Sword Emperor

Chapter 1468

Because he suddenly got such a huge news, sun Bing's mind was not put on the food and wine in front of him. He just took two sips at random, and then left the restaurant directly.

After that, sun Bing was deeply out of breath, and his face remained unchanged. According to the words of the former bartender, he had been walking along this road towards the inside, crossing dozens of miles. Only then could he finally see a grand mansion.

It can be said that this mansion is extremely luxurious. The whole body is forged from the fine gold of stars and bears many inscriptions, especially the three big characters of the city Lord's residence above the gate, which are vigorous and powerful, and contain the majestic spirit, which makes people unable to look directly.

Just beside the gate of the city Lord's mansion, there is a shop door in full bloom. An old man is waiting there with a kind face. In front of him, there are young Tianjiao, who are telling each other information according to their orders.

"It seems that this is the place to sign up." Seeing this scene in front of you, you hardly need to be sure. Sun Bing murmured directly and then walked directly in front of you.

However, there are more than ten people in front of sun Bing. This is only the number of applicants now. I don't know how many before. Of course, sun Bing is not worried about his own strength.

If there is a direct confrontation, even Tianjiao dark soul of the city's main mansion can't be sun Bing's opponent. The only thing that makes him feel headache is that after a series of competitions, it is really troublesome.

When sun Bing had a lot of thoughts in his mind, the team in front of him gradually began to move. Finally, it was Sun Bing's turn. A cold word interrupted sun Bing's mind:

"are you also here to sign up? So what are you good at? Where did you come from? "

Immediately, sun Bing woke up, but there was no flaw in his face. In order to hide his identity, sun Bing could not help but speak slowly: "my name is jianjue, jiuchongtian of life and death. I am a swordsman. As for the place, I am in a place named Luo Yuncheng, which is countless star regions away from here."

After hearing this, sun Bing clearly could see the old man in front of him, with a trace of surprise: "I didn't expect to see a swordsman now. OK, take this plaque, which contains information about you. The competition will start after seven days."


After all, sun Bing will not be able to turn around for a short time. After all, sun Bing will not be able to leave for a long time.

Turning around, sun Bing went directly into the previous pub, opened a small farewell home, and then escaped into it. At least, sun Bing would never come out when the competition had not started.

Of course, sun Bing's entering the xiaobieyuan of the inn is not for the purpose of closing down and dealing with such a battle. Even though he has never met his opponent, sun Bing still has absolute confidence.

At this time, sun Bing needs to pay attention to the rules of this battle, and also need to carefully clarify the message contained in the opponent's name plate.

Therefore, after entering the small farewell home, sun Bing's mental power immediately went to the name plate, and then it surged out. A stream of complicated news was close to filling sun Bing's head completely.

This is also because sun Bing's spirit is powerful and has not been affected at all. After a short moment, the news has been clearly understood, and sun Bing's eyes reveal a trace of clarity.

This battle is really like the first bartender said, it is to select servants, but the competition is extremely fierce. Only the friars who enter the top eight are selected. After all, there are only four families, and each Tianjiao can carry only two servants.

Knowing this, what sun Bing needs to think about is how much strength should be exposed in the battle? And can not show any flaws, absolutely can not happen what easily crush each other's situation, otherwise it will be too sharp.

There is also a point, that is, the Xuanyuan sword. If sun Bing takes advantage of this to fight the enemy outside the dark city, there is no problem at all. As long as the roots are cut off, no one can find the flaw.

In fact, some of the elder's weapons are not as attractive as those in the previous four days.

Ordinary friars don't know the goods. How can these old and sophisticated people not know? So you can only use one king's weapon at most.

This is also in sun Bingjian's case. After such a long time, I don't know how many long swords are stored. As for the long swords at the king's level, there are countless swords, which can be easily concealed.

In the next few days, all sun Bing's attention was focused on how to hide his own strength. Unconsciously, the whole seven days passed directly. In that dusty little farewell courtyard, sun Bing's figure slowly came out.In fact, it's not only sun Bing, but also many other courtyards' doors opened at the same time, because they, like sun Bing, are also monks who have come to participate in this selection.

Even in the crowd, sun Bing saw the friars he met on the first day at the dinner table. It was their talk that made sun Bing aware of the news.

Because it is very likely that everyone will be rivals, so everyone's face is very cold. They don't say hello to each other at all. They open the door and go to the city Lord's house. The next selection will also be held there.

Along the way, we can find that not only the monks who participated in the selection went there, but also a lot of monks who were watching the excitement also gathered in the city Lord's house. After all, such a grand gathering is quite rare.

Moreover, watching the battle between Tianjiao and Tianjiao will even help to improve their own strength. Therefore, most of the monks tend to concentrate on it.

Not long ago, the luxurious gate of the city Lord's mansion was close in front of you. At this time, you can see that there were already deep breathing disciples standing on both sides of the gate.

As for sun Bing, these friars who participated in the selection competition directly stood at the gate of the city Lord's mansion through the identity plate, with dense heads standing up, and everyone's body released a deep breath.

After all, this battle is very fierce. It can be said that without enough self-confidence, we will not come to sign up. Therefore, almost everyone's accomplishments have reached the nine fold heaven of life and death, and there are not a few young people.

As soon as sun Bing and others could stand, the gate of the city Lord's mansion was opened immediately, and then a middle-aged man with no breath was standing there. The other party was in black, but he was particularly domineering, and his breath was restrained.

Suddenly, sun Bing could hear a burst of discussion around him: "I didn't expect that this selection would invite the dark city Lord out. The last time I saw him was 30 years ago. This is really a grand gathering."

"It's not only that. You see, the other three heads of the family also have money, and they are standing there."

Looking at the direction pointed by another person, sun Bing could see that three middle-aged men stood on a high platform, and their breath was as deep as the dark city Lord. Their accomplishments at least reached the level of saints or even the realm of holy kings.

Seeing such a monk, sun Bing couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, he had already hidden Xuanyuan sword into the sword box. Otherwise, he would be found out in so many people's eyes.

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