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This is the realm king with the strength of the eighth-order Immortal Emperor, the god child, after entering the land of the beginning, his strength will be upgraded to the nine-order Immortal Emperor level.

This has become an existence that they are far from being able to fight against.

In this land of the primordial beginning, the battle between the geniuses of the Three Ages, only between them, have the capital of the first battle, even the 9th-order Immortal Emperor, it is difficult to participate in it.

After all, even if it is the 9th-order Immortal Emperor, it will be suppressed by the Supreme Beginning Strength, and its strength will be greatly reduced, and it will not be able to compete with it.

So when I saw Chu Fengmian, the Sacred Son of the Era Society, these two Immortal Emperors of the eighth order, they turned their heads and left without fighting with Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian only glanced at it, but ignored it, and continued to fly toward the center of the rainbow light, but when Chu Fengmian was only a thousand miles away from the rainbow light.

Suddenly, 3 silhouette also appeared in the sky and stopped in front of Chu Fengmian.

These three people are all eighth-order Immortal Emperors. The breaths on their bodies belong to the same lineage. They are obviously Martial Artists of one side, and the breaths on them.

“Martial Artist of Myriad Realms?”

Chu Fengmian’s gaze narrowed, looking towards the three Myriad Realms Martial Artists.

“Fourth Sacred Son! Ancestral Dragon Sacred Son!”

The three Myriad Realms Martial Artists also saw Chu Fengmian’s face in the escape at a glance, and when their eyes condensed, they recognized Chu Fengmian’s identity.

Chu Fengmian is no longer the kind of unknown person. Before, he relied on his lack of fame, but he took a lot of advantage, but since Chu Fengmian one against two, he is forced to be the king of Jingshan realm, really Demon In front of the two gods, after taking away the three palaces in the ruins of the Hongyuanzong sect.

Chu Fengmian’s fame has spread throughout the primordial land, so now the Martial Artists in the primordial land all know Chu Fengmian.

However, Chu Fengmian is a bit strange. Since these three Myriad Realms Martial Artists recognized Chu Fengmian, they didn’t even turn around to escape. Instead, they dared to stop Chu Fengmian?

For Sacred Hall, the Martial Artist of the Epoch Club, Chu Fengmian will still have a bit of affection, not a killer, but for the Martial Artist of Myriad Realms.

The enmity between Chu Fengmian and Myriad Realms is innumerable. Starting from Lord of Sword Dao, Chu Fengmian was chased by Myriad Realms several times and was targeted by Myriad Realms everywhere. He met Myriad Realms Martial Artist, it’s good if you don’t kill the opponent.

Now these three people dare to stop Chu Fengmian?

However, when Chu Fengmian glanced over and saw the eyes of these three people Chu Fengmian, with no fear in his eyes, he also saw these three people, and seemed to be emboldened. It seems that the powerhouse behind them , It should be here.

That’s why these three people dare to be so confident to stop Chu Fengmian.

“This ruin has already been taken by my Myriad Realms. Please meet the fourth Sacred Son!”

Among the three Myriad Realms Martial Artists, one of them is the strongest, looked towards Chu Fengmian, coldly said.

“I was fancyed by Myriad Realms? No matter who I fancy, I only know that since it is in front of me, it should be mine.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards these three external Martial Artists, their faces becoming more and more savage.

After entering the land of the beginning, Chu Fengmian’s luck seems to have been good, or not so good, he hasn’t met the people of Myriad Realms much.

There was only one King of Jingshan Realm, and the King of Silverthorn, Chu Fengmian, King of Jingshan Realm, could not kill him. He could only retreat after getting the benefits. As for the real killer, only the King of Silverthorn.

This Myriad Realms, when Chu Fengmian’s strength was low, was everywhere against Chu Fengmian, and it was all killer moves. If it weren’t for the improvement of Chu Fengmian’s strength, it far exceeded Myriad Realms’s imagination, plus Chu Fengmian’s fateful words.

I’m afraid that he is now, already dead in the hands of Myriad Realms.

And now, Chu Fengmian’s strength has finally reached a level that can barely compete with Myriad Realms. Although compared to huge monsters like Myriad Realms, Chu Fengmian’s strength seems to be far from enough, unable to shake the entire Myriad Realms. The huge monster completely avenged the Lord of Sword Dao.

But it is possible to kill a few Myriad Realms Martial Artists, especially these eighth-order Immortal Emperors, whether they are attracted by Myriad Realms or cultivated by Myriad Realms, they also need to pay a lot of wealth before they can They wooed them and killed them, which can also weaken the power of Myriad Realms.

Although Chu Fengmian also knew that the death of a few eighth-order Immortal Emperors had an utterly inadequate measure of the influence on the strength of Myriad Realms, but for Chu Fengmian, it was extremely rampant. He has been chased by Myriad Realms for less. In some cases, Myriad Realms Martial Artist was beheaded, but he was forced to fight back that’s all.

Now that Chu Fengmian is relying on the great mountain of Jiyuanhui, he can also take the initiative unscrupulously. Anyway, as Chu Fengmian is now Martial Palace Sacred Son, the sky has fallen, with Martial Palace holding him, Chu Fengmian is unscrupulous.

“The people of Myriad Realms, dare to stop me, if so, you guys die!”

Chu Fengmian looked towards the three Myriad Realms Martial Artists. Suddenly he shouted coldly. With a big wave of his hand, a burst of dragon power burst out, transforming into a huge dragon claw, directly at the three Myriad Realms Martial. Artist swept away.


Chu Fengmian shot suddenly, without warning.

The three Myriad Realms Martial Artists also changed their faces.

They dare to stop Chu Fengmian so unscrupulously, it is also because the realm king behind them is now in this sect ruin, is attacking the great array of Hushan, and is preparing to collect this sect ruin.

They just spoke, and in their words, they also told Chu Fengmian this.

Although there is a hostile relationship between the realm king of Myriad Realms, the god son of Sacred Hall, and the Sacred Son of the Era Society, most of them are almost on par due to the strength, but few people will be completely hostile. .

After all, once a powerhouse at this level is defeated, it will have a great blow to itself.

Peerless genius must never be defeated. Once it fails, this kind of blow may completely stagnate its own strength, so they will avoid fighting.

Even in this place of the primordial beginning, for the sake of profit, they will each keep their hands when competing for sect relics.

But now Chu Fengmian is disregarding all of this and directly shoots. The three Myriad Realms Martial Artists are too late to react. The little power they have gathered is to resist Chu Fengmian’s dragon claw, but it is the slightest. Can’t shake the strikes of this dragon claw.

The three of them all fell into Chu Fengmian’s palms all at once.


looked towards these three Myriad Realms Martial Artists, Chu Fengmian sneered, their palms suddenly pressed hard.

“Zhuzier dare!”


But at this time, from the direction of the center of the rainbow light, a golden light suddenly burst out. In this golden light, there is a sword light that cuts through the space and is towards Chu Fengmian stabbed over.

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