Sword Emperor

Chapter 1221

"How long is it going to last? This little beast, like an immortal cockroach, has smashed it hundreds of times, but it is still alive and well."

After taking a deep look at Sun Bing, Lu Yi's heart was filled with emotion, and her brows were all tightly wrinkled. Because she did not know why, something bad happened in her heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

Just as Lu Yi was trying to find out where it was rising from, an accident suddenly happened. Sun Bing, who had been photographed as a blood mist before, suddenly recovered completely. At the moment, his breath was even more terrifying.

Looking at Lu Yi's face, they all show a cold smile. Infinite Zhenyuan rushes into the Chixiao sword, and many mysterious inscriptions emerge. The mind of the startling Sky Sword spreads around, and ripples appear in the starry sky.

"Across the world"

after some understandings in life and death sword technique, sun Bing's understanding of this move is more in-depth, but also makes its convenience more perfect. In addition, with the full exertion of such power, how terrible it is.

In the face of sun Bing's attack, Lu Yi waves her hand subconsciously, and an earth shaking palm print appears in the starry sky. Every palm print on it is so clear. Obviously, she wants to beat sun Bing to death as before.

However, Lu Yi had been used to the fixed routine for hundreds of times. She didn't realize that the power of the sword move at the moment was much higher than that of the previous one. Moreover, sun Bing did not wait to die after a sword was waved.

Even though Lu Yi was a semi saint, he was still greatly restrained, and another sword light appeared.

"Chopping the stars"

there are endless visions in the starry sky, and a series of terrifying waves spread out. Only the two most dazzling swords, as if the sky and earth had just opened, galloped in the starry sky with colorful splendor.

In the twinkling of an eye, he contacted the huge palm print. This time, it was not completely broken like the hundreds of times before. Instead, under the light of the sword, there were cracks on the palm print, and soon there was an earth shaking sound.

Later, the sword was still powerful and attacked the landing Yi. The hidden sword meaning was amazing, and even the skin was prickly.

When sun bing used the sword field, Lu Yi finally knew where the previous bad feeling came from, because hundreds of times of response had already made his thinking rigid. Subconsciously, he had forgotten the fact that sun Bing had mastered the sword field.

At the moment, Lu Yi's own evil result is finally ushered in. With the help of the Tao's star cutting, the power of breaking out is no less than that of sweeping the world. What's more, when the two moves come together, the lethality is not as simple as superposition.

The next moment, the two brilliant swords stabbed Lu Yi. Rao is a semi saint. However, facing sun Bing's attack, he is still seriously injured.

In the starry sky, there was a burst of sad howl, and a more majestic breath burst out. However, sun Bing could still see that there was a trace of bright red blood flying out from the wound.

When the sword light disappears completely, you can see that Lu Yi already has two scars on her body, which can be seen in the bone. Even if we say that as a semi saint, the terror defense and resilience of sun Bing are still dwarfed by sun Bing's sword sense, and the recovery speed is very slow.

The bright red blood flowed down directly. For sun Bing, there was no doubt that it was a great victory.

However, this also completely angered Lu Yi. From now on, her eyes were full of red, and her heart's killing intention for sun Bing was also promoted to the extreme: "good, good, good, when I catch you, I will certainly have to cut thousands of pieces and pieces of corpses, so as to eliminate the hatred of my heart."

However, since Sun Bing has decided to launch the Jedi counterattack, naturally he will not stop his actions so simply. How could he give up such an opportunity after waiting for such a long time.

There are endless inscriptions all over the body of the Chixiao sword in his hand, and there are still Taoist sounds coming from the heaven and earth, which sets off the extraordinary features of the sword. Lu Yi, who was seriously injured, has a sense of crisis in his heart at the moment.

"Parting in life and death"

the sword technique of life and death, which Sun Bing had been hiding for so long, finally broke out, and a sword awn appeared. Strangely, the sword was full of two colors, black breath with death, but white with bobshengji.

The two sides entangled each other, which was just like this sword move, but it brought Lu Yi a terrible threat.

After a short period of astonishment, Lu Yi immediately wanted to launch a counterattack, but Zhenyuan seemed to have a short pause at the moment, and the operation was not smooth, so that when the black-and-white sword was close to him, he had not launched any counterattack.All of this is in sun Bing's calculation. With so many moves launched, Lu Yi's Zhenyuan is only 30% left. Moreover, sun Bing's two swords also hit each other's pulse gate, which has such an amazing effect.

The sword Qi of life and death instantly got into Lu Yi's body. Originally, he did not find any unnecessary changes. He still had a trace of doubt in his heart, but in a moment, his face became ugly.

Because after the sword Qi entered the body, the breath of life and death entangled each other. The vitality in Lu Yi's body was gradually extracted and turned into a strong dead breath. The breath of the whole person even decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It should be noted that half saints only have a trace of the remaining power of saints. Although they are equally powerful, they are at a loss in the face of such strange situations. They do not know how to deal with them.

After the vitality was taken away, Lu Yi could even detect that the breath of death seemed to be around her, and her heart was filled with endless panic. At the same time, her hatred for sun Bing also rose to the extreme at that moment.

In anger, all the breath gathered in the hands, directly toward sun Bing's chest.

Because it was an angry attack, the speed of this move was faster than expected. Sun Bing had no resistance at all. In a flash, his body completely collapsed. But before breaking, he could still find a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yi's attack broke the fragile balance in her body. She was very weak because her blood was taken from her heart. At the moment, the situation was even worse, and a mouthful of blood gushed from her mouth.

When sun Bing's figure appears again, Lu Yi's breath has already begun to become unstable. Looking at Sun Bing's eyes, which lost their former disdain, are full of shock.

Because from the beginning to the end, sun Bing has not been in his eyes, but now in the hands of such a nobody, he has been humiliated, and even may fall.

Thinking of the last possibility, Lu Yi's heart also emerged a touch of fear, once thought impossible things, but now the distance is so close, the tip of his nose seems to be able to smell the breath of death in the air.

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