Sword Emperor

Chapter 1218

Once again stepping into the vast starry sky, sun Bing's heart is also full of emotion. The ancient star road is indeed the best place to experience young Tianjiao. After calculating, after stepping into it, you can find that your cultivation has been improved a lot.

But Sun Bing still can't see any surprise on his face. Even in his eyes, there is still a trace of solemnity in his eyes. After all, with the improvement of his cultivation, the pressure he faces is also greater. And this time he goes to Shenzhou, I don't know what kind of bloodbath will happen again.

But for all this, sun Bing can only take a long breath, lock throat will immediately shrink to an inch, use to the extreme, one step seems to be able to span thousands of space in general, in an instant disappeared without a trace.

Just after sun Bing had disappeared, he was astonished to find an old monk with an incomparable face. He inspected the space fluctuation around him, and his face showed a ferocious smile: "I didn't expect that the little beast's action is very fast, but I still can't escape from my palm."

After the words fall, the old man immediately pursues the place where sun Bing disappeared before, and quickly pursues and kills him. Not long after the old man disappears, he can see the streamers appearing. After staying here for a short time, he immediately chases away.

Sun Bing is no doubt quite aware of his current crisis situation, so the speed of the whole person has been completely promoted to the extreme. Although he has not reached the point of squeezing potential, he is also extraordinary. Even the monks in the ordinary life and death situation can not catch up with him.

But the vast starry sky can be called boundless, even if sun Bing's speed in the flat ground can be called incomparable, in the boundless starry sky, still slow as a snail, if not in the Star Road, the speed suddenly increases, want to go to another state, it will take quite a long time.

However, even if he ran away quickly in the Star Road, it was still quite dangerous. It was only a half day's journey. I don't know why, sun Bing always felt a little bad in his heart, as if there was some crisis approaching.

This discovery immediately attracted sun Bing's great attention. It should be noted that when he has cultivated to his level, his understanding of heaven and earth's Taoism has been quite in-depth, and this glimmer of premonition is the hint given to him by heaven and earth. Whether he can grasp it or not depends on himself.

So at the moment, we can see sun Bing's face is very solemn, frowning slowly and saying: "with my current strength, the monks in the ordinary life and death situation of jiuchongtian will not be my opponents. As for the younger generation, I have not provoked some enemies who are not rivals for the time being.

Therefore, there is no doubt that these should be the people sent by the holy land to pursue and kill me. The status of saints is too high, which is impossible. Therefore, the only possibility is that they are half saints. They are really generous. In order to deal with me, they even sent these people. "

Although his mouth was filled with emotion, sun Bing's face was very low, and even his words were full of killing intention. If possible, he would certainly kill those pursuers.

However, sun Bing is still very weak at the moment, so in the face of such a strong enemy, it is not appropriate to face a direct collision. The best policy is to avoid it. After all, at this moment, his own safety is the most important. Only by living can we have more miracles.

It is in this short blink of an eye, sun Bing has made a decision, the line of sight swept toward the four directions, the whole person immediately out of the star road all over the stars, and directly left in another direction, in order to ensure their own safety.

Even though sun Bing's speed dropped several times after leaving the Star Road, the sense of crisis in his heart seemed to be reduced several times. The whole person could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, this is not the time to relax. After all, he is still in crisis at the moment. To know that in order to build the Star Road, the stars around him were moved by many powers with great powers, so the space around the star road is incomparable.

In such an environment, let alone human beings, even a mole ant can have a panoramic view, so sun Bing's biggest problem at the moment is that he must be out of the sight of others as soon as possible.

For the sake of his own life safety, even if it is said that squeezing his potential for a long time will cause permanent damage to his body, sun Bing will not hesitate to do so. The speed of the whole person soars and turns into a streamer, departing from the star road and heading for the distance.

With the improvement of sun Bing's strength, the speed can't help but speed up, Rao is so, but it took three hours to get to the nearest star.

Just when sun Bing wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly could see that a bright and incomparable light appeared at the end of the star road. At the same time, it seemed that there was an infinite sense of crisis.

Suddenly, sun Bing's eyes are filled with solemnity, the breath of the whole person disappears instantly, and immediately hides his body behind the stars to ensure that the other party can't find his sight at all.

But in my mind, I began to think: "as expected, this is absolutely those who were sent by the holy land to pursue me. They have reached the level of half saint. If I hadn't noticed this in advance, I believe that I could catch up with me within half a day at the speed of the other party."Unfortunately, the other party's idea is wrong. If you walk along the Star Road, even if you go through the whole life, it is absolutely impossible to find his figure.

After a long time, when sun Bing probes out again, he can find that the streamer has gone and disappeared in sun Bing's line of sight. At least he can't see the shadow of each other in the star path he can reach.

This can't help but let Sun Bing breathe out a long breath, frown slowly, and said to himself: "the star road has been occupied by the previous man, with the wisdom of the other party, I believe that after I can't find my figure, I will definitely go back, so it is quite dangerous.

If you want to ensure your own safety, the only way is to open up a path. Although the speed is a little slower, it is better to be safe. "

However, just as sun Bing's words fell that moment, there was a burst of cold words behind him: "I think you can't leave."

Just as soon as the words were said, sun Bing could feel his body and mind were cold, and there was endless cold sweat behind him. Then he turned his body carefully and looked up to see an old man with a familiar face.

Lu Yi, who is facing sun Bing at the gate of the city, is looking at Sun Bing with ferocity on his face at the moment. His eyes are full of killing intention.

Seeing each other's figure suddenly, the shock brought to sun Bing is undoubtedly quite huge. He can't even imagine how the other party found himself. In his mouth, he couldn't help but send out doubts: "how did you trace here?"

"Ha ha ha ha, little doll has no other skills, but she still runs very fast. I have already prevented you from this move. I specially applied for this blood dropping compass from my family. Even if I was poor, I could not escape my hand."

Looking at Sun Bing's eyes with surprise and shock, Lu Yi's mouth reveals a cruel smile.

After all, two people can be regarded as enemies of life and death. For sun Bing, once at the gate of the city, the other side almost killed himself. If it wasn't for Dong Xin, he would have fallen.

In Lu Yi's eyes, sun Bing is an immortal enemy. It should be noted that this man killed Lu Ming in front of his eyes. It was the son of the Lu family, whose status was higher than him. However, he was completely defeated.

At the same time, Lu Yi also received punishment from the family. He must kill sun Bing and avenge Lu Ming. Otherwise, the person who died was himself. How could such hatred be disintegrated.

It is for this reason that Lu Yicai paid a huge price from his family and borrowed his precious blood dropping compass. It can be said that he would not kill sun Bing and swear that he would not be a human being.

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