Chapter 7141 Qilin City! Ma Family!

"I thought there were enough warriors in the teleportation square, but I didn't expect there were even more warriors in Qilin City!"

The beast cart walked on the street for a long time, and Lin Bai paid attention to the movements in the street.

If it weren't for the two beast carts that Lin Bai and Ma Leiyu were riding in being extremely luxurious, people would know at a glance that they were either rich or noble, and they would not dare to stop them.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to walk through the street.

Elder Wen said: "The Seven Nights Divine Sect War broke out, and Chunyang Sect and Phoenix Valley temporarily achieved a phased victory. Many warriors believe that Chunyang Sect and Phoenix Valley will inevitably go to war with Fantian Sect and Baitian Sect."

"And they also believe that Fantian Sect and Baitian Sect have little chance of winning, and the main battlefield is likely to appear in the territory of Fantian Sect and Baitian Sect."

"Therefore, at this moment, a large number of warriors in Fantian Sect and Baitian Sect have swarmed into the territory of Chunyang Sect and Phoenix Valley, which has caused a large number of refugee warriors in the territory of Chunyang Sect and Phoenix Valley out of thin air."

Daozi Yuyou raised his eyebrows: "Why are these people running away before the war has even started?"

Elder Wen said: "They are just low-level warriors. It is human nature to seek good fortune and avoid harm."

Lin Bai did not interrupt, and listened silently to the chat between Elder Wen and Daozi Yuyou.

After understanding and running-in along the way, Lin Bai found that Elder Wen's judgment of the situation was particularly clear, and he knew a lot of inside information that Lin Bai did not know.

As for Daozi Yuyou, it seems that after leaving Jiuyou City, she is particularly interested in everything in the outside world, so she temporarily put aside Lin Bai's hostility.

The three of them were calm along the way, without any major twists and turns.

The beast cart squeezed through several extremely crowded streets, and finally slowly drove into the richer streets in Qilin City.

Lin Bai looked through the window and knew that the warriors living here must be rich or noble.

There were orderly shops on both sides of the street, and the customers coming and going were all dressed in extravagant clothes.

Although there were many people on the street, it did not seem noisy and crowded. Each warrior performed his duties and was busy with his own things.

Going further, there were tall and majestic courtyard walls and many vermilion gates, each of which was hung with a gilded plaque.


The beast cart that Lin Bai was riding stopped in front of a vermilion and purple gate, and the gilded gate plaque read "Ma Family" in two large characters.

Before Lin Bai stepped out of the beast carriage, Ma Leiyu rushed over from behind and took the initiative to welcome Lin Bai out of the beast carriage.

"Ma family?" Lin Bai stepped out of the beast carriage and looked up, saying: "Brother Ma, is this place within your family?"

"I guess so." Ma Leiyu had a flattering smile on his face: "The Ma family in Qilin City is just one of the branches of our family."

Ma Leiyu, a core disciple of Chunyang Sect.

His ancestor "Ma Lian'an" is a strong man in the supreme Dao fruit realm in Chunyang Sect.

With such a warrior who is second only to the level of a great supernatural power, the Ma family is in its heyday in the territory of Chunyang Sect and will inevitably develop extremely rapidly.

In any large family, there are strict rules and regulations.

In any large sect, there are also strict hierarchical rules.

For example, in a family, each family will conduct an assessment every once in a while, either a talent assessment or a cultivation assessment.

Any warrior who stands out in the assessment and is considered by the family to have potential for cultivation will be trained by the family, no longer asking about the trivial matters of the family, and concentrating on cultivation.

And some warriors with mediocre talents, who are not valued by the family, will be sent out to do business for the family, or "specially give birth to offspring."

Specially give birth to offspring, what does this mean?

As the warriors' cultivation level increases, for some reason, the higher the martial arts, the more difficult it is for the martial arts to give birth to offspring.

For example... the probability of a warrior in the Shendan realm giving birth to offspring is not much different from that of a mortal.

The probability of a warrior in the Wending realm giving birth to offspring is greatly halved.

As for warriors who break through the Dao realm and above, the probability of giving birth to offspring is greatly halved compared to the Wending realm.

Until the later Daoguo realm, the probability of giving birth to offspring is even less.

As for those warriors who have "great magical powers and have transcended the tribulation to ascend to heaven", it is extremely difficult to give birth to offspring. Many great magical powers have no offspring in their entire lives.

According to the explanation that "Master Ling Tianzi" once gave to Lin Bai, this is... the way of heaven is flawed, and everything cannot be perfect.

You practice to become an immortal, and gain the cultivation of all-pervading and immortal lifespan, then the way of heaven will take away some things from you, and these are your offspring.

Of course.

It does not mean that great magical powers must not give birth to offspring, but that the probability is very small.

Lin Bai knew a truth very early, that is, "there are people beyond people, and there are mountains beyond mountains", there is no strongest martial arts and magical powers in the world.

No matter who creates a magical power that he thinks is invincible in the world, others will immediately come up with a way to crack it.

The same is true for the flaws in the way of heaven.

Some great magical powers have already felt that there is no hope of becoming an immortal in their later years, so they want to concentrate on cultivating the descendants of their family.

At this time, these great masters began to think of ways.

They searched for rare treasures in the world and refined them into elixirs, which could greatly improve the ability to give birth to offspring.

But this kind of elixir is also extremely rare and precious in the circle of great masters.

For families like Ma Leiyu, warriors with excellent talents will be trained by the family, while warriors with ordinary talents will be arranged to do other trivial matters or give birth to offspring.

This is why there are always idle dude in these families. It is not that their families do not care about them, but they think it is completely unnecessary.

If these dude likes to play with women, they will not be blamed by the family, but the family will think that they are contributing to the inheritance of the family's incense.

Whether in the mortal world or in the martial arts world, the most important factor that determines whether a family is prosperous is whether the family has a large population.

Therefore, like the Ma family, with the support of the Chunyang Sect and the Supreme Dao Fruit strongman in the family, their family must be prosperous and have a large population.

The Ma family in Qilin City is just a branch of the Ma family, and belongs to the illegitimate branch of the Ma family.

As a core disciple of the Chunyang Sect, Ma Leiyu must be a direct descendant of the Ma family.

As expected.

Soon after the two animal carts stopped at the gate of the Ma family, dozens of white-haired old men rushed out of the vermilion gate, bowing and saluting as they ran.

Ma Leiyu stood at the gate, with his head held high and his chest puffed out, his expression full of nobility: "Immediately arrange a quiet courtyard for me, I want to entertain the distinguished guests."

These elders of the Ma family branch promised repeatedly, not daring to disobey in the slightest.

This is the suppression of the main lineage over the collateral branch, and the hierarchy within the family is particularly strict. (End of this chapter)

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