Sword Emperor

Chapter 133

Zhou Ling's eyes moved to the south, and then said in a soft voice: "there alone in the light blue dress is a well-known loose cultivation in a hundred Li radius. Wan Chong's cultivation level is only a little weaker than me, reaching the level of practicing Qi. His Sabre technique is extremely fierce. If you encounter it, you must be careful."

It seemed that he was afraid that the other party would find out that he was spying. Zhou Ling quickly changed his eyes, and then continued: "standing beside him is also a free practice. He is a strong person in physical training. His fist technique is as firm as a rock. Even ordinary magic weapons are difficult to kill each other. He can be called the leader of the younger generation."

It seems that he is worried about sun Bing falling in the Juqi mountain. Instead of stopping his words, Zhou Ling introduced most of the people present.

"Liu huaitao, although his master is also a casual practitioner, has reached the Ninth level of Qi training and is only one step away from the birth state. He is especially good at leg techniques, and his speed is comparable to ordinary body methods."

"Cheng Jun is also a free cultivation disciple, but you can't underestimate him, because he has already reached the fourth level of Qi training. It is said that his cultivation is evil spirit, and his speed is extremely fast, and his power is extremely great. He can even hurt people secretly and have to guard against it."

Zhou Ling introduced ten people on his face. All of them were casual practitioners. They either had a high level of cultivation, or had a strong skill or made a great reputation. In a word, he introduced sun Bing to every detail. It can be said that sun Bing knew the information of most of the people present, which was of great help.

Sun Bing nodded slowly. At the same time, he said in his heart that Luoyun town is a little bit of a witch compared with this place. The gap is too big. You should know that in Luoyun Town, sanxiu has no right to speak and can only accept passively. But in tianwu City, even if it is such a precious place in Juqi mountain, half of the quota should be allocated to sanxiu. It can be imagined that there are also capable people in sanxiu.

However, although Zhou Ling's actions helped sun bing a lot, he also raised a lot of hatred. When he glanced around, sun Bing could clearly see that many people looked at him with a trace of envy and even a trace of killing intention. You know, ordinary people can't even say a word with Zhou Ling. There is no doubt that the other party's move is a thorough attempt to kill sun The ice was on the fire.

This made sun Bing's mouth show a helpless smile. He didn't expect that things would eventually evolve into this. However, he really realized Zhou Ling's great charm. Even Han Shuo, who had ignored sun Bing, turned his head again.

Sun Bing can feel a tremendous momentum pressing down on him, which contains a strong murderous spirit. Sun Bing just sighs in his heart. This man's killing nature is very heavy, but there is no unnecessary feeling. After all, he has been under the pressure of the strongmen of the birth place, but the other two Zhou's around him At the moment, the disciple stepped back in horror.

"Han Shuo, do you want to tear your face with me?" At this time, Zhou Ling's cold voice slowly spread out, and then forcefully withstood the pressure, which saved the other two people.

Suddenly, these two people can't help but look guilty. They seem to be blaming themselves for their poor learning, and then slowly retreat to Zhou Ling's back.

"Why Han Shuo seemed to doubt Zhou Ling's strength, but soon he said with a smile: "it's better to think about my proposal. I believe we two are made in heaven. You are a girl's family, and you should be at home at ease."

The atmosphere became cold again.

As for sun Bing, his eyes twinkled at the moment, watching the strange atmosphere of the scene quietly. After watching for such a long time, he actually found many clues, especially the gradual decline of the Zhou family.

We should know that the family does not rely on one person to get up, and more still need the mainstay. However, sun Bing can clearly feel that only one of the three disciples of the Zhou family has reached the level of three levels of Qi training, and the rest are all practicing Qi Level 2. Moreover, not only are they in a low position, but also their strength is relatively poor, even if they are better than their previous surroundings It is better, but it is still worse than Tianying sect.

With good insight, sun Bing found that behind Han Shuo, the young leader of Tianying sect, there were four monks with three levels of Qi training, and they were not very old. You know, this was what sun Bing had done after he had killed a Fu Yi. By comparison, we can imagine that the Zhou family is indeed a bit out of date.

At the moment, there was a sudden sound in the forest, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. Soon, a monster like a horse or a horse, covered with golden scales, appeared in front of everyone. There was a young man sitting on his body. He looked dignified and extraordinary. Then, four horses appeared behind him.

With the appearance of this man, the atmosphere has changed a little.

Sun Bing's eyes can not help but show a trace of surprise, to know that even if they can only Unicorn smoke beast behind, the rest of the journey depends on their own step by step, but did not expect that this team can come directly here, it is obvious that the other side is very strong."This man is the successor of the city Lord's house, named Lin Dong. He was the first genius of tianwu city. He was very powerful. He had killed a group of mountain bandits alone a year ago." Seeing this man, Zhou Ling explained sun Bing in detail: "under his seat is the sun chasing cold wind colt, which is a three-level monster. In such an environment, there is no fear at all."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ling's mouth can not help but feel a little bitter, because he was surprised to find that Lin Dong is also a friar who practices five layers of Qi.

Although they are the three major forces in tianwu City, they are different from each other. The city Lord's office has no doubt been on top of them all the time. Originally, the Tianying sect and the Zhou family coexist, which can be said to be comparable. However, in recent years, the Zhou family has slowly declined. Therefore, Zhou Ling's cultivation can be described as very hard, in order to move back to the decline.

The last time she entered the depth of Hengduan Mountains, it can be said that she was looking for a breakthrough, but the final result was quite gratifying. Although she had gone through many hardships, she also successfully broke through the fifth floor of Lianqi state. I thought that this would successfully crush the other two people and become the first person in tianwu city..

But until today, Zhou lingcai suddenly found that he was too naive. After all, the other two forces were no worse than the Zhou family. How could there be no genius, especially Lin Dong, whose name at the beginning was the first genius of tianwu city. Now it seems to be true, because Zhou Ling can clearly feel that he is not Lin in the same realm East's opponent.

In fact, there is no need for Zhou Ling to introduce him. Sun Bing's eyes are full of fear when he looks at Lin Dong. Even Han Shuo is not as good as Han Shuo. Although in sun Bing's perception, Han Shuo is a cold snake. If he offends the other party, he will attack him in an unknown place.

However, Lin Dong in front of him does not have any momentum, just like an ordinary person. Because of this, it highlights his horror, just like a tiger in the mountains. Once attacked, it is so powerful that it can't be stopped. It is absolutely a strong enemy.

Although sun Bing was afraid of this, he couldn't help but be filled with lofty sentiments. Only such a place was the most suitable place for him. It could make his sword sharper, and it was also the pressure to urge him to strive to become stronger. Immediately, sun Bing's eyes became brighter.

Zhou Ling, after all, is the direct descendant of a large family. Although he has just lost his manners, he has already adjusted himself in a flash. However, his eyes towards sun Bing are even hotter. It seems that he is a unique treasure. Zhou Ling knows that if he wants to make Zhou family famous, only such a genius can save the situation.

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