Sword Emperor

Chapter 1459

After hearing this, sun Bing said that his face did not change much, but his heart was full of surprise. How could he not know that the supreme sword would not rebel, and most of all, he would rather die than surrender.

So sun Bing's ultimate goal has not been to make the other party yield. It can even be said that even ten years can only be regarded as an insurance. As long as he can understand the profound meaning of time, he can let the sword of eternal life leave.

Anything from scratch has always been the most difficult, especially the most profound meaning of time, the difficulty of understanding is far beyond imagination. Fortunately, sun Bing at this time finally found a little hope.

Can't wait for sun Bing can't help but immediately carefully opened his mouth: "then at this moment I want to understand the inscription on the body of the sword, but also hope to allow."

"Since I have said that I will follow you for ten years and let you drive me, then naturally I will not regret it. If you want to understand, you can come by yourself." The true spirit of Changsheng sword opened his mouth slowly, and then his body disappeared directly. It was obvious that he was back in the sword again.

Looking at the sword in front of him, sun Bing's heart was filled with an uncontrollable excitement, but he still did not dare to relax too much. The top of the Shenzhou tripod still suppressed four emptiness, and there was no convergence with the power in the cave.

In this case, sun Bing walked slowly towards the Changsheng sword. In an instant, he could feel the mysterious breath among them. Soon, the whole sword was close to his eyes.

After realizing that the other side still did not have any resistance, sun Bing was relieved. After all, even though the supreme instrument was facing many constraints, it still had the ability to resist such a close distance.

But since at this time the other party did not act too much, there is no doubt that what was said just now is not true, sun Bing can finally relax.

Sun Bing's eyes are full of light. He looks at the sword in front of him. With such a close look, we can see the mystery gathered in it. Almost all the inscriptions are dense.

Moreover, each inscription is filled with a long time, with an old breath. It can even be said that these inscriptions are profound, which is a manifestation of Tao.

Even with sun Bing's terrifying understanding, there is no way to understand the meaning of it in a short time. After all, the Taoist rhyme contained in it is too profound. Only the supreme can truly analyze it. The sages are obscure and difficult to understand, let alone a monk of life and death.

Fortunately, sun Bing is not discouraged. After all, everything can be forgiven. When he waves his hand, he can find that the icy jade lotus has been flying from a distance, and the enlightenment stone is suspended on his head. The whole person is suddenly refreshed and clear in the sea.

Once again, the inscriptions all over the Changsheng sword suddenly become transparent. Although they are still obscure, they are much better than the original feeling of reading the book of heaven.

With the help of two treasures, sun Bing's understanding has been improved several times in a flash. In this state, he can feel the mysterious breath around him, so he can obviously find the extraordinary features of Changsheng sword.

This sword is inexplicably isolated from the time around. If it is not carefully, you can't find the mystery. Therefore, this is the reason why the other side can release the breath of time.

Through this situation, the mystery of the sword of eternal life is in front of sun Bing. Although it is undoubtedly inferior to the Shenzhou Ding, which spans the long river of time, it is the best opportunity for sun Bing, who originally knew nothing about it.

What's more, the breath of time revealed in the sword of eternal life doesn't need any consumption at all. You should know that even though the world of Shenzhou recovers at this time, there is infinite Qi in the Shenzhou tripod, but if you let yourself understand the profound meaning of time, the Qi consumed still makes sun Bing very painful.

In comparison, there is no doubt that it is quite uneconomical. At least in the early stage, sun Bing had a huge demand for Changsheng sword.

Time slowly passed, sun Bing for the meaning of time, after all, from the beginning of ignorance, and thus transformed to have a certain understanding.

It can even be said that sun Bing also found that the profound meaning of time is a rather vague concept, which is ethereal and inaccessible. It can even be said that there was no time in the world. Only matter, because of the material transformation, gave birth to the concept of time.

For example, people from the initial birth to adulthood, and finally become very old, all these are just human changes, time is only in the process of change.

On the other hand, the sword of Changsheng sword is completely stable. No matter how the outside world changes, it can't bring him any change. This is the real essence of the profound meaning of time.

Sun Bing was shocked by this discovery. He seemed to have a lot of knowledge about time, but he seemed to know nothing. He was still quite at a loss. It was more than ten times more difficult to understand the mystery of space.

You should know that it was only with the help of the enlightenment stone and the ice jade lotus that it became so like this. If you rely on yourself alone, it is even more difficult to understand the profound meaning of time.At this time, sun Bing finally knew why only when he was a saint could he understand the profound meaning of time, because it was too obscure and difficult to understand. It could even be said that most of the sages were very confused. Although the profound meaning of time was powerful, it could be called one of the best in the world, but it was still a few of the few who really mastered it.

But the first step of prying has laid a very solid foundation for sun Bing. Without any crisis, sun Bing wandered in the sea of time, quietly experiencing every change.

Finally, sun Bing left his cave directly with the sword of eternal life, and came to the outside world. Because he was in his cave, there was still a gap between his body and the real road of heaven and earth, and he was not clear about his understanding.

Unless it is said that the master of the cave has completely fallen, and the cave has a solid link with heaven and earth, it is very obscure to practice in the cave.

Time was slowly delayed. Without any reservation of Changsheng sword, sun Bing's perception of the change of time became more and more profound. Even at this time, his whole body was also filled with a very mysterious breath. The first difficulty limiting sun Bing was finally successfully broken.

However, this is not a time to be happy. After all, there are too many difficulties in the profound meaning of time. Even sun Bing has a feeling of dizziness. If he didn't take a fancy to the toughness, he would not want to understand such an obscure road.

I don't know how long it has passed. Sun Bing's mind and spirit are lost. The whole person falls into a mysterious and mysterious state, which is different from the unity of heaven and man. It seems that the spirit of the whole person is integrated with the sword of eternal life, watching the changes of time around him coldly.

It is under such enlightenment that sun Bing's perception of the profound meaning of time has finally risen slowly. At this time, Bingqing jade lotus and the stone of enlightenment are fully displayed. Sun Bing's whole body is filled with infinite light, and there are also Taoist sounds in his ear.

In such a unique help, sun Bing finally stepped out of the most critical step, the mystery of the mystery of time seems to have been opened in front of his eyes.

Suddenly, it seems to be able to see that there are three thousand shackles of order in heaven and earth, and the way of time is the most brilliant one. Under sun Bing's best efforts, the whole person completely immersed in the road.

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