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In this way, at least he can fiercely teach Chu Fengmian a lesson.

But this result seems to be worse than Wandao Sacred Son expected.

“No, the Ancestral Dragon is extremely powerful, but there is no trace of the law of the world on him.”

Hearing the question of Wandao Sacred Son, the several star palace dísciples all looked at each other, and then they all opened the mouth and said.

If an Immortal Emperor takes action, it will inevitably contain the power of the law of the world. After all, if you want to become an Immortal Emperor, you need to condense your Smaller Thousand Worlds and turn your own ontology into a world.

So the power of the law of the world is almost the best basis for judging whether a Martial Artist is because of the Immortal Emperor.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, they did not feel a trace of the power of the law of the world, which proved that Chu Fengmian was not the Immortal Emperor.

“Without Law Power, not Immortal Emperor, did this person choose the way of Heavenly Venerate?”

Wan Dao Sacred Son heard this, and he browsed tightly frowns.

Judging from the just-matching scenes described by the Star Palace dísciples, Chu Fengmian was almost as easy as blowing off dust, which was a direct defeat of the five Star Palace dísciples.

This kind of strength should be close to the eighth-order Immortal Emperor level. This is already an impossible strength category for an immortal.

So what Wandao Sacred Son first suspected was that Chu Fengmian had chosen to condense Smaller Thousand Worlds and promoted to Immortal Emperor, but now Chu Fengmian does not have any traces of the laws of the world.

The only explanation is that Chu Fengmian chose Heavenly Venerate.

Although this era belongs to the ten basic laws, the Immortal Emperor’s Tao is the real avenue, and most of the geniuses in the Era will choose the Immortal Emperor’s Tao.

The Way of Heavenly Venerate, although the starting point is the same as the Dao Idol of the Immortal Emperor, it may even go faster than the Way of the Immortal Emperor, but the Way of Heavenly Venerate has a fatal weakness, which is the upper limit. Far inferior to the Tao of Immortal Emperor.

Martial Artist of the Way of Cultivation Heavenly Venerate, who wants to have the strength comparable to this high-rank Immortal Emperor, faces difficulties, which is much more difficult than that of a sixth-rank Immortal Emperor who wants to be promoted.

The threshold of the high rank Immortal Emperor is extremely difficult to cross, so the powerhouse above the high rank Immortal Emperor, Heavenly Venerate, is very rare.

True geniuses will hardly choose the way of Heavenly Venerate, unless they are like the Youzu, with special physique and unable to cultivate the way of Immortal Emperor, will they be broken and choose the way of Heavenly Venerate.

If Chu Fengmian really chose the way of Heavenly Venerate, then there would be almost no threat to him.

Because once it is the way to choose Heavenly Venerate, it will be extremely difficult to improve one’s strength in the future.

Even though Chu Fengmian’s strength is comparable to the eighth-order Immortal Emperor, he is still no longer a threat. After all, in the competition of Sacred Son, the eighth-order Immortal Emperor’s strength is far from enough.

In the Epoch Club, Sacred Son’s position is so detached, even as the capital of the seven-star giants, the ninth-tier Immortal Emperor-level invincible powerhouse, is every Sacred Son. There is a great opportunity to have the strength of the 9th-order Immortal Emperor.

Even every Sacred Son, after becoming the 9th-order Immortal Emperor, his strength has to surpass many 9th-order Immortal Emperors, and the weakest is to reach the second stage of the 9th-order Immortal Emperor, the realm of transforming the ancients, even with impact The ability of Dao Transformation.

In the future, aptitude.

This is the real reason for the transcendent position of Sacred Son, so even if it is a Sacred Son who is not strong, but the realm of the Immortal Venerable, its status is comparable to the 9th-order Immortal Emperor, because the age club values, This is their future.

If Chu Fengmian chooses the Heavenly Venerate way, then there is no future at all, and naturally it is no longer a threat to him.

It’s just that all of this is now Wandao Sacred Son’s own guess that’s all, and Wandao Sacred Son dare not confirm it.

He is also very cautious now. When the sword demon Sacred Son was previously negligent, he did not suppress the sword demon Sacred Son, but now he is restrained everywhere.

This time must not let Martial Palace also get the Sacred Son they want.

“The medicinal pill inside can recover your injuries. Go down. If someone traces this matter, you should know what you should say.”

Wan Dao Sacred Son’s gaze condensed, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand and flew downwards. At the same time, his eyes looked towards the five star palace below dísciple opened the mouth and said.

“many thanks Sacred Son.”

The Star Palace dísciple headed by the Jade Pill received the flying jade bottle, and his face also showed joy. The medicinal pill in this jade bottle can fully recover from their injuries today, and even consolidate their strength.

After taking the medicinal pill, the five star palace dísciple all retreated.

“Green eyebrows.”

Wait until the five star hall dísciple left, the eyes of Wandao Sacred Son looked towards the front, slowly opened the mouth and said.

At the moment his voice fell, a silhouette shrouded in a dark robe appeared in front of Wandao Sacred Son. Under the black robe, I could barely see him. s face.

Green’s thick eyebrows are very clear.

“Find an opportunity to test the strength of the Ancestral Dragon to see if he is not Heavenly Venerate. If he is a Heavenly Venerate, you will leave after the test. If he is not Heavenly Venerate, but a fairy If you respect, you can find a chance and kill him.”

Sacred Son’s tone contains killing intent.

He had already missed the last time and suffered a big loss in the hands of the sword demon Sacred Son. This time, he chose to kill by mistake instead of letting it go, and he must not give him another threat.

Killing a Sacred Son, although once things are exposed, the cost is great, but Wandao Sacred Son can also afford it.

After all, compared to a dead person, he is a real Sacred Son, and the first Sacred Son of the Era Society. Obviously, he is more valuable and will be irritated over there and will not really punish him.

“The Ancestral Dragon, now in the headquarters, don’t do anything. It is said that Temple Lord is also very optimistic about him. If you want to win him, you do it at the headquarters. You may be blocked by Temple Lord until he leaves. When in the headquarters, do it again.”

Sacred Son Sacred Son slowly opened the mouth and said.

The black robed man nodded with green eyebrows, which is body flashed, once again disappeared in the palace, only Sacred Son was left, looking forward with deep eyes.

“The fourth Sacred Son…In the Era Conference, I will no longer allow the fourth Sacred Son, Ancestral Dragon, and the virtual element… to die!”

Above the continent of Epoch Club headquarters.

Located between a group of mountains, a huge palace stands here. Among these mountains, you can also see countless Martial Artists who are fighting each other and discussing each other, like a prosperous Martial Dao scene.

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