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It’s just that what Chu Fengmian is worried about right now is not this great array of guarding mountains. His gaze condenses, but he lifts the head, looking towards not far away.

During the investigation of Chu Fengmian Spiritual Consciousness, he had already noticed, and a flurry of light had already flown towards this side.

It seems that Chu Fengmian is not the only one attracted by this a stream of rainbow light.

However, this is not surprising. The range of a stream of rainbow light bursting and spreading. Far surpasses the rainbow light bursting out of Cave Mansion before the god of heaven, it is normal that other Martial Artists will be attracted to it.

Someone else is coming.

Naturally, Chu Fengmian would not break the formation.

The mountain protection of this sect remains a great array with extremely strong formidable power. Even if Chu Fengmian takes the shot, it is difficult to completely destroy this great array in a short period of time.

If Chu Fengmian takes a shot at breaking the formation at this time, other people will come, I’m afraid they will be picked up by others, and Chu Fengmian has no plans to take a shot.

The escape light also quickly came to the center of the rainbow light. His eyes scanned the surroundings, and he also noticed the relics of sect on the mountain below.

It was found that this was a complete sect relic, the silhouette of a middle-aged man in the light, his face also showed a bit of joy.

But when he also noticed, the moment when the great array of mountain guards enveloped this sect ruins, his face was extremely solemn.

Such a great array makes it difficult to destroy the Immortal Emperor of the Ninth Order. Even more how here is in the land of the primordial beginning. After entering the land of the primordial beginning, the strength of a ninth-order Immortal Emperor will be affected. Suppression, so it is extremely difficult to destroy such a great array.

Soon this middle age person’s gaze shifted from above the sect remains of the mountain below to the mid-air, and his gaze fell on Chu Fengmian.

“People from the Epoch Club.”

The middle-aged man said silently and recognized Chu Fengmian’s origin at a glance.

The land of the primordial beginning is opened, only those who know the coordinates of the primordial land can enter the land of the primordial beginning, and the coordinates of the primordial land are extremely secretive, and they have always been controlled by the forces of the three eras. Hands.

Therefore, almost all the Martial Artists who entered the land of the Primordial Era were Martial Artists of the Tri-Era forces. Of course, they were not absolute, like some 9th-order Immortal Emperors who did not belong to the Tri-Era forces. The coordinates of this place of primordial beginning, entered into it.

However, the breath of the Martial Artist of the Three Ages is completely different, so that it is easy to recognize at a glance.

Chu Fengmian entered the Land of the Beginning this time, and he did not hide his identity.

Similarly, the middle-aged man opposite, Chu Fengmian also recognized his origin at a glance.

“Martial Artist of Sacred Hall.”

This middle-aged man should be a Martial Artist belonging to Sacred Hall, but he is not one of the gods of Sacred Hall, but an eighth-order Immortal Emperor in Sacred Hall. I don’t know which god son it is. Under his command.

But since he has discovered the site of the sect, the god behind the middle-aged man should appear soon.

This middle-aged man, staring at Chu Fengmian steadily, seems to want to see through Chu Fengmian’s strength, but this man is just an eighth-order Immortal Emperor, even if Chu Fengmian did not deliberately hide his strength, It’s not what he can see through.

After discovering Chu Fengmian’s strength, deep and unmeasurable, this middle-aged man did not dare to act rashly.

Chu Fengmian on the other side has no plans to shoot either.

Because even if the secret technique is used to swallow the power of the great array of the mountain, the time required is at least close to one hour. In such a long time, no other Martial Artist will reappear.

At that time, Chu Fengmian exhausted his efforts to solve the great array of protecting the mountain, and he may not be able to get the real treasure in the sect ruins, so now Chu Fengmian is unhurried, he is also quietly standing in the corner of the sky. waiting.

He is ready to wait for the arrival of other Martial Artists.

The formidable power of such a great array of mountain guards, if you want to break it with force, it is by no means a Martial Artist can do it. Only by combining the power of several people can it be broken with force.

In this place of the primordial beginning, many of the treasures that were born are like this. They are broken together by others, and after waiting for the Array to be broken, it is self-reliance and seizure of treasure. This is a default rule.

Therefore, both Chu Fengmian and the middle-aged man are waiting, and they have no plans to shoot.

“Oh? A sect ruin? Didn’t expect that sect ruins were born so early.”

In less than two minutes, I saw that above the sky, another light came from a distance. This was a young man who also landed in the center of the rainbow, standing above the sky. , Observe the sect ruins below this.

In this young man, Chu Fengmian felt an extremely tyrannical aura, which made him stare at the young man involuntarily.

This breath.

This young man is also a peerless genius cultivated by the forces of the Three Ages. Judging from his aura, this person should be a realm master in Myriad Realms.

In such a short period of time, Chu Fengmian unexpectedly met another owner of Myriad Realms.

The aura of this person seems to be almost on par compared to the master of the golden pavilion, but this is only a manifestation of power.

The true strength of this person is also deeply hidden. Unless it is a real fight, it is impossible to judge the true strength of this person.

“The great array of really strong, no wonder you haven’t done it yet.”

The young man came down, first glanced at Chu Fengmian, and then looked towards the middle-aged man.

“Lanlan, where is your master? The true Demon God, why isn’t it here?”

When the young man spoke, in his tone, he knew the middle-aged man.

“Jingshan Realm King, the real Demon God son, you can be there, don’t worry.”

middle-aged man opened the mouth and said neither humble nor humble.


The King of Jingshan Realm obviously didn’t have much interest. Talking with this middle-aged man, his eyes soon fell on Chu Fengmian.

“People from the Epoch Club? I don’t seem to have seen you before.”

“It seems that you should be one of the two newly promoted Sacred Sons in The Epoch Society? Is it Xuyuan or Ancestral Dragon?”

Although the King of Jingshan Realm was born in Myriad Realms, his news was extremely well informed. He also knew all about the major events that occurred in the Era Society.

And in the Era Society, a new Sacred Son was born. This in itself is a big deal, and his detailed understanding is not surprising.

“Ancestral Dragon.”

When Chu Fengmian heard the King of Jingshan Realm, he also directly replied.

“Ancestral Dragon, the fourth Sacred Son of the Era Society, was finally seen today.”

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