Sword Emperor

Chapter 156

Immediately, without any hesitation, sun Bing planned to open it directly for learning. He would never miss a trace of this skill script which can greatly increase his own strength.


at this moment, such a dull sound suddenly came from the quiet hall, which surprised sun Bing and immediately looked around to see what the problem was.

Then, sun Bing found that the stone platform where the jade pendant was originally placed was slowly sinking towards the ground. Although the speed was not fast, it was accompanied by strong oppression. At the same time, an open stone gate appeared slowly on the mountain wall.

"What's going on here? All of a sudden, that's what happened? " Sun Bing's eyebrows frown slightly, although the heart wants to ignore such vibration, but there are some worries.

So I had no choice but to abandon my previous study plan. I couldn't help sighing in my heart. Then I put this secret script carefully into my Najie, and I entered the mountain road just opened.

In entering this stone gate, sun Bing can be said to be quite at ease, after all, there are no other enemies around him, so the whole person is moving forward quickly.

At the same time, gather in another part of the mountain.

"Han Shuo. Do you really want to keep up with the Zhou family? " At the moment, Zhou Ling's face was calm and his eyes twinkled. He looked at the figure not far away. He was the young leader of Tianying sect.

"Ha ha ha, don't be so bad. I just want to invite you to chat." Han Shuo can't help but answer at the moment, his face is relaxed, as if everything is in his control.

"Are you sure it's called please? My Zhou family is not completely down. " However, there was only one disciple of Zhou Ling School, whose strength was only one in the other side.

"Miss, you can't say that. You should know well about the Zhou family. Just relying on you as a woman is not enough. If so, I believe it will be completely broken in the near future. It's better to get married with the Tianying sect, so that even the city Lord's office can't monopolize the whole tianwu city. It's absolutely a match made in heaven. "

At the moment, a choking voice came out. If sun Bing was here, it would be obvious that this was a disciple of the sun family. However, for no reason at the moment, he betrayed the Zhou family and came to Han Shuo's arms instead.

"You traitor, you still have the face to talk. Have the Zhou family ever done anything to apologize to you for so many years?" After hearing this voice, Zhou Ling's beautiful face was full of anger, especially in his eyes.

However, this disciple was not afraid at all, and even said with a smile: "Miss, it is so-called that people go up and water flows down. Anyway, the Zhou family has gradually declined. Why are you still sticking to one acre and three Fen? And the Tianying sect is thriving now, just suitable for people like me. "

"That's good." Han Shuo couldn't help smiling at the moment and said directly, "look, even your own brother is so enlightened. Why are you stubborn? I can guarantee that after the merger of the Zhou family and the Tianying sect, you will be the right wife, and no one can shake your position. At that time, you will only be under me, which can be said to be more than ten thousand people. Are you not satisfied with this? "

"Wishful thinking, really did not think you should be such a despicable person." Zhou Ling coldly said, at the same time, his mind was running rapidly, thinking about how to leave the other party's encirclement.

"I am not infatuated, but after a lot of planning, say, your people are really loyal ah, after my long time of soliciting, unexpectedly only this one person, and the rest of the people are loyal to you, wasted a lot of my hard work, but now I can finally get what I want." As he spoke, Han Shuo even took two steps forward.

Listening to such words, Zhou Ling's mouth could not help but smile bitterly. If she was alone, it would be easy to leave. After all, they were practicing Qi for five levels. Even though he was not as good as Han Shuo, it was quite easy to escape, but it was a pity for the last disciple around her.

However, this man was also quite decisive. He even had a strong will to die in the corner of his eyes and said, "Miss, after I'm finished, you can go quickly. The Zhou family still needs to rely on you to pass on."

Such words, even if it is Zhou Ling how tenacious, at the moment his eyes can not help but some moist.

"You see, it is really rare for such a loyal and righteous person. However, since I have said so much, how can you think that I will let you go?" Han Shuo couldn't help shaking his head.

In an instant, several figures suddenly appeared behind him, and everyone exuded a strong breath. He stood there quietly, but it made people very desperate.

"What, Liu huaitao, Wan Chong and Han Yong, you even found them." Zhou Ling couldn't help exclaiming at this moment, because these scattered practices had even reached the fourth level of Qi training, and were already the best of the younger generation. However, the man in front of him could invite all of them. Obviously, everything had been planned."Yes, how are you surprised? After all, I've been preparing for this day for five years. So today is your deadline. " Han Shuo sneered and waved.

Liu huaitao, who was beside him, instantly appeared not far away from Zhou Ling, but before she had any action, he caught the disciple of Zhou family in his hand and slowly retreated.

This Zhou family disciple has already had three levels of Qi training. However, he had no resistance to Liu Haitao, so he took him away directly, and he was stuck in the gate of life. If there is a trace of resistance at the moment, he will definitely lose his life.

"What do you mean?" Zhou Ling's face changed greatly. You know, this is the last loyal disciple. Does the other party want to kill all the others.

"It doesn't mean anything. It just wants to speed up the speed of your choice. Now his life is in your hands. If you choose to marry me, then he is alive, otherwise he is dead." When he said the last word, Han Shuo's tone could not help changing, which made people feel a cold sweat: "and ah, don't run away, I don't believe you can face the siege of the four of us! If you die, I believe the Zhou family will be able to move in better. "

Hearing this, Zhou Ling couldn't help but turn pale. He was in a state of confusion. He didn't know how to choose. Even if he wanted to escape, he felt the powerful momentum in front of him. He could not help feeling bitter in his heart.

"No matter how hard you try, it doesn't work? Is it still impossible to revive the family? Is this the last way now? " In an instant, a question rushed to his mind, the heart can not help but more despair.

At the same time, there is still a figure in Zhou Ling's heart. He sighs: it would be nice if we could have a few years in the morning. If we had this person, why would the Zhou family not be happy? But it's too late. Now he's only practicing Qi. Even if he's in front of him, it's useless.

"What are you waiting for? My time is limited." Han Shuo once again called out coldly, it is obvious that he has already had obvious impatience.

This speech broke Zhou Ling's fantasy in an instant. He immediately laughed bitterly at the corners of his mouth. In a flash, he regained the cold again. His real Qi could not help surging. Under the blowing of the true Qi, the white clothes even fluttered, which made Zhou Ling more beautiful.

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