Sword Emperor

Chapter 1451

Once again, the atmosphere became extremely tense. Sun Bing's face was filled with solemnity, and the shadow of the sword behind him became more and more solid. The heaven and earth were filled with such terrible sharp edges, and the top of the Shenzhou tripod slowly rotated, breathing out endless divine light, covering sun Bing.

Seeing this scene, the eldest son's mouth showed a trace of sneer, immediately no longer any hesitation, a cold hum spread out, immediately urged the shadow of the long river behind him to cover sun Bing.

All of a sudden, heaven and earth are quiet, which reveals the vicissitudes of history. In a trance, it seems that you can see the endless changes in the future through the empty shadow of the long river. The mysterious breath that emerges is hard to understand, even if it is the pride of heaven.

As for sun Bing, who was targeted by the long river of time, he could feel the terrible breath. He had a rare cold sweat behind his back. He looked at his head with dignified eyes, and endless thoughts flashed through his mind.

It is absolutely impossible to let Sun Bing wait for his death. Even if there is no hope, sun Bing will fight for his death. What's more, now sun Bing can't help but breathe out deeply, thinking about how to fight the enemy.

In the face of the long river of time, only space can compare with one another. At this time, sun Bing's space meaning has not yet entered the Tao. As for the other mysteries, if they all enter the Tao, they should not be too weak, but now they are somewhat inferior.

Aware that the attack of the eldest son is getting closer and closer, sun Bing, anxious, can not continue to delay. The golden Xuanyuan sword erupts with an infinite light, and everyone seems to be able to see:

the ancient ancestors were farming and hunting, and there were endless fighting among the ancient peoples. Finally, the most tragic battle broke out between the two sides With the spread of fire, it can be called an inch of blood.

Finally, the Terran gradually transformed and grew up to the present level step by step, and all the Archaean tribes were expelled.

Just at the time when the sword light was the most brilliant, the Shenzhou tripod suspended on top of sun Bing's head was also one of the shocks, and the majestic air suddenly shrouded the lower part.

This sword contains the indomitable spirit of the human race since ancient times. It fights with the heaven, the earth and the thousands of nationalities. However, it still sweeps through the eight wastelands and six harmonies, thus laying a solid foundation for today's achievements.

It not only contains sun Bing's understanding of the human race, the profound meaning of mountains and rivers has reached the level of Tao, but also has the majestic momentum in the Shenzhou tripod. It can be said that the human will is added to the body, and the next sword seems to contain the strength of the whole Shenzhou.

In this sword, innumerable visions appear, and scenes disappear in history emerge in front of everyone. The observations of thousands of people are totally different, which makes everyone shake from the bottom of their hearts.

For the spirit and spirit contained in the sword, everyone's heart is filled with emotion and wonder. Looking at Sun Bing's figure becomes solemn, because without enough experience, it is impossible to perform this move.

The people who can create this sword, no matter who they are, are enough to win their respect. This is the respect for the ancestors.

This sword does not have any sword light, sword spirit and sword light. It is directly presented in everyone's mind and hidden between heaven and earth. In a flash, it has collided with the sky, which almost runs through the ancient and modern time.

At this time, the heaven and earth are still, and it seems that there is no movement at all. However, the inexplicable rhyme of Tao is surging, and it seems that the road of heaven and earth will burst, and the void is filled with endless traces of Tao.

This is not only a confrontation between sun Bing and the eldest son, but also a confrontation between the will of humanity and the power of heaven and earth. Even though he is under infinite pressure at this time, sun Bing still firmly believes that man can conquer nature.

I don't know how long it has been. Many monks who had been immersed in the confrontation slowly came back to their senses. Then they could see that the void in front of them had almost turned into nothingness, and they could not pry into it at all.

Sun Bing and the eldest son looked at each other in the air, but everything was different from before. At this time, we could clearly see that the eldest son's face was quite pale, and there was a trace of blood flowing from the corners of his mouth. However, sun Bing was as normal as usual, but he was short of breath for three points. The result of the battle was beyond doubt.

Seeing this situation, sun Bing couldn't help but breathe out a long breath. He could not help murmuring in his mouth: "the shadow of the long river of time is just like this."

Of course, although sun Bing barely won this battle, what is still very dangerous is not that the profound meaning of time is not strong, only that the eldest son has no way to use it.

After all, the body of eternal life has a long life that is close to the same life as the heaven and earth. There is no doubt that it involves the profound meaning of time. The body of the other side seems to be isolated from the long river of time, so it is born to stimulate a trace of the profound meaning of time.

Even if you can't understand it, it's definitely a good start. You can easily understand the profound meaning of time only when you have reached a sufficient level of cultivation. It's a unique gift of eternal life.However, it is precisely because of this that sun Bing can take advantage of it. The previous move was one of the cards of sun Bing's ten years of seclusion. It contains too many things. There are memories of dreaming back to the ancient times, heroes who once went to the battlefield, and hatred between human and alien races

This is the moment that almost the peak of a move, so that has not been understood the meaning of time, nature is a little inferior.

Sun Bing knew the mystery, but others didn't understand it at all. At this time, he could hear some monks watching the war in the distance. At this time, he couldn't help whispering: "I thought this was an earth shaking event, but I didn't expect that it was a conspiracy against the sword clan, but even in this way, I couldn't surpass the sword sect, which was a bit embarrassing 。”

"Yes, yes, I didn't even put the sword clan in the eye before, but now it's not an opponent at all. It's still a successor of one side!"


The sarcastic words were uttered in an instant. Even though they were casual practitioners, they could also analyze the arrangement of sun Bing at this moment. There is no doubt that he wanted to force sun Bing out. It can be said that this insidious act made people particularly unhappy.

In addition, sun Bing is a monk, while the eldest son has a holy land behind him. This is the naked oppression of sanxiu. Even though the monks dare not speak openly, there is a trace of anger on their faces.

Although the words between the previous free practices were quite low, the cultivation of the eldest son has reached the present level, and it is only one step away from the sage. How can we not hear these voices because of the incomparable sensitivity of the spirit?

Therefore, the complexion of the eldest son changed with the speed visible to the naked eye, and became completely gloomy. However, this action made those people around him despise it more and more, which made his Qi and blood churn up.

Even the last eldest son even opened his mouth to spit out a breath of pale gold blood, and then the breath on his body gradually recovered to calm, but in that pair of eyes, there was infinite anger.

Even with this kind of eye contact, sun Bing's eyes can't help but jump, and then he can hear the opposite eldest son speak softly:

"Sun Bing, I really didn't think that you could even crack my time. It's really a little belittling of you. If you have my identity, even I'm not as good as you. Unfortunately, you and I will still It's a huge difference. "

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