Sword Emperor

Chapter 1255

In the face of such opponents, sun Bing also felt a headache, because the other side is really too difficult.

In terms of strength, Wei Zhong, Lu Yi and other semi saints are stronger than Wei batian. However, if he is in front of him, he is the craziest one among so many enemies of sun Bing, which undoubtedly brings him endless crisis.

However, no matter how dangerous it is, sun Bing will never allow himself to fail. For such a long time, he did not know how many dangers he experienced, and did not all survive successfully.

What's more, if you fail now, it means a complete fall, which he absolutely does not allow.

Immediately, sun Bing couldn't help but breathe out a deep breath, so that he completely recovered his calm. At the moment, only Wei batian, the enemy, was in front of him. Even Wei Zhong was temporarily ignored. He used the sword array to suppress him and ignored it.

Holding Zhanlu sword tightly, sun Bing's greatest capital is his hard training over the years. Every sword move has been deeply imprinted in his bone marrow.

Before Wei batian launched an attack, sun Bing had already made a preemptive attack, shrinking into an inch and directly using it. Zhanlu sword in his hand made a bright mark in the air, and then he directly attacked Wei batian.

Facing sun Bing who came to attack, Wei batian did not have too much fear in his heart. Instead, he laughed and faced the enemy directly. As time went on, when he reached the peak, it meant that the victory or defeat had been understood.

Although the two sides fight in the sword array, the outside world has also undergone tremendous changes.

It has to be said that Hong Kai and others are strong enough. Without Wei batian and Wei Zhong, the friars of jiuchongtian, the ordinary life and death situation, have not fallen under their cards. No matter how bad they are, they can compete with each other.

In such a long time, many of the original Wei family monks have been completely broken up, and even many people have begun to flee.

As for the rest of the people, they can only hide in the array reluctantly. After all, except sun Bing, the way in which others open the array is quite unbearable, and they must break the array with force. However, in the face of such a mysterious array, they can only sigh at the ocean and have no other methods.

Just at this moment, Hong Kai and others can find that, unconsciously, the scene in the sky has changed. Originally, there are auspicious clouds and bright sunshine.

But in this short time, the boundless black thick cloud has already appeared on the top of the head, and even the sight can't find the end of the dark cloud this time. There is a terrible suppression in the sky, which seems to be with infinite heavenly power.

"This dark cloud is not like the ordinary sky at all, but is similar to the thunder cloud of the ferry robbery. Does anyone want to break through the ferry robbery?" Flower Qi month saw this scene, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, then murmured in the mouth.

The rest of them were full of doubts, but as soon as they heard the words, it was like a ray of light to sort out all the doubts thoroughly. However, after thinking about it, the shock in their hearts was unimaginable.

Seeing the great changes in their faces, Hong Kai immediately asked, "what have you found? What's going on in the sword formation? "

"Only brother sun, Wei batian and the elder Taishang are in the sword array. Even if brother sun breaks through, there will be no thunder robbery between life and death. Such a huge movement only represents that someone wants to become a saint."

After looking at each other for a while, Daozi pondered for a while, and then he began to speak slowly.

However, the meaning of the words was quite shocking. All four people present were intelligent and understood the meaning of this event in a flash. They were shocked by Wei batian's madness and worried about sun Bing.

After all, once Wei batian succeeded, he would die in the end, but at that moment, he could not deny that the other side absolutely possessed the terrible power of a saint. This was a gap that the monks in the realm of life and death could not cross.

At the same time, in the sword array, as several people expected, the battle was incomparably fierce. Under such anxiety, sun Bing had already expanded his sword territory, so that Wei batian was in such an environment, and was not small shackles.

And at this moment, we can also see that Wei batian has a trace of rampant smile on his face, but he is extremely embarrassed, and even has appeared one sword wound after another. Judging from the awe inspiring sword meaning, it is clearly sun Bing's handwriting.

"Ha ha ha ha, you can't kill me after all, and now it's your end!"

Feeling the terrible energy in his body like the sea, Wei batian at the moment gave out a wild laugh, and his eyes were full of bitterness.

Because at the moment, Wei batian's momentum has been raised to the highest level. Even if he wants to move his mind, he can overcome that bottleneck. Originally, he wanted to settle in this realm for hundreds of years, so as to polish his foundation, but now he is forced to such a situation by sun Bing.Looking at his opponent's face not far away, sun Bing's heart is still calm. At the moment, he has no distractions, and his ultimate goal is to kill Wei batian. But in such a long time, even though sun Bing has tried his best, he can only suppress the other party.

After all, the distance is still a step short. On the contrary, the sense of crisis in my heart becomes more and more strong, as if it may fall at any time.

At the moment, Wei's body seems to be dancing in a disorderly way, which makes Wei's body even more powerful.

At the same time, in the outside sky, that black thunder cloud, also appeared a purple thunder. When Wei batian broke through which moment, it directly sounded and suddenly appeared. The terrifying pressure of the heaven and earth made everyone panic.

However, it was in such a time that sun Bing's eyes flashed a touch of light, and he secretly said in his heart, "good opportunity."

Immediately, the Zhanlu sword in sun Bing's hand burst out a bright light, and all the real elements in his whole body had been instilled in it, so that the mysterious inscriptions on the sword began to flash with purple light, and the sword meaning of Ling lie appeared.

"Across the world"

even at this moment, sun Bing's body is empty, but he is still stubbornly standing in the void, the sword shadow in his eyes surges, accompanied by the shiver of the sword soul in the sea of knowledge, into two streamers of light, directly toward each other.

At the turning point of the heaven and earth, there appears a complete sword, one vertical and one horizontal. The two are totally different. However, when they are combined, they are so terrible that cracks appear in the space along the way.

In addition, the sword array which has never had a sense of existence outside, at this moment, all the flying swords burst out their most powerful light, and the power of many sword Qi gathered together was also frightening.

"Do you really think these attacks can disturb me? It's just wishful thinking. It's time for you to fall. "

Even though surrounded by these terrible attacks, Wei batian's mouth was still full of wild laughter. Then he opened his big hand and waved one hand to the sky. The other hand held up the sky, as if to smash the whole sword array completely.

In the twinkling of an eye, the two attacks have already fallen into Wei batian's hands. Even though they are in the process of breaking through, the strength of the other side is extremely terrifying. They completely surpass the semi saint. The two swords are even crushed completely.

It was in such a critical time that sun Bing's sword soul quietly entered Wei batian's sea of knowledge, because it was in the process of breakthrough. At the moment, the sea of knowledge was expanding rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye, and the spiritual power inside was also crazy and terrible.

But in a short period of time, sun Bing has found the spirit of Wei batian. Just at the moment, the sword soul directly kills the spirit of the other side.

But in a flash, there was a huge howl and fury in the air: "what have you done?"

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