Meng Qinxian no longer regards the emperor as a friend, and the emperor goes to Fantian Sect's mountain gate alone, it will probably be a disaster."

Mr. Wen took a deep breath and continued: "The reason why we chose the territory of the Seven Nights Divine Sect to rebuild the mountain gate is because we have a detailed understanding of the forces in the Seven Nights Divine Sect's territory."

"The Seven Nights Divine Sect is exhausted and no longer has the strength of a prosperous sect."

"But among the five top sects of the Seven Nights Divine Sect, except for the Qinglian Sect, which was defeated by the Chu Kingdom, the other four top sects are all in a strong position."

"This is the case for Fantian Sect and Baitian Sect. It is the time when they are strong."

"The foundations of these two sects are extremely profound, and there are many ancestors in them. According to our understanding, there are powerful people in these two sects who have great magical powers."

"So..." Mr. Wen said to Lin Bai seriously: "My servant will never agree to the emperor going alone. If he must go, I must follow him!"

Daozi Yuyou also said, "I'll go too."

Lin Bai was speechless.

Listening to Mr. Wen's tone, he was extremely determined and didn't seem like he would give in.

If Lin Bai didn't take them, they would probably go secretly.

"In that case, let's go to Fantian Sect to send a greeting card!" Lin Bai had no choice but to agree first.

After all, Lin Bai only wanted to meet Meng Qinxian when he was visiting Fantian Sect. As for other things, he didn't care about anything else.

Taoist disciple Yu You asked: "What body method should be used to send greetings?"

Lin Bai said: "Not as the King of Qin of the Chu Kingdom, nor as the emperor's son of the Nine Nether Demon Palace, but as Lin Bai, I am sending a greeting to the Fantian Sect."

"Meet Meng Qinxian, the Holy Son of Fantian Sect."

Daozi Yuyou and Mr. Wen both nodded.


The cloud boat slowly sank from the clouds and gradually landed in front of a huge and majestic mountain range.

Standing on the clouds and looking at the mountain range, the vegetation covered the sky and was full of greenery. Between the springs and trees, one could vaguely see palace buildings that looked like fairy palaces, and warriors would fly in and out of them from time to time.

This place was the mountain gate of Fantian Sect.

The entire mountain gate belonged to the area within the mountain gate of Fantian Sect.

A cloud boat headed straight for the mountain gate of Fantian Sect, and immediately attracted the attention of many warriors in the mountain gate.


Thousands of warriors flew out of the mountain gate and hovered in the air. The old man in the lead raised his hand to stop the cloud boat.

"This is the mountain gate of Fantian Sect. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The old man in the lead had a resolute face and extremely sharp eyes. He stared at Lin Bai coldly and ruthlessly, as if he regarded Lin Bai as an evil guest with bad intentions.

Lin Bai stood on the bow of the boat and said with a bow, "I wonder if Meng Qinxian, the saint of your sect, is in the mountain gate now?"

Looking for the saint? ...The old man in the lead was stunned for a moment, then said: "The Saint Son of our sect is now in the sect. I wonder who you are and why you want to see the Saint Son?"

Hearing that Meng Qinxian was in the sect, Lin Bai said: "Then please tell him that... Lin Bai is here to visit Meng Qinxian."

"Lin Bai!"

Hearing these two words, there was an exclamation in front of the mountain gate of Fantian Sect.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Bai involuntarily: "He is Lin Bai!"

"It's the traitor!"

"What is he doing in Fantian Sect?"

Their discussion was very low, but thousands of warriors discussed at the same time, and the sound was very loud, and was also heard by Lin Bai, Wen Lao and others.

Facing their questioning eyes and hateful eyes, Lin Bai stood on the bow and remained unmoved, looking calmly at the mountain gate of Fantian Sect.

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