Sword Emperor

Chapter 1202

At the moment, countless friars in the battlefield were staring at the scene in front of them. They didn't even make a sound. In silence, the sound of the corpse's weight falling on the ground was so loud.

When the fire shadow died completely, the human figure that could still be maintained also changed. Before the battle, the two armies became a huge fire sparrow, with a trace of gold blood all over the place, and the smell of terror spread around.

However, the bloody breath didn't make anyone feel uncomfortable. The Terrans had already sent out a cry after cry when they saw this. It seemed that the morale lost before was all back because of sun Binggang's performance.

You know, this is a holy Son of a foreign race, and his strength is incomparable. This can be seen from Lu Ming's confrontation with him before. But now, facing sun Bing, he is completely killed with only one sword. It is conceivable that there is a huge gap between them.

Rare, already desperate mood changed instantly, seems to think, if sun Bing hands, this battle really has the hope of victory.

Even the several Terran powers sitting high in the sky can't help but take a look of surprise in their eyes when they pass the first battle. Young heroes are not unknown to them. However, it is rare that sun Bing can achieve such a level of free practice.

However, because of this contrast, all the people on the Terran side are quite dissatisfied with Lu Ming. After all, they only know the gap when they have a comparison. It is obvious from this war that the gap between Lu Ming and sun Bing is too big.

Lu Ming, who is watched by countless Taoist eyes, feels that there are many sharp swords behind him. He bursts out of infinite pressure, and his heart seems to have been broken at this moment.

But Lu Ming, who had suffered such a ordeal, had no trace of remorse in his heart. Looking at Sun Bing's pupil, he was filled with resentment and killing intention.

Because in Lu Ming's opinion, his own property will become like this. All of them are the ghosts of Lu Ming, and all the faults are the reasons of Lu Ming.

This kind of situation can only say that the poor people must have something hateful, which makes people sigh.

However, different from the excitement of the Terran side, after a short period of consternation, there was a burst of uproar in the twinkling of an eye. Thousands of doubts emerged in the hearts of countless people about why the fire shadow would die directly.

It should be noted that although the fire sparrows are not among the top 100 powerful ethnic groups, a talisman for death is still stingy for the son of the family. Generally speaking, even if it falls down in the battle, it can revive smoothly, but the scene in front of them is beyond their expectation.

The same situation also made those foreigners in the sky discover that their faces are not very good at the moment. After all, the fire shadow was killed in front of them. It was just like beating them in the face.

They can't help but look at the center of the battlefield. As a saint, they are very thorough in the way of heaven and earth. There are few things in the world that can hide from their eyes.

After a long time, one of them began to speak slowly: "I didn't expect that this son looks young, but he has already broken through the sword soul to the level of enlightenment.

In addition, it is integrated with its own Daoism. Each move contains the power of the sword soul. If it is cut horizontally by such sword light, the spirit will collapse.

In the face of such an enemy, the talisman is almost useless. It's really terrible. Such a terrible pride has been born. "

However, as soon as such words fell, another powerful speech was full of gloomy and murderous opportunities: "it's also early discovered by us. If we really let it grow up completely, it's definitely our enemy. We must kill it as soon as possible. At this moment, I'll send the voice to those little guys to kill them at all costs."

Immediately, the man immediately closed his eyes, and then an inexplicable voice sounded in the minds of duanhun and others. Not long ago, the broken soul and others who were standing there had a trace of clearness in their eyes, and the sight of sun Bing was also full of strong killing intention.

At the thought of completing such a reward, everyone has raised a touch of fire from the bottom of his heart.

Then we can see that the saint of the silver fox clan immediately walked towards the center of the battlefield. The other party had just taken action and attracted all the people's attention.

Because the appearance of each other is really too perfect, dark clouds fold temples, apricot cheeks, light spring mountain, delicate waist willow, really like the Begonia drunk day, pear blossom with rain, not inferior to the nine fairies under the yaochi, the moon Chang'e from the jade palace. The silver fox Saint girl's mouth is like a little cherry, her tongue spits out Meizizi's harmonious atmosphere, her eyes are full of charming feelings.

Such enchantment means are more powerful than before. Even under such aura, countless people look at her graceful posture, and their eyes gradually begin to dim, and the mind seems to take advantage of this opportunity.

In a short period of time, the monks who were immersed in the beauty of each other were more than a million people. Luo Tian was even more livid now, because according to this, the other party had never regarded him as a real opponent before.But it is also because of this that the movement is too big, sitting in the high altitude of several big can definitely not allow such a situation, at the moment only need the other party to do a little hand and foot, then I don't know how many generals and soldiers will have accidents.

Even if there was a great master who waved his sleeves and an inexplicable breath came out, many officers and soldiers who were immersed in such a beautiful face felt a shiver and came back to their senses. Even many people were still puzzled and murmured in their mouths:

"what's the matter with me? I remember just now I was looking at the saint of the silver fox clan not far away. In the end, at last, I seemed to know nothing about anything

At the thought of the final situation, I don't know how many soldiers have a feeling of fear. They look at the silver fox saint in the battlefield not far away, and their eyes are full of fear.

It is a terrible fact that they are all elite soldiers of hundred battles, and their willpower can be said to be incomparably firm. They are immersed in them unconsciously at the moment.

However, the good thing is that the powerful means completely dispelled the other party's charm. If we look back at the past, we just think that the appearance of the silver fox saint can be called the most elegant, and no one can control her. However, her mind will not fall into addiction at all.

But this is also to show the other side's means, even before the start of the battle, has begun to gather momentum, almost can be said, every time the silver fox Saint takes a step, then the charm of the body will be more and more strong.

When the silver fox Saint went to the middle of the battlefield, that is, when the power of charm was the most strong, the other side suddenly wanted to charm sun Bing by such means.

Countless people can't help but think of the talent and magic of the silver fox. Although this race's own combat effectiveness is not strong, it can be ranked 97th because the talent of the other party can permanently sink people into its charm.

It is said that in ancient times, there was a goddess of the silver fox family, who seemed to be the Nine Tailed Fox. She charmed a divine Son of the human race with the most powerful force, so that the whole holy land was reduced to a vassal and finally collapsed.

However, the consumption of such magic power is very huge, even with permanent trauma. Even the silver fox clan can not perform it many times, and it is only three times in their life. Therefore, they will be extremely cautious when choosing a charming object.

Obviously, sun Bing's terrifying talent undoubtedly attracted the attention of the silver fox saint. If he could turn such arrogance into a minister under his skirt, there would be a strong man in the silver fox family in the future.

The Terran power in the sky seems to be aware of something wrong in the battlefield at the moment, and immediately wants to stop it. However, they have not yet taken action, they are immediately blocked by the great energy of Taigu wanzu, and even the corners of their mouths are full of teasing:

"this is a battle among the younger generation. We can't do it, or it will be unfair."

Obviously, Taigu wanzu side is quite willing to see such a situation. If they can succeed, they will have an unparalleled pride. On the contrary, the Terran side is short of one, and the gap between coming and going is quite large.

Finally, the Terran can only be discouraged and looks at Sun Bing's back with a little worry with countless Terrans, hoping that the other side can successfully walk out of such charm.

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