Sword Emperor

Chapter 149

After hearing such words, sun Bing and Cheng Jun didn't refute. After all, they didn't know how many chances they contained. How could they give up at this point? In that case, it's better to give up directly at the beginning.

At that time, he nodded slowly and walked towards the mountain road to leave.

However, there was a strong sense of crisis in everyone's heart, and he immediately raised his vigilance to the highest level. Although Lin Dong had just reluctantly made his own explanation, neither of them was a fool. Naturally, he knew the real meaning.

If it was not for sun Bing's breakout speed was too fast, it was beyond his expectation at all, and now it has become another ending.

For what just happened, although Cheng Jun is trying to absorb aura, but it is also quite clear, but now is not the time to turn his face, immediately put it in the heart.

Therefore, although there are no unnecessary actions on the surface of the three people, the cracks between them can be said to have been magnified to the extreme, and a little bit of wind and grass will immediately break.

Even if you are moving slowly towards the depth of the mountain road at the same time, there is a distance of about three feet between each other. This is the defense between each other. If there is a real attack, such a long distance is enough for you to make corresponding response.

Looking at the two figures beside him, sun Bing's eyes twinkled with cold light. Especially after several previous encounters, he showed a trace of killing intention: "just a few times I wanted to die, so let's make our destiny for the next journey."

Obviously, although sun Bing's face has always been quite indifferent, he is not a person who has no revenge. If we say that the last time he was besieged by a puppet, sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, it can only be said that the other side did not save him.

A moment's action can even reveal his most real feelings. In the face of such a situation, if sun Bing can bear it, it may even directly cause instability in the heart of the sword. Even if he can still pull out his sword, his power has long been lost. After all, the swordsman would rather take the sword directly than bend it.

In fact, the most surprising thing for sun Bing is that although the relationship between the three people is not stable at the moment, he can clearly feel that the other two people are still the least defensive against him. After all, when he enters the cave, he only practices Qi Level 2. Even if he breaks through at the moment, his foundation in other people's hearts is not solid, and he can not form an effective threat, and he will not be separated People in their eyes.

In particular, Lin Dong looks at Sun Bing with disdain, just like looking at a mole ant. After all, there is a huge gap between each layer of the practice Qi realm, so he thinks he can easily crush sun Bing.

It is for this reason that during the next journey, everyone kept silent, and the atmosphere was rather dull, so we walked slowly along the next mountain road.

Although there was no risk in the previous mountain road, those puppets really made people feel tired. Therefore, in careful consideration, the speed of the party was not fast. After about half an hour, sun Bing's brow could not help but wrinkle.

After all, there are some depressions in this cave. The most important thing is that the scenery is a bit monotonous. For such a long time, there are still dark rocks on both sides. There is nothing new at all. Against the background of this environment, it can be said that it is a bit strange. Moreover, we need to be vigilant all the time. We are quite tired in spirit.

In fact, not only sun Bing, but the rest of Lin Dong and Cheng Jun are the same. Their faces are not very good-looking now, but even if they are, they can't give up their vigilance.

All of a sudden, sun Bing's expression suddenly shocked. With his good insight, he felt a strange ripple sweeping toward him, and then there was a slight vibration on the ground. Immediately, the three people couldn't help but look at each other. At once, there was no change in the surrounding area. Immediately, a deep doubt arose in his heart. What happened What's the matter?

However, it is obvious that this doubt did not last long, and the fact was soon revealed.

Sun Bing only felt that there was a lot of pressure all over his body, and then a sense of danger suddenly rose from his heart. Even if he had just faced many puppets, there was no such situation.

"Dangerous." Sun Bing immediately said in his heart, "a glance at the surface" seems to have been engraved into the bone marrow, and the subconscious has been used.

Lin Dong and Cheng Jun are not as keen as sun Bing. However, if they can cultivate to such a level, they can't be straw bags. In an instant, they have found something wrong, and then they run away quickly.

At the moment, sun Bing can't help but look back and find that there are lines in the place where the people were standing, which is beautiful. But then there is a purple thunder chopping towards that place. Its power is incomparably huge. In a moment, it has been submerged in the ground. If you hit a person, you don't know what the consequences will be.

At the moment, Lin Dong and Cheng Jun could not help but have a cold sweat on their back, because they had noticed that they had been a little late. Just now, it could be said that they almost hit them. All of a sudden, a drop of bean sized sweat was directly flowing down the forehead, and everyone's face revealed that there was palpitation in their hearts.Unfortunately, it's not the time for aftertaste, because sun Bing suddenly found that the next journey was not safe, and then there was a strong danger. This time, Lin Dong and Cheng Jun were quite smart, and without any pause, they rushed to the front.

At the moment, the three people are like an arrow out of the string, and each of them will not give in at all. As for the dangers behind them, they are closely following them. Even if their feet do not touch the ground, they have no effect at all.

Under the pressure of such life danger, sun Bing is calm and calmly rushes to the front, while Lin Dong and Cheng Jun have no reservation. They use their best footwork to avoid attacks one after another.

The speed of the three people can be said to be similar. Even if there is a slight difference, it will never exceed one Zhang. Suddenly, everyone's heart is filled with a trace of surprise.

Sun Bing is OK. After all, he knows that this is tianwu city. The location is much bigger than Luoyun Town, so it is normal that others can keep up with him.

However, his own performance is the most surprising one. We should know that he can keep up with Cheng Jun of Shanglin after only practicing three layers of Qi. It is obvious that "fleeting light and shadow" is already quite good in the metaphysical footwork.

In fact, after this period of time, sun Bing's heart has even sprouted a little doubt, because from just now on, there is a trace of strangeness in this cave.

At the beginning, although the puppets were powerful and fearless of the pain of life and death, their shortcomings were obvious. Unless their strength was too poor, otherwise it would not be as difficult to pass as expected.

And the following part of the journey is also the same. Although it seems very dangerous, and even every attack behind may directly kill them, as long as you try to cultivate your footwork to an extremely high level, there will be no problem at all.

"Is this the place of trial?" Suddenly, such an idea appeared in sun Bing's mind. After all, what had happened before was in line with it. After a ordeal, he got a huge spiritual pool, which can be said to have both risks and opportunities.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his guess seemed to be correct, and even he was able to affirm that there should be a big chance in the next hall.

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