Sword Emperor

Chapter 1496

All of a sudden, every alien in the sword array could not help worrying. They were not worried for the rest of their lives, but for themselves.

After all, once those weak friars fall, the next target is the gods. Although their strength is incomparable, can they really resist such a terrible sword array?

As archaic peoples, although they have the bone of heaven and the innate magic power, they are extremely powerful, but they are also limited by the fact that they are not proficient in array alchemy and so on. It is quite difficult for them to get started. It will take at least tens of thousands of years to deduce an array.

Therefore, in the face of such a terrible and mysterious sword array, they had no way to understand it at all, so the only way at this time was to completely defeat it with absolute strength.

Immediately, there was an alien in the crowd who could not help crying out: "we attack together, surely we can defeat this sword array completely."

In such a flurry of time, suddenly heard such a voice, like a lamp in the dark, guiding everyone's progress. For their own life comfort, many alien races could not help but calm down their inner panic, and jointly launched an attack towards the sword array covering the four sides.

This time, each alien race used his own full force to strike, so that the space could not help but riot, the aura rolled, and countless mysterious inscriptions erupted.

Without any hesitation, the terrorist attack immediately attacked the outer sword array. The attacks fell on the infinite inscriptions, which made ripples. However, to everyone's disappointment, there was no damage to the sword array.

After a while, all the attacks gradually dissipated, and there was no change in the sword array. It was as if all the previous events were illusions, and the second wave of sword spirit immediately shrouded them.

Under the loss of consciousness, this time, there are also many alien fell in the fierce attack, the bursts of howling will be lost in the hearts of many alien to recover to sober up, in the eyes is a bit of unwilling.

"The attack just now won't die easily. It must have been very fragile. As long as you attack again, you can completely defeat it."

Another sound rang out, which was filled with a strong reluctance.

Then, the rest of the alien tribes could not help but unite again and launched an attack towards the sword array outside.

As for sun Bing, after seeing the actions of these people, he took a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "it's really wishful thinking to rely on brute force to crack my ten square extinction sword array."

You should know how hard sun Bing paid to perfect this sword array. Even though he was under such a terrible attack, his strength was still more introduced into the hidden space and connected with the heaven and earth road. It is not so easy to crack it.

Sure enough, just in a short moment, the group of monks who gathered together once again faced failure, and almost 30% of them fell under the sword spirit all over the sky again.

In addition to the previous loss, it can be said that only 30% of the remaining alien groups are left. That is to say, only about 3000 alien races are still alive. You should know that these are the elite disciples of each ethnic group.

It can be said that they lost so much, even if they have a deep foundation, they can not help feeling very painful.

They have suffered two failures in succession, even if there are still some other people who think that the sword array around them is very fragile and can not bear the third attack. However, few people listen to their opinions this time.

After all, the previous two lessons can be called blood like lessons, each of which has caused great casualties. At this time, it is better to think about how to resist the sword Qi from the sky.

However, after two failures, Emperor Xuan's heart was filled with reluctance, coupled with the sense of crisis surging around him, which made him very anxious, and his eyes immediately shifted to sun Bing.

In a flash, the endless desire to kill broke out, because Emperor Xuan suddenly found that the sword array was made by sun Bing, which means that he is the absolute core. As long as sun Bing is killed completely, they can escape successfully.

In an instant, the excited Emperor Xuan directly incited the four wings behind him. The speed was extremely fast. He avoided all the sword Qi and launched an attack on Sun Bing.

But at this time, Emperor Xuan also realized the huge gap between himself and sun Bing. He knew that if he went forward rashly, he would only be killed. So he immediately called out:

"our enemy is sun Bing. As long as we kill him, we can get rid of this array. Otherwise, we don't know how much damage we will suffer in the future Injury. "

The 3000 people who are able to support the present are absolute elites, especially many of them are the sons of God among various ethnic groups. They fell into a misunderstanding before. After obtaining this information, they were very excited.

His eyes directly look at Sun Bing, which is flashing a strange light. We should know that sun Bing is only one person, and there are still 3000 of them. The most important thing is that the Wuzu Shenzi and Jinwu Shenzi have not yet fallen.In order to deceive the less, although they are not the opponents of sun Bing at all, relying on such a huge number of people, even the consumption can kill sun Bing.

It can be said that at this time, each alien could not help but be very excited, and then without any hesitation, all the people gathered towards sun Bing crazily. Under the outbreak of killing intention, even sun Bing could feel the crisis among them.

At this time, sun Bing couldn't help but breathe out a long breath. He had to say that under such a crisis, his Qi and blood were surging up again, and then his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp: "it's not so easy to kill me as you think. After all, the ten sides of the sword array are silenced. You don't know the real power of it."

Immediately, with sun Bing's urging, the heaven and the earth sent out huge waves. Then, the original space around the three thousand alien races was broken in an instant. To know that the ten sides of silence represented the heaven, the earth, the East, the west, the south, the north, the gate of life, the dead position, the past and the future.

These crises are totally beyond the expectation of those alien races. Even if they have begun to escape at the last moment, the damage this time is far greater than before.

Half of the 3000 people passed away in the infinite space, and before they could recover, countless sword Qi suddenly fell from the sky, which contained a strong sword spirit, which was extremely terrible.

However, the more experienced this crisis, the more fierce the hatred of those alien groups for sun Bing. Knowing that there is no way to make a good end of this matter, the only way to end the battle is to kill sun Bing.

Therefore, these alien tribes could not help but attack sun Bing crazily. The disasters along the way kept appearing. Even though they were badly injured, they did not change their will.

At the same time, the Wuzu Shenzi and Jinwu Shenzi, who were originally suppressed in the space, were not willing to be outdone. As a big family, Shenzi naturally had enough information. After being suppressed by successive attacks, they finally burst out completely.

Accompanied by a dreary cry, the huge and majestic breath filled all directions in an instant. Turning around, you can see that there is an empty temple on the top of the wizard God son, which is full of the breath of ancient times.

Through the fluctuation, sun Bing can conclude that this is the supreme weapon. He can't help thinking in his mind. It seems that the witch clan has a supreme tool to suppress the ethnic group, named the heaven palace. He didn't expect that it had been handed over to the wizard God so early.

The Jinwu Shenzi on the other side has also changed directly. The whole person is riding on a chariot. This is the supreme weapon of Jinwu nationality, which is called the sun chariot.

Both of them directly blocked sun Bing's way. It was just at this time that Emperor Xuan and other alien clans finally broke through all kinds of calamities. Although there were only 500 people left, they also succeeded in blocking sun Bing in a third party.

Under the attack of the three sides, especially in two of them, there was the emergence of the supreme weapon. Sun Bing seemed to be in a desperate situation for a time.

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