Sword Emperor

Chapter 1276

Time, like a fleeting moment, disappeared directly. Unconsciously, sun Bing came to the small village for a whole month, but in this period of time, the whole village has changed greatly.

As far as you can see, the numb faces that could only wait for death have disappeared. What turned out to be a strong sense of self-confidence. Even some young people were in high spirits. It seemed that the war spirit broke out, which was particularly amazing.

After one month's hard training, the strongest one of them succeeded in breaking through to the realm of exuviation, but all its foundations disappeared, and the speed of the next practice could only be regarded as normal.

However, such strength, coupled with the existence of the rest of the nuns in the village, can be regarded as quite powerful. Some of the beasts that were once regarded as crisis do not need to be paid attention to at all.

Similarly, aware of the changes in their bodies, these people have great respect for sun Bing. After all, it is he who has brought such a huge change to the whole village.

However, at the moment, the most shocking thing for sun Bing is jianzun. Since this month, the hard work and seriousness of the other party has completely exceeded his imagination. What he does every day is to draw out the sword and practice the sword technique.

Even this frequency is more serious than sun Bing once was. He doesn't know how many swords he needs to swing every day. Every sword is so meticulous that he gathers all his energy and energy. Even though he is tired, he doesn't give up.

In the process of practicing sword, sun Bing has found that jianzun has added some changes to the basic sword techniques. Even if the changes are not big, they are more in line with jianzun. There is no doubt that this is the prototype of the sword technique.

Such a terrible talent, so that sun Bing's face is hard to erase the amazement, and hard training, also has a comparable harvest.

At this moment, jianzun has reached the birth state directly. It should be noted that his foundation is far less than that of the old people in the village. Therefore, the only explanation is that jianzun's talent in swordsmanship is too amazing. Otherwise, it would never happen.

Time is so calm, with a little urgency. If there is no accident, this small village of Terrans should be able to develop quietly and finally have enough self-protection.

But the accident also happened at this moment, and the triangle clan affair finally broke out today. Just as a group of villagers were practicing, the villagers who had been searching for the enemy's situation on the sentry tower, jumped down in a panic and immediately exclaimed:

"the triangle tribe is coming, and there are a lot of them."

Seeing the chaos of the sentry in front of him, the monk at the head of the village immediately yelled: "we are no longer what we used to be. Why should we be so alarmed?"

The sentry realized that now the village also had enough strength. The experience he relied on was still the same kind of powerlessness. From this, we can see how humble they were before, and how much shadow they were brought to them by the small triangle tribe.

What's more, sun Bing is still not far away. At the thought of his terrifying strength, these villagers can't help feeling that they are at the top of the mountain, and this is their most solid foundation.

However, when these villagers did not know, before they found the triangle tribe, sun Bing had already discovered it with keen insight. He murmured in his heart: "the strongest of these triangle people is also a person who has fallen out of the ordinary world. Maybe their strength is similar to that of the village. This is your experience."

On the other hand, many villagers who got the news also began to investigate. In a flash, we could see that a group of triangles flew by in the sky. With a terrible momentum, they startled countless birds and animals along the way.

In the face of a single triangle tribe, it was enough to make them panic. What's more, the number of people this time is so huge that even if they can still keep calm, there is a burst of panic.

But among the villagers, there are also some bloody people. At the moment, their eyes have shown a naked sense of war. After such a long time, it is time to verify, in order to avenge the villagers who have fallen.

Soon, those villagers were ready. Even though they were very flustered, their impetuousness gradually disappeared with so many people. In their eyes, only the triangle enemies in the sky.

After such a long time, the triangles in the distance finally came to the sky of the village. The dense triangles were flying in the sky, even like a gathering dark cloud, which made people unconsciously form a haze.

The triangular clan circling in the air is full of doubts at the moment, because in the past, even if they saw their single people, they would be terrified. As for the wooden sticks made at random, there is no way to harm them.

But now, such a large group of them came here, the Terrans not only did not panic, as if it had been difficult to dodge, but also had a sense of being ready for battle. Even the old and weak women and children had the courage to face them directly.Such a scene undoubtedly infuriated this group of triangle people. What's more, they had already got it. There was a clan who fell down here and wanted to come over and level the village and defend zunyang of the triangle people.

At the moment, the anger in my heart can't help but be more afraid. Even if it is a free roar, in an instant, hundreds of triangles gathered together spread their wings. Under the agitation, it seems that there are gusts of wind, and the treetops below are all fluttering.

After all, when the anger in my heart reached the extreme, a triangle clan launched an attack, and its wings were shocked. The speed suddenly soared, and it immediately killed one of the clans.

If according to the past situation, there is no doubt that this person has no resistance at all, can only become the food in his mouth, and finally fall completely.

Today, however, changes have taken place after all. Seeing this alien who is fighting against himself, the middle-aged man's eyes are full of fighting spirit, and his heart is still full of strong fire of war. He drinks softly in his mouth: "good come."

When the words fall, you can see that the person immediately moves the real yuan in his body in the meridians, and his toes have retreated towards the back. At the same time, he clenches his fists. He thinks about the basic boxing techniques that have been connected for such a long time in his mind.

The triangle clan found that he had the courage to run away, and his anger was even worse. He immediately roared, and his speed even accelerated by three points at the moment. Almost instantly, he was in front of the man.

However, at this moment, the Terran finally began to fight back. The true Qi was surging in the body. All of them gathered in the fist at the moment and directly hit the triangle clan's head. The perfect power generating skills and rich experience were added.

In such a sudden situation, it completely exceeded the expectation of the other party. In a hurry, he could only dodge to his side, but there was no way to avoid this attack.

In a flash, the fist fell directly on the head of the triangle clan. With a full blow and being caught off guard, the triangle clan did not even have too many words, and could only hear a scream, which was astonished to have been completely killed.

The head is now completely broken, and the red blood is flowing towards the ground. Only can see that pair of wings is still slowly twitching, but it has no vitality.

This scene appeared in the eyes of both sides, and the shock was unimaginable. For a long time, the Terrans were weak, and even had no courage to fight. Life is not like death. However, this blow made them confident in their hearts, and sometimes the triangle clan was not so strong.

As for the triangle tribe, what emerges now is a strong shock and anger. It seems that the resistance of the Terran people is totally unforgivable, and their eyes are full of strong intent to kill.

Finally, he wanted to wash the whole village thoroughly, and a real war was imminent.

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