Sword Emperor

Chapter 1422

In the sky, the black hole filled with the shackles of the infinite heaven and earth is getting bigger and bigger. Although there are countless inscriptions flashing, there are sieges and shackles of heaven, earth and Kyushu border. But around the black hole, there is a foreign rhyme, which can not explode all the power.

Sun Bing and others did not want to stop each other, but the Kyushu border and the thunder robbery emerging from the heaven and earth are totally indiscriminate attacks. Even if they are Shenzhou friars, they will be attacked by the other party once they go deep into it.

It is because of this, sun Bing and others can only watch the black hole in the thunder disaster from a distance. Even if they release their own moves, they will be quickly offset under the infinite Taoist rhyme, which is of no use at all.

Although the black hole in the sky has devoured dozens of disciples, it is still unable to let that alien saint in the opposite side get in, but at this moment, there is no need for those gods to offer sacrifices.

Suddenly, a huge attraction emerged around the black hole. The living creatures within a hundred miles of the black hole kept gathering here, which had a certain influence on Sun Bing and others. Fortunately, relying on the strong cultivation, it was completely able to compete with it.

But the original disciples of Jinyu holy land are totally different. Now there are only big cats and kittens left in the holy land. Even those disciples in the life and death situation have been greatly bitten by the previous array, so they can't move at all.

So at the moment, facing such a terrible attraction, I have no resistance at all. I can only feel my body breaking away from the ground and flying towards the black hole full of shackles.

Even the disciples who lived and died were like this, not to mention those who had low accomplishments. Now sun Bing and others can see the figures flying up from the holy land of Jinyu. With good eyesight, even the ferocity on their faces can be seen clearly.

Although sun Bing and others have no mercy on the results of the disciples in front of them, what makes them feel headache is that with the influx of fresh offerings, the already huge black hole is still expanding.

After all, the cultivation of these disciples, even at the lowest level, has a state of rebirth. The energy of Qi and blood contained in the body is several times higher than that of ordinary mortals.

After adding these new offerings, the alien in the black hole seems to be able to burst out more terrifying power. The original Tianjie and the Kyushu border can still cause some damage to it.

But now, those attacks can't even leave any trace on the other side's body, and with the passage of time, the thunder seems to have broken, and the shadow of magic soldiers formed by the Kyushu border has become much lighter.

As for sun Bing and others, they feel more clearly that the rhyme of Tao around them has changed. At least within a hundred miles, it is almost isolated from China. The aura in the air is so manic and full of a kind of wild breath.

And at this moment, accompanied by a burst of earth shaking cry, the alien in the shackles of the black hole, half of the body has successfully entered Shenzhou, and is doing its best to fight against the Taoism and Dharma of Shenzhou.

However, sun Bing and others can clearly find that the Daoyun of Shenzhou is gradually falling into the downwind, because the body of the other party is still slowly pouring into China. Not long after, the huge body successfully arrived in China, and the terrible atmosphere of killing and cutting on his body was diffused in all directions.

At this moment, the strong Holy Spirit is sweeping all over the world. Even though sun Bing and others are under such terrible momentum, it is difficult to contend with them. After all, the gap between the semi saint and the real saint is just like the sky.

At the same time, sun Bing and others also indulged in wine to see the other party's appearance. They were dozens of feet tall and extremely ferocious. It seemed that black bone nails grew on the surface, behind the back and on both shoulders, and were covered with sharp bone spines.

The whole body seems to be wrapped in the black bone armor. Even if it is the eyes, you can only see the red light of blood. The blood released from the body is terrible.

At this time, the Buddha's face was rather ugly, and his eyes were full of austerity. After carefully examining each other, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "the Bone Demon clan, I didn't expect that this time we were facing such a race."

It seems that seeing sun Bing's eyes filled with confusion, the Taoist on one side immediately whispered: "this Bone Demon was originally a branch of the demon clan, but in the ancient times, there appeared an all-out Terran, dissatisfied with the demon clan, and finally led the Bone Demon to create a family of its own, and even ranked 93rd among the ten thousand families."

After getting the news, sun Bing's eyes were filled with a touch of shock. We should know that among the ancient peoples, the demon family has a profound foundation, which can be regarded as one of the best. However, even if the Bone Demon goes out alone, he can still have such a position.

From this, we can see that the strength of the bone demons must be incomparable, and the saint in front of them is even more terrible.

After successfully coming to Shenzhou, the Bone Demon sage did not deal with sun Bing and others, because in his eyes, sun Bing and others who were not far away could only be regarded as mole ants and did not need to be put in his eyes.At this time, my eyes looked directly into the sky, because even though the heaven and earth had different rhymes, purple thunder still fell in the thin thunder clouds. Under the virtual shadow of Kyushu border, there were also attacks.

However, it is a pity that at this moment, both the shackles and seals of heaven and earth, or the offensive of Kyushu border, are so weak that even the Bone Demon saint can't get close to it, so it disappears completely.

And sun Bing and others can also clearly see that there is a trace of disdain in the eyes full of blood and light, and the mouth is also issued a strong words: "with such power, even want to suppress me, it is really beyond our ability."

Then the breath of his body suddenly raised, the pressure around him could not help but become more and more terrible, that exotic Daoyun and the heaven and earth of Shenzhou had a violent collision, countless mysterious inscriptions at this moment completely burst open.

The shackles of heaven and earth float around one by one, and the purple thunder snake pervades the void. The vision at this moment is particularly amazing. It is a dispute with foreign Taoism and law. This scene can be called extinction.

However, the black hole in the sky still has no change. In such a unique environment, Shenzhou Tiandi Avenue has no way to exert enough power. The two sides have been fighting for a long time. Under the increasingly terrible momentum of Bone Demon saints, they finally fall into collapse.

The black thunder cloud on the head of the original head, also under the bloody eyes of the Bone Demon saint, gradually dissipated. As for the Kyushu border, it also quickly disappeared.

Through this struggle, we can directly determine that within a hundred Li radius, there are all kinds of exotic Taoist rhymes. Even if the sages of the other side come, it is not impossible.

Moreover, it means a brand-new exit, such as those seals that have been opened before, and then there must be countless alien flocks to occupy the surrounding areas. Finally, not only a hundred miles, but also thousands of miles may become foreign territory.

It can be said that sun Bing and others are the last hope. After all, once the foreign lands are fully developed here, it will be quite difficult to regain their own territory.

For a moment, sun Bing and others frowned, countless thoughts flashed in their minds, thinking bitterly about what to do at the moment, in order to stop the other party's action.

However, even at this moment, after realizing that he has completely removed all the shackles of China, there is no longer any bondage. We should have invited foreign armies to come here, but before that, there are still some last ants that need to be removed.

So the huge body couldn't help turning slowly, and the eyes on his face were also watching sun Bing's saint. For a while, the atmosphere of the scene was frozen, and the endless crisis appeared in the hearts of sun Bing and others.

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