Sword Emperor

Chapter 1241

After finishing all this, sun Bing exhaled a long breath, which only then realized that he did not know when he also emerged from the endless cold sweat behind him.

After all, before the real fight, sun Bing still had some doubts about his own strength, and even worried that he could not hold the other side, so that the whole battlefield was defeated and the Hong family would be destroyed.

But now the pressure is gone, and the light in his eyes is more vigorous. Jiuyou ancestor is like a grindstone. He sharpens sun Bing's sword more sharply and amazingly. Similarly, the difficulty of breakthrough in the future will be reduced a lot, and the benefits will be endless.

Then, sun Bing's mental power burst, the sword array around slowly disappeared, and finally appeared the real face inside.

However, when the fog disappeared and they really realized the scene inside, many monks felt startled because one after another on the ground were all enemies who had been completely killed by the sword spirit, and the incomplete hands and feet were everywhere.

The battlefield was even more terrifying, with cracks that had spread for hundreds of miles one after another, and they could not see the bottom. Combined with the scene of blood flowing, even veterans who had been fighting for a long time felt horror.

No matter Wei batian or Hong Kai and others, when the sword array came to an end, their eyes began to sweep away. They wanted to see what the final results were like, because the victory or defeat of this battle was directly related to the success or failure of the whole battlefield.

Almost in a flash, Hong Kai has found that sun Bing, standing in mid air, has finally released a hanging heart, and then his heart is filled with crazy joy.

When Wei batian saw sun Bing for the first time, he was filled with deep disbelief, because Jiuyou Laozu was a half saint. Although he had not become a saint, his strength was far beyond the realm of life and death. How could such figures fail.

But then, Wei batian has found that the corpse has fallen to the ground, and there is no more life. The picture seems to have been frozen in this moment.

In Wei batian's mind, there is only a corpse on the ground. This blow to him is undoubtedly quite huge. Looking at Sun Bing's eyes, the earth shaking changes have taken place. There is shock, fear and strong killing opportunities.

Because sun Bing's sudden return completely disrupted all his arrangements. Otherwise, according to the original plan, it would be quite easy to attack the Hong family, but now everything is destroyed.

At the same time, sun Bing, who killed Jiuyou ancestor, also felt that strong hatred. He could not help but turn his head and look into the distance. He directly found Wei batian with red eyes. At the moment, his mouth showed a faint smile:

"Wei Shengzhu, at this moment, your support has fallen. So, should we count the two of us I'm in charge? "

At the end of the speech, even if sun Bing said it with a smile, it was also filled with endless cold and sword sense, which even made Wei batian's heart shudder. He didn't dare to say anything more.

We should know that Jiuyou ancestor, as a half saint, fell into the hands of sun Bing. As for his cultivation, although he reached the level of nine heaven of life and death with the help of the ancient people, he still did not have the courage to fight against sun Bing.

Similarly, Wei batian's heart is full of regret. If he had known that sun Bing's potential was so terrible, he should not have let the tiger return to the mountain. If he had killed sun Bing on that day, there would have been no so many twists and turns.

But this battle is also of great importance. This is the first attack launched by the ancient peoples in Shenzhou. If it fails, there will be no doubt that the other clans will be quite angry, and Wei batian will be the best outlet.

So in the end, Wei batian's face was full of flesh pain, his eyes were maliciously staring at Sun Bing, and he said with a cold smile: "Sun Bing, you can really stand up to be a genius. With the help of a monk in the five fold heaven of life and death, you can kill a half saint.

If I had known this day, I would have never let you go. If you had escaped, I would have kept my peace. But you should not have and should not have obstructed my plan. For now, I would have to get rid of you, even if I had to spend a reward. "

When the words fall, you can immediately see Wei batian. There is a jade symbol carved in his hand. If you take it out, you can see the terror wave on it, as if it is sealed with something.

At the first sight of this thing, sun Bing's face had already started to change, because he had seen it before, and what was sealed in it was a blow from a saint.

In the face of that terrible attack, let alone the realm of life and death, even if it is a semi saint, few people can escape. This kind of thing is generally owned by the God son of the ancient people. I didn't expect that Wei batian also had such treasures.

In a flash, sun Bing's sense of crisis was directly promoted to the extreme, and his body subconsciously retreated to the rear. At the same time, he immediately sent a message to Hong Kaihua Qiyue: "please inform everyone and start evacuating immediately. There is the power of a saint's attack."The faces of Hong Kai and others also changed wildly. After hearing sun Bing's words, they retreated to the rear without any hesitation. At the same time, they opened up one array after another to block them.

"It's a little late to want to run now. Die for me." Seeing this scene in front of him, Wei batian immediately laughed wildly, and then Zhenyuan instilled it into the jade Fu and thoroughly stimulated it.

There was a terrible wave in the air. Saint Wei swept the whole battlefield, which was thousands of times larger than the previous semi holy momentum. There was a huge gap in the sky, and white palm appeared from it.

This palm alone has been huge to hundreds of miles away. After it appeared in China, the sky was covered with thick black clouds, and purple thunder constantly emerged, attacking the white palm.

In addition, there are numerous shackles of order in heaven and earth. It seems that they want to seal off the terrorist forces that are not part of Shenzhou. In the blink of an eye, there are shackles completely condensed by laws on that palm.

But even so, the breath from the palm of the hand was still terrible, as if it could oppress countless people. Under this breath, many monks who were evacuating were also crawling under the breath and could not move at all.

Although the hand looked slow, it was actually fast to the extreme. It was directly shrouded in the lower sun Bing and others. The closer the distance was, the more intense the stillness appeared in the heart.

If you don't take any action, all the friars will fall completely except for a few Tianjiao who have cards to protect. This undoubtedly greatly weakens the strength of the Terrans.

Sun Bing absolutely didn't want to see such a scene. At the moment, he could not help but stand upright, with sharp eyes and staring at the palm of the air. Under the surge of Zhenyuan, a huge city appeared directly in the air.

"Is this star city?" Hua Qiyue, Hong Kai and others in the rear had noticed this at the first moment of the appearance of the city, and then they were more worried about the situation in the battlefield.

Under the condition of sun Bing's efforts to instill Zhenyuan, Xingluo city has grown rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye. Almost in an instant, it has already occupied hundreds of miles, and even completely shrouded its bottom in the sky. Under constant circling, it hit the white palm as white as jade.

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