Sword Emperor

Chapter 166

At the moment, sun Bing is already standing outside tianwu City, quietly overlooking the towering city wall in the distance, and even has some happiness in his heart.

As early as the water in tianwu city had not become turbid, he had already purchased all the training resources he needed in the next step, which could be said to be enough to support him to practice Qi level 4. What he had to do next was to cultivate at ease.

I don't know if it's tianwu city. There are not so many people on the way. Although sun Bing has some scruples at the moment, the speed of Benz is far beyond the ordinary people.

After a while, he returned to the familiar Valley, which made sun Bing feel as if he had passed away. Although entering Juqi mountain was only a few days, it made people feel that it had been a long time.

Because the environment is really a bit oppressive, and everyone they are facing can be said to be their own enemies, especially the experience in Shimen, so far, sun Bing's most dangerous time, even at this moment, can't help but have some lingering fear.

However, these are the things that happened once, and I don't sigh much at the moment. What I want to do now is to practice hard.

Sun Bing immediately sat on the ground with a flash of fluorescence on his hand, which was a jade vase. On the other hand, there was also a spirit stone just exchanged.

A pill with a strong smell of medicine has been slowly poured out. This pill is about the size of a little thumb, showing a light yellow brown. Sun Bing did not hesitate to put it directly into his mouth.

Sun Bing only felt a kind of light sweet gushing out, and in a flash it had been swallowed into his stomach. Then, a gentle medicine slowly burst out, along the meridians of the whole body, and flowed to four limbs and hundreds of skeletons, making the whole person seem to be wrapped in a light warmth.

Moreover, sun Bing had no spare time at all. The stone had been placed on his hands, and the magnificent aura instantly poured into the meridians, surrounded by the big and small Sundays, and slowly immersed in the elixir field.

What's more, sun Bing was surprised to find that it seems that the meridians have been thoroughly moistened by the spirit pool, so even if the aura in the spirit stone is quite irritable, it can not cause any damage.

Even when the meridians were running, they also came into contact with the medicinal power of the Qi storing pill. The two sides suddenly mixed together. This peaceful medicinal power gradually softened the originally quite irascible aura. Moreover, with the passage of time, the medicinal power eventually turned into genuine Qi, and thus directly sank into the elixir field.

Such a spirit stone absorbed for a long time. Sun Bingcai slowly opened his eyes and immediately sighed: "it's really a Qi storing pill. Even if it's really helpful to me, it's no wonder that the cultivation level of the disciples of the three forces has been so superb."

Although it is said that the Qi storing pill is only genuine Qi, which is still a long way from Zhenyuan, it can be completely absorbed by sun Bing without too much refining because of its peaceful effect.

Even in this short period of time, sun Bing has experienced a significant increase, and his cultivation speed has been fully increased by 20%. The most important thing is that there is no side effect at all, so the value is quite large.

It would have been a terrible increase over the years, but at the moment, after all, a spirit stone has just been absorbed. Even if the damage to the meridians is not serious, it needs to be adjusted.

Sun Bing slowly stopped the action in hand, and directly extracted a simple secret script from Najie, which was the collection of Qi into gang from Lin Dong.

For the effect of this secret script, sun Bing can be said to have been quite hot. If it wasn't for the sudden change that happened in Juqi mountain before, or even had direct cultivation, it would not be too late at the moment.

At that time, my mind was clear and clear, and there was no other complicated mind any more, and all the mind spirits had been immersed in this secret book in front of me.

Under such assiduous and specialized research, it took a full hour for sun Bing to take back his eyes slowly, and then his heart was a surprise. This time he really picked up the treasure.

The effect of this book "gather Qi into Gang" can be said to be quite simple, that is, it can condense the true Qi of the whole body into vigorous Qi on the body surface to defend against other people's attacks.

The vigorous Qi is the symbol of the strong people who are born out of the environment. Only those strong people can be condensed with Zhenyuan. Under the defense of vigorous Qi, if the attack power is slightly worse, they can't even break through their defense.

However, there was a senior man who was limited by his qualification and could not break through to the birth state all his life. However, he was quite unwilling in his heart. After decades of hard research, he finally created this special skill, which transformed the true Qi of a monk in the practice of Qi into vigorous Qi.

Although its effect is far less than the real vigorous Qi, it is also superior to the ordinary practitioners of Qi training state. It can be said that it is with this unique skill that this senior master can be regarded as invincible in the cultivation of Qi state. However, for unknown reasons, this unique secret book fell into the hands of the city Lord's mansion, and then was taken into the pocket of sun Bing.Of course, although the effect of "gathering Qi into Gang" is quite terrible, not everyone can practice it. Only when the true Qi reaches more than eight turns can the true Qi be condensed into vigorous Qi.

This means that only monks who practice Qi level 8 or above can rest this secret script. However, Lin Dong is the successor of the city Lord's mansion. Therefore, since the breakthrough to the practice of Qi, I have been taking Qingxin pill to make the real Qi more concise.

Therefore, although Lin Dong didn't reach eight levels of Qi training, he had already reached eight turns in terms of the degree of refinement of true Qi, so he was able to cultivate such a precious secret script.

This makes sun Bing have to sigh: it is really convenient for these powerful people to practice. Tianwu city can be so terrible. What will happen to the more huge outside?

After all, even if Lin Dong had been taught by his master since he was a child, and there was no lack of resources on the way to practice, he eventually fell under sun Bing's sword, so he didn't need too much envy.

Sun Bing immediately sat quietly in the cave, and his mind was already immersed in his body, carefully controlling his every ray of truth, running in the meridians.

After all, although the effect of "gathering Qi into Gang" is quite terrible, it is also very difficult to cultivate. It needs to connect more than a dozen meridians, and dozens of acupoints can be successfully displayed.

Moreover, because vigorous Qi needs to be spread all over the body, it is not enough just to have the meridians of the big and small Zhou days. There are also quite a few remote meridians involved, which are still blocked at the moment, and sun Bing has not got through them at all.

Sun Bing thought that the one in his elixir field was Zhenyuan. It should be quite easy to cultivate this secret script, but he didn't expect that there were so many difficulties in the end.

However, thinking about Lin Dong's terrible situation of vigorous Qi, sun Bing was still moved. After all, if he successfully practiced, his defense would definitely be greatly improved, and there would be no weakness at all. Therefore, he still suppressed his irritability and controlled the majestic Zhenyuan in such a way that he could get through it one by one.

But this process is very difficult, because those meridians are really too fragile, if the movement is a little bit bigger, they may break.

If this happens, it will even take several days to recuperate. This even makes sun Bing wonder how Lin Dong once practiced this secret script.

But what sun Bing didn't know was that when Lin Dong was practicing this secret script, he could say that he had countless precious natural materials, earth treasures, elixirs, and his practice experience that finally made him successful.

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