Sword Emperor

Chapter 109

Sun Bing couldn't help frowning at what he said. To tell the truth, since he has got the direction, he has no use for sun Bing at all. If the other party wants to follow him all the time, he must have ulterior motives, but he doesn't break it. He walks quietly towards the front.

With the passage of time, sun Bingcai really found that the danger in the dense forest was really much less, and what appeared was no longer those demons of level 4 or above in the depths of Hengduan Mountains. The highest level was only level 3, and more was only level 2.

These monsters are not sun Bing's opponents at all, but they are all killed with a light sword. This kind of fighting power amazes the middle-aged figure on one side. At the same time, sun Bing has already guessed that it is obviously the outermost part of the mountain range, which is quite a safe place.

Although this person has been following sun Bing, but also played a significant role, sun Bing from his mouth also learned a lot of news.

This man is a casual practitioner in tianwu City, whose name is Yang Tao. Although the realm is much higher than that in Luoyun Town, you should know that this is tianwu city. Therefore, his cultivation can only be regarded as the bottom of the list. He has to do his daily work and even be in danger of life if he is not careless. If he doesn't meet sun Bing today, he will definitely die and die, so it is quite natural for him appreciate.

After a talk, sun Bing also got some information. Tianwu city is the largest city within hundreds of miles, which is totally different from Luoyun town. Although Luoyun town is said to be the largest force within hundreds of miles, it is because there is no other force.

However, tianwu city is surrounded by small villages, small towns and even many cities. In such an environment, it can be called the strongest force, and its gold content is quite high.

Because tianwu city is bigger, it has numerous strengths, but most of them can only be regarded as small forces. What needs to be noticed is the three major forces in tianwu City: the city Lord's house, the Zhou family and the Tianying sect.

The gathering of experts from these three forces is not comparable to that of the family of Luoyun town. Each faction has a monk from the state of birth. Some even have more than one. It can even be said that a single force can destroy the whole Luoyun town.

One of them is Tianying sect. Its disciples are arrogant and domineering. They dare to kill people on the spot if they don't agree with each other. Even the city Lord's house is afraid of him. For so many years, although he is a sect, he does robbers. These monks are suffering from torture. Even sun Bing can clearly see what is revealed in Yang Tao's eyes However, due to the power of the other side, they can only dare to be angry.

Sun Bing silently recited the name in his heart, and then nodded slightly. It is just the so-called "know yourself and know the enemy". Although he doesn't want to make trouble in this new environment, he knows more information and is safer in tianwu city.

Not long after, the two people have completely walked out of the dense forest. Suddenly, sun Bing can't help but sigh. You know, he has lived in this dense forest for too long. Now he suddenly comes to such an empty place, which is really a little missed.

All of a sudden, sun Bing's eyes twinkled, because he found that there was a grand road nearby. The surface of the road was quite flat. There was a stream of people and a lot of noise. Seeing this, Yang Tao could not help explaining: "this is the main road of tianwu city. People from the Lord's house patrol every day to clean up monsters and villains. It's quite safe. It's not around People from the small villages all go to tianwu city to trade through this road. "

The noisy scene in front of him made sun Bing feel as if he had been separated from the world. He sighed in his heart that Luoyun town is really a corner of peace. It took 50 years for a disciple to go to Qinghui cave. Now it seems that he is really watching the sky.

We should know that sun Bing has not yet arrived in tianwu City, which is already so lively. What kind of scene is it in the real city?

After a period of time, the two men finally arrived outside tianwu city. Looking from a distance, they could see the magnificent city wall with a height of 100 Zhang, which seemed to be able to stop all attacks. Sun Bing was completely shocked. Luoyun town is really different from this place.

After paying a certain fee for entering the city, they passed through a slightly dark tunnel at the gate of the city. Then, the deafening noise swarmed in like the tide. Unable to prevent it, sun Bing could not help but feel his head clouded.

A moment later, he slowly regained his mind. Looking again, the street was full of people, and on both sides of the street were magnificent buildings. The most important thing was that sun Bing's eyes were like electricity. He was surprised to find that every one of the people passing by him was a monk. His accomplishments were the lowest, and there was a layer of hardening body. There was no mortal at all All show the extraordinary of tianwu city.

At this time, Yang Tao on one side could not help but bow his hand: "brother, since you have arrived in tianwu City, please forgive me for not accompanying me. The green mountains will not change and the flowing water will flow for a long time. We will meet again later." With that, he turned and walked towards the crowd, and soon disappeared.

In this regard, sun Bing's mouth can not help but show a smile, the world is all over the banquet, two people are just strangers, it is true, at first sun Bing saved each other's life, but the other side has also taken the real yuan fruit as reward, in the final analysis, this is just a transaction.At the moment, the other party has safely returned to tianwu city. Sun Bing sees a trace of deep joy on his face. It is obvious that he wants to sell his real Yuanguo as quickly as possible, so he leaves sun Bing eagerly.

Of course, sun Bing didn't mind this at all. After all, he had achieved his goal and successfully arrived at a new environment, which could be regarded as the joy of both the host and the guest.

Because it is the first time to come to tianwu City, sun Bing is quite interested in everything around him. His cool eyes show a trace of curiosity, so the following people slowly walk on the broad street.

After a visit, sun Bing couldn't help sighing that he was indeed the biggest force in hundreds of miles.

Maybe it's because there are too many people in the city, so it seems a bit messy. In addition, most of them are practitioners with bad temper, and there may even be a scene of fighting against each other if they disagree.

Along the way, he has seen no less than two groups of fighting arising from quarrels. For this kind of fighting, the onlookers not only did not have any dissuasion, but also had a little interest in watching.

Only a few moments later, there will be two monks who are all practicing Qi state. They will take all those who fight with each other. Through the conversation between passers-by, sun Bing also knows that those are the guards of the city Lord's house.

Even when the name was mentioned, the faces of the passers-by could not help feeling solemn, because the city Lord's house is the nominal ownership of this city. Although there are other forces in parallel with it, there is no doubt that it is slightly better than the other two forces.

Even though tianwu city is so huge, there are few friars practicing Qi realm, which can be regarded as the mainstay for any big power. The city Lord's house has a guard composed of 200 monks of practicing Qi State, so we can imagine the degree of terror.

You know, it's not one person, two people, two hundred people. Even if the three families of Luoyun town are gathered together, there are not so many strong practitioners of Qi training environment. Even if the number of strong people who are born out of the realm meet, they are not sure that they can win. No wonder the city Lord's mansion is so amazing.

In this way, with the crowd shuttling around, sun Bing had already visited a lot of times. Suddenly, his steps stopped slowly. Although the rest of the buildings in tianwu city are quite magnificent, only this building completely crushed the rest of the buildings, and even had a feeling of standing out from the crowd.

Sun Bing immediately raised his head, only to see three simple characters on the pavilion: "treasure Pavilion."

Sun Bing's heart was awe inspiring. Unexpectedly, he wandered to this place. It was a coincidence that treasure Pavilion really helped him a lot in Luoyun town. Immediately, sun Bing did not hesitate, but walked slowly towards the building.

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