Sword Emperor

Chapter 1449

On the other side, the most terrible confrontation has begun. With the long sword in hand, sun Bing's heart is filled with thousands of pride and excitement. The real Yuan Dynasty is instilled into Xuanyuan sword, and the golden sword suddenly erupts.

Even though the sword does not contain any power, it is still extremely terrifying. The light of the sword is reaching the extreme, and even the void is rippling.

To know that at this time, the recovery of Shenzhou heaven and earth, the space has been incomparably stable, can still leave a movement in the void, we can imagine the terrible place of this move.

But there was no panic on his face. With a big hand, the picture of eternal life, which included heaven and earth, immediately wrapped the sword. The two sent out the most terrible confrontation. The afterwaves spread around and left cracks on the ground.

What's more, there are some monks who are very close to each other. When they see the sword, they seem to have been cut off. At this time, they have a kind of happiness for the rest of their lives.

After that, he immediately retreated to the rear. We should know that in the face of this kind of confrontation, if we approach a little fiercely, we may even suffer from reckless disaster. Although it is said that this war is thrilling enough, it is not worth losing one's life in order to watch the war.

Sun Bing is not surprised that the eldest son can resist his sword, because this first move can only be regarded as a trial. At the same time, it also makes the monks around him retreat quickly. After all, he will not kill others easily.

In the twinkling of an eye, the scattered cultivation around him withdrew for dozens of Li. Seeing this scene, sun Bing's face finally became serious. His eyes were full of bright light, and Xuanyuan sword was also waving towards the eldest son.

"Three disasters of industrial fire"

therefore, there is a bloody red light in heaven and earth, and then a dense flame falls from the sky. The enchanting industrial fire makes people feel at ease, even if they are tens of miles apart.

After seeing the karma fire, many monks' eyes were full of fear. After all, it was the fire of burning evil karma. No matter who was there, he would feel a trace of panic in his heart, as if the object in front of him was a snake and scorpion, and immediately retreated to the rear.

As for the eldest son, his eyes were filled with a touch of surprise, because this move was also beyond his expectation, but his mouth showed a smile: "my eternal body can isolate the cause and effect of the world, and I have no karma to let you burn for so many years.

This move is really powerful, but the only pity is that you met me. If you want to rely on this move to outdo me, you might as well admit defeat now. "

It seems to be to verify the other party's words. In an instant, the bloody fire fell on the Changsheng childe. However, as the other party said, the red lotus industry fire did not hurt the other party. Sun Bing was helpless about this, because it was stipulated by heaven and earth.

But Sun Bing's face didn't have any unhappiness, even the corners of his mouth still had a touch of cold, because this move is not only so simple.

In the twinkling of an eye, the bloody light in the sky disappeared, instead, it was with a trace of blue fire. The deep-sea blue flame swept away, and the strange fire generated by heaven and earth was suffused with endless cold, which was different from the red lotus fire.

This time, I knew that even if the eldest son was quite embarrassed, I could clearly feel that his breath was flustered. After all, the offensive was a bit caught off guard.

Immediately you can see that the eldest son's face is a little ugly. His eyes are slightly narrowed and staring at Sun Bing. His hands pinch the mark, and then he falls towards sun Bing. In the world, you can see a shackle.

"Changsheng lock, give it to me."

In the twinkling of an eye, sun Bing seems to feel that he has been locked. The void on Friday is very frozen. In front of him, only the shackles of the way of heaven and earth are in front of him. The virtual shadow attacks on him, and even can forcibly blockade people by virtue of his familiarity with heaven and earth.

But all the seal in front of absolute strength, after all, is vulnerable. Looking at the Changsheng lock which is getting closer and closer, sun Bing can't help murmuring: "the warm-up is over. I'd like to see how much my strength has improved in the past ten years."

Then, the momentum of his body broke out, and the sword field suddenly appeared. Within the scope of 20 Li, there were sword shadows everywhere, as if completely isolated from the heaven and earth.

Under the complete outbreak of strength, sun Bing's mind is filled with a strong sense of war, and then Zhenyuan is instilled into Xuanyuan sword, and the surrounding space sends out a shivering voice, and the sword's awn suddenly blooms.

"Broken void"

the moment the sword light appeared, there were cracks in the space in front of us, and finally all around had turned into countless spaces. Casually, they kept sweeping towards the sky, and every monk watching the battle in the distance could see the completely broken space.

This is the sword technique created by sun Bing in comprehending the profound meaning of space to the degree of perfection, which contains the power of all previous sword moves. It is beautiful and brilliant, but it is full of death.

In an instant, the Changsheng lock was completely broken in the endless space, and even the surrounding space was not reduced. It swept directly towards the eldest son, and the surrounding space had already broken into countless pieces. This unexpected sword move completely surprised the opponent.But after all, Mr. Changsheng is the pride of heaven. In the blink of an eye, he has already realized his own situation. The map of longevity covers itself and blooms with infinite light. Under the protection of Changsheng map, the other party successfully breaks away from the endless void.

But even so, you can still see the white clothes on your body, and there are some wrinkles, which are slightly different from the previous handsome and unrestrained. Looking at Sun Bing's eyes, there is no previous contempt.

Because through this confrontation, the eldest son has been able to really feel the terrible strength of sun Bing, especially this move, which is completely immersed in space together for countless years before it can be cultivated.

As for the rest of the spectators, their minds were also very shocked at this time. Because the distance was not too far away, they could more clearly perceive the terrible power contained in it. Then they could not help but ask themselves, if they faced this move, how should they resist it?

After facing sun Bing squarely, we can also see that the immortal body is extraordinary, as if the other party is loved by heaven and earth. The surrounding space is very ethereal, but Sun Bing feels another familiar breath in it.

This can't help but make sun Bing's brows locked, eyes are also filled with solemnity, because he felt from the long born childe, it seems that is the breath of time.

However, this kind of breath is very weak. It seems that it exists or does not exist, which makes people very confused. However, this is enough to make sun Bing solemnly for it, because it is almost beyond a level of the profound meaning of time.

The fight between two people is extremely terrible. The collision between moves even makes the void list a series of gaps, and countless space debris appear. This scene makes everyone dumbfounded.

At the same time, they can more effectively understand the terrible power of sun Bing and others. We should know that only half saints can leave a ripple in the void, but now even the space has completely disintegrated. We can imagine the extent of the fluctuation.

As for the monks who had been watching, they could only retreat for the sake of their own lives.

Fortunately, after seeing this scene, the saints who were around him all nodded at the same time, and then covered up most of the aftershocks. Otherwise, there would be a battlefield between two people within a thousand miles.

Only the rest of the young Tianjiao are still not retreating at the moment. Their eyes are fixed on the two men who are at war. In their minds, they are fighting and thinking about the Taoist inscriptions.

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