Sword Emperor

Chapter 1492

Because of the urgency of the time, sun Bing did not delay at all. After all, in addition to this tea, sun Bing still has many goals. The most obvious one is that he is familiar with the profound meaning of the enlightenment tea. All of them have to be included in his pocket. At the moment, he only has two.

Xuanyuan sword made a beautiful arc in the sky. Sun Bing was very terrible when all forces broke out. The speed of sword light didn't even let the other side react at all, so it was covered in front of him.

At this time, they have worked together to successfully extract the tea. Just as they are preparing to continue to fight for it, the only one who has noticed something wrong is the ghost crow. The surprise on his face has not subsided, and he can only escape quickly.

And the rest of the alien race, all of them fell completely in this sword. They were swept by sun Bing's sword intention, and there was no use for them.

As for the Wudao tea floating in the sky and containing the road of life and death, it was easily harvested by sun Bing. Then he turned around and left. Only the ghost crow looked at the back, full of resentment.

In the following time, sun Bing's action was very rapid, and he also harvested many pieces of tea for enlightenment, such as Zongheng Avenue, Shanhe Avenue, Xingchen Avenue and so on. Among them, the profound meaning of fire and frost had even been obtained, and almost lost their arms.

Fortunately, sun Bing also knows who took down the enlightenment tea and directly killed the alien race. Only in this way can we avoid the passing of such precious tea. After all this, sun Bing has gathered many enemies behind him.

Such as Emperor Xuan, Ming ya, Shenzi, and all the other clans who still managed to escape under sun Bing's sword were robbed. Their hatred for sun Bing in their hearts can be imagined, and they have launched an attack on Sun Bing under their alliance.

The only pity is that almost every time their speed will be a little slower, so even though it has been so long, they have not caused any obstruction to sun Bing.

"These enlightenment teas are enough for me to take the last step of the original esoteric meaning, so that I can successfully enter the Tao. However, I will also carry out the final battle. In any case, I can't give up the fight for this piece of enlightenment tea."

At this time, sun Bing's eyes twinkled with strange light, and his sight fell on the most central point of the whole tea tree of enlightenment. There was a tea full of extremely mysterious atmosphere, and around him were the Jinwu and Wuzu gods.

And this is the most precious tea on the tea tree of enlightenment. It contains the most top existence among the three thousand roads, which is the road of time.

Sun Bing exhaled a deep breath, also will not have any hesitation, step out, the next moment has come to this most central, but also on the battlefield of heinous crimes.

When sun Bing just came here, both Jinwu and Wuzu gods did not hesitate to attack the sudden appearance of the figure. Two terrible attacks swept through, and even the surrounding space was completely frozen.

If we say that the top ten Shenzi of Taigu wanzu are more than one notch better than Tianjiao, then the top three are the top of the top. Even on Sun Bing's body, we can clearly detect a trace of pressure.

But this not only did not let Sun Bing feel fear, and even the potential war spirit in his heart has been inspired. After all, this has been accumulated for a whole decade, and his strength has been enhanced to an extreme, especially those cards, which nobody knows.

So in the face of such a terrible attack, sun Bing's face did not change, but his whole body had already flashed out extremely mysterious inscriptions. Xuanwu's real body had been used in an instant. The whole person did not hide or dodge, and ate this terrible move.

"Oh, I didn't expect it was a human race?"

"Does the human race have such pride?"

One after another, two questions came out directly. Turning around, you can see the eyebrows of Jinwu and Wuzu gods slightly frown. I didn't expect that the sudden figure could resist such a terrible move.

However, sun Bing couldn't help feeling at this time: "if you want to resist such moves now, there are still some deficiencies in the body. After all, there is still a certain gap from the wizard God son. Fortunately, Nirvana is really powerful."

However, the idea flashed in his heart. At this time, sun Bing's more attention was still focused on the two gods around him. The short-term confrontation could make them fully aware of the power contained in sun Bing's body.

At this time, the three legs stand together, but the next moment, the most terrible battle has already broken out, and the action of the two clans of Shenzi is approaching the extreme.

At this time, you can see the Wuzu God son's muscles curling up and down. There is a vague figure behind his wave, which is full of high spirited fighting spirit. He is fearless in fighting heaven and earth. He is a natural fighting race.

As for Jinwu Shenzi, at this time, his whole body was full of golden light, and the whole person was enveloped in the golden flame. He was like an emperor in the fire. He controlled the terrible sun fire in the heaven and earth.Although the two men have a fight, but more moves, but still toward sun Bing attack, as if two people have enough tacit understanding, want to kill sun Bing first.

In the face of such a siege, sun Bing's whole body trembled. It was not a fear, but a naked excitement, because in such a move, he felt a deadly crisis, as if dancing on the tip of a knife.

Countless inspirations burst out in my mind. The body, which has experienced thousands of life and death battles, involuntarily infuses Zhenyuan into Xuanyuan sword, and the golden sword light appears in an instant.

the mighty sword spirit directly presents itself, which seems to be able to sweep everything in front of the plane. In a blink of an eye, it has collided with the offensive of the other side, and the earth shaking sound erupts. Such a huge vibration has completely attracted the attention of all people.

The bright sword light gradually cracked, but there was also a small scar on the strong body of the witch God son. Although it had been completely repaired in an instant, it was also able to see the extraordinary.

As for the Emperor Xuan and others who originally wanted to kill sun Bing, they had already felt a strong crisis in the aftermath of such an offensive before they made any action. If they continued to move forward stubbornly, they might fall down.

In the end, Emperor Xuan and other people looked at the figure in the battle. Their eyes were filled with reluctance, but they could only slowly retreat to the distance to watch the battle.

The battle between sun Bing and the three men has reached another level. There is great power in every move. It seems that there are tigers roaring and Dragons singing. There are countless visions in the heaven and earth. Even if they are at the top of the stars, the space can be torn by them.

Those ancient people who had stopped fighting to watch sun Bing and others, at this time, even couldn't help but send out feelings from their hearts: "is this still the battle between life and death? I'm afraid it's no more than a real struggle between saints. "

Hearing this, the rest of the people not only did not refute, but also subconsciously nodded. After all, there are saints in every ethnic group, so they naturally know the strength of real saints.

At this time, sun Bing and other people exposed the strength, of course, can not compare with those really strong saints, but it should be noted that the vast majority of saints between heaven and earth, are just lucky enough to understand an esoteric meaning into the Tao.

But these saints were almost equal to what sun Bing and others showed at this time.

Only at this time, Emperor Xuan frowned slightly, thinking in his heart: "is there such terrible arrogance among the guilty people? It is said that he is the dark soul of the dark city, but as far as I know, the strength of the dark soul can not be so strong.

Even if the other party is really so strong, then the dark city will definitely not let such arrogance be exposed, but this is a human race. What kind of hidden pride is it

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