Sword Emperor

Chapter 112

"Don't you know the rule that fighting is forbidden in treasure house? Now it scares the other guests Just at this moment, a faint voice came out slowly from the upstairs.

At the same time, with this old voice, sun Bing only felt that the strength that had just gathered in his body disappeared instantly, and even his body could not move. Then he saw an old man slowly walking down from the upstairs of treasure Pavilion.

Sun Bing turned his head and saw that the other side was white haired and childish, and his face was ruddy, but he was full of vigor. Seeing this figure, sun Bing was quite shocked.

I didn't expect that the other side would be so powerful that he didn't even make a move, so he defeated him as soon as he opened his mouth. You should know that he not only met the friars who had been born out of the womb, but also had a confrontation with him. It can be said that he knows far more about the rebirth state than the ordinary friars of practicing Qi.

There is no doubt that the old man in front of him is a friar who was born out of the womb, but Sun Bing can be sure that the old man in front of him is definitely much stronger than Lu Yu, his opponent before sun Bing. If sun Bing had faced such a person, even if he was holding a shadow sword, he would not have a trace of confidence.

However, this also confirms sun Bing's own conjecture. After all, treasure Pavilion is a huge power that covers the whole mainland of China. If it is as simple and weak as it seems on the surface, it is absolutely impossible for it to develop into such a huge one.

You should know that there are many precious items in the treasure Pavilion, which is extremely attractive to anyone. If there is not enough force, it will be easily taken away by others. Obviously, the old man in front of him is the guardian of Zhenbao Pavilion in tianwu city.

Immediately, because of this sentence, there was silence nearby. It was obvious that everyone understood what it meant. The young man in royal clothes could not help looking stiff. As a member of the Tianying sect, even though he was arrogant and domineering, he knew the power of the treasure Pavilion. Even if they were the three major forces in tianwu City, they were far from daring to oppose the treasure house.

In fact, his plan is very simple. First of all, he defeated sun Bing in two moves, and then let him be afraid, so that he would not compete with him for the spirit stone, and it would be regarded as the completion of his own task. However, the picture in reality and imagination is totally different. He misestimated sun Bing's strength and underestimated the hidden strength of treasure Pavilion, which led to the present situation.

But at this moment, without any hesitation, sun Bing immediately asked, "is this the way to treat guests in the treasure pavilion? Not only did not come first and then, but even life might have been greatly threatened. In the past, who else would rush to the treasure house to buy things in the future

As soon as he said this, the scene suddenly became silent. No one could have imagined that sun Bing could speak with reason in the face of such an old man, and exposed all the things to the public's eyes.

After all, sun Bing's words are true. From the beginning to the present, all the things are picked up by the other party. The old man can be seen clearly in the attic.

Immediately, he could not help but turn his eyes to this young man in royal clothes. Although his eyes were a little cloudy, he even had no momentum, just like an ordinary old man.

But in the eyes of the old man, the young man in royal clothes only felt a huge pressure coming from his whole body. He was threatened by death and soaked with sweat.

But he was also flexible. Seeing that there was something wrong with the form at the moment, he immediately arched his hand: "sorry, this time it's my fault. It's really because the little headmaster needs a spirit stone to practice, and his words are not very appropriate. I hope I can forgive him."

However, the old man didn't pay any attention to the young man's mistake. He didn't even open his eyes. He completely ignored him. Then he slowly came to sun Bing and said with a smile, "I'm really sorry this time. I didn't expect that such a situation would happen. We'll help you settle the account immediately. I hope you don't mind."

Finish saying to turn a head: "the thing of this little brother gives him pack."

Suddenly, the middle-aged man on one side could not help but quickly wrapped up the spirit stone, and then directly handed a Najie to sun Bing's hand: "1.5 million silver a spirit stone, the rest is a small thank you for making amends. Please forgive me."

After hearing this, sun Bing was about to explore Zhenyuan into Najie. He only saw a small burden in the empty Najie. After a close look, all of them were spirit stones the size of baby fist. They were 25, which meant that the monk of Qi cultivation had been practicing hard for two years. It was reflected in white fluorescence, which was quite pleasing to the eyes.

Sun Bing can't help but feel pleased. He just sold 30 million silver liang of silver. If you calculate according to 150 million spirit stones, he can only exchange 20.

But now 25, then it represents a whole five, is a gift, this can only let Sun Bing can not help but sigh: really worthy of treasure Pavilion, really rich.

Looking at Sun Bing's happy face, the other side of the royal guards man's face can not help blue and purple, looking at Sun Bing's eyes full of hatred, because although tianwu city is a big city, but because the spirit stone is really some precious, so the stock is not much, only 50 spirit stones per month.Many of them have been exchanged before, so there are not many spirit stones left. However, the young leader of Tianying sect urgently needs the spirit stone to make a breakthrough recently, so he sent him to buy it. However, he never expected that all the remaining spirit stones still went into sun Bing's pocket.

This means that he can't carry any spirit stone back at all. The thought of the angry face of the young leader makes him tremble for fear. Unfortunately, the situation is better than others, but he can't bow his head.

After the thing arrived, he confirmed that there was no problem at all. Sun Bing immediately arched his hand at the old man in front of him: "thank you for the old man today. It seems that treasure Pavilion is really a big force. It has its own lucky rules, so the boy left first."

After that, he turned around and was ready to go outside. The man in royal clothes opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something. But after a look at the old man who had been standing there, he could not help moving his mouth, but had no movement. He could only keep silent.

Sun Bing left treasure Pavilion, straight ran to the crowd, but two blink of an eye speed, has disappeared without a trace.

After all, sun Bing didn't wander around. After all, he learned enough when he came to tianwu city on the first day. The most important thing was that he exchanged 25 pieces of inferior temporary spirit stones. He immediately found an inn to have a rest.

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