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You Di, even participated in the battle to besie the Lord of Sword Dao.

Chu Fengmian never thought of it.

Youdi, he should not be considered a member of Myriad Realms, and he should not even have a close relationship with Myriad Realms.

Otherwise, before the Three Great Saint Territories, the Nine Domains would not besiege the Nine Nether World to plunder the core fragments of the Youhai core.

The seven gods in the Nine Domains belong to the forces of Myriad Realms. It can be said that Nine Domains on this day are forces controlled by Myriad Realms, which is not an exaggeration.

If Youdi were from Myriad Realms, Nine Domains would at least not take action against Youdi.

But now it seems that in the battle to siege Lord of Sword Dao ten thousand years ago, it was not only the people of Myriad Realms who shot, but even the powerhouse other than Myriad Realms also shot.

As for the remaining two ninth-order Immortal Emperors, Chu Fengmian had never seen them before, and could not name them, but the aura on these two ninth-order Immortal Emperors was also extremely powerful.

The Martial Dao power that faintly radiates from them is a power that surpasses the Immortal Emperor’s level, and is a power that belongs to the ruler.

These two 9th-order Immortal Emperors were both powerhouses that had mastered Martial Dao through cultivation, so their strength was one level stronger than the ordinary 9th-order Immortal Emperor.

A total of ten 9th-order Immortal Emperors, plus six 8th-order Immortal Emperor Peak powerhouses.

A total of sixteen powerhouses gathered together today, with the goal of only one, and that is to siege Lord of Sword Dao.

Lord of Sword Dao, surrounded by these Martial Artists in the sky, has become the center of everyone. Whether you want to escape from which direction, it is impossible and you are completely caught in the inescapable net.

“Sword Dao, do you still persist in your own wrong doings? Even Heavenly Dao abandoned you. If you don’t join Myriad Realms, when will you stay!”

I saw a silhouette with a sword, looked towards Lord of Sword Dao, said solemnly.

The person who speaks is the God Emperor led by Heavenly Sword, the Sword God Emperor.

“Myriad Realms is an enemy, no end, and the thing you got shouldn’t belong to you.”

Saint King also opened the mouth and said on the side.

“Hand over that thing, and I can spare you today.”

“Hand it over.”

Desolate Ancient God Emperor is also opened the mouth and said.

“That thing?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed.

This Lord of Sword Dao was targeted by Myriad Realms and besieged. It seems that it was not because of Lord of Sword Dao itself, but because he got something, and that thing?

Chu Fengmian also inspected intelligence from the Epoch Association before. After the fall of Lord of Sword Dao, he besieged his powerhouse, and it seems that he did not get that thing after all.

That’s why the parties will unite and want the dísciple of Lord of Sword Dao.

The Sword Dao gate was destroyed in a battle.

Although most of the Sword Dao dísciples fell because of that battle, there were also some Sword Dao dísciples, such as Mo Hong and the others, who also escaped.

However, the Sword Dao dísciple who escaped were still not let go, and they were chased and killed.

In these ten thousand years, Mo Hong didn’t know how many times he had escaped and kept his name incognito, but he was still chased and killed, and even finally imprisoned by the ethereal Divine Palace.

If it wasn’t for the sudden appearance of Chu Fengmian that Mo Hong had been rescued, I’m afraid that Mo Hong would no longer be able to escape.

Chu Fengmian didn’t know exactly what that thing was. He didn’t remember what the Lord of Sword Dao had especially cherished.

However, the following words of the six gods made Chu Fengmian complexion changed.

“The thing, the thing you brought out from the strange world within the realm, hand it over.”

Things brought out by the strange world within the realm.

The strange world in the mouth of these six gods.

It should be what Chu Fengmian saw before. The Lord of Sword Dao straddles the space, the world behind him, the law, and the world completely different from this era.

This time Myriad Realms set out to besiege Lord of Sword Dao. The real purpose was also for the Lord of Sword Dao, what was brought out from that life within the realm.

And what this brings out…


Lord of Sword Dao, after leaving the world, what he brought out was actually the baby in his arms, Chu Fengmian and Chu Jianbai in his previous life.

That said, the real reason why Myriad Realms focused on Lord of Sword Dao was also because of Chu Fengmian?

It’s not only the great catastrophe that Heavenly Dao chose to descend, but even huge monsters like Myriad Realms are eyeing Chu Fengmian.

Even at the expense of using the powerhouse of ten Immortal Emperors of Tier 9 Immortal Emperor level, he also wanted to besieged Lord of Sword Dao.

Chu Fengmian never thought of it.

What Myriad Realms until now wanted to get, turned out to be Chu Fengmian.

It seems to be Myriad Realms. I don’t know what the Lord of Sword Dao brought out in that life within the realm.

That’s why I have been searching and arresting the Sword Dao door dísciple, just to get that thing.

None of them thought that what Lord of Sword Dao brought out this time was a living person, Chu Fengmian.

The reason Myriad Realms focused on Chu Fengmian was actually only because Chu Fengmian was the dísciple that’s all of Lord of Sword Dao.

If Myriad Realms knows that Chu Fengmian is the “thing” brought out by Lord of Sword Dao from within the realm, I am afraid that the power of Myriad Realms to capture Chu Fengmian will increase countless times.

Not only Myriad Realms, but even Sacred Hall, Era Club, countless forces, will not let Chu Fengmian go.

“What the hell is that world? And why did the Master take me out?”

Chu Fengmian’s mind is full of chaos now.

He couldn’t imagine all this at all.

If it weren’t for this jade box, it was left by Lord of Sword Dao himself.

The content recorded in it will never be false. Chu Fengmian is afraid that he will not believe the record in this jade box.

The reason for the fall of Lord of Sword Dao turned out to be him, and the reason why Lord of Sword Dao was targeted by Myriad Realms was Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian is the root of all this.

Chu Fengmian’s current mood is full of ups and downs, and it can’t be calmed down. Although he analyzes everything as much as possible, he is still confused.

Although Chu Fengmian’s body does have some strange things, it is different from ordinary people.

For example, Chu Fengmian is the second person, and apart from him, there seems to be no second person in the world since ancient times, but in the true sense, the second person is a person, and he is born again.

After all, what Chu Fengmian did was not body possession, but true resurrection.

One more thing is that Chu Fengmian’s system is special, which can accommodate the power of Seven Innate Divine Beast bloodline.

Strength as strong as Innate Divine Beast bloodline, none of them are overbearing to the apex. Such a tyrannical Bloodline Strength is definitely not compatible with other Bloodline Strength.

So a Martial Artist, even if he has Bloodline Strength in his body, once he gets the Innate Divine Beast Bloodline Strength, his own Bloodline Strength will be ruthlessly swallowed by Innate Divine Beast Bloodline Strength.

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