Sword Emperor

Chapter 1711

However, the heart of the emperor's formula at this time was like a rough sea, full of horror. You should know that during this year, the emperor Jue worked hard and his strength was greatly improved. He thought that this battle should have been won.

However, it never occurred to me that sun Bing, as a loose mender, was able to improve his strength faster than he did at the same time.

At this time, sun Bing looked at the figure not far away, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were filled with the most fierce killing intention. After all, the words that emperor Jue said before undoubtedly touched sun Bing's scale.

Therefore, sun Bing couldn't get around the other side's life. After realizing that his power would hurt him severely, Zhuxian sword once again burst into a particularly bright light. It seems that there are infinite sword shadows between heaven and earth.

Under the light of the sword, it seems that the shadow of Shenzhou, Xuanzhou and Yuzhou can be seen under the sword light, which is completely linked with the whole heaven and earth. The sword light is vast and deep, and it is sweeping towards the front.

Just out of danger, Emperor Jue didn't expect sun Bing's attack to be so fast. In a hurry, he could only keep retreating to the rear. The broken wings behind him incited him as if he were hiding in the endless space.

However, facing the mighty sword, each layer of space is broken. No matter how fast the emperor Jue is, the sword seems to follow closely. As long as any flaw is exposed, it may fall directly.

As the most respected son, the emperor's code is certainly not a person who has won a false reputation. Soon, the original shaking mind has been restored to calm. Many mysterious inscriptions cover the whole body. In a flash, numerous important spaces appear in front of you.

Although it seems that the figure of emperor Jue is still standing there, but there are many layers of space barrier between them. Even though they pass through one layer and another, they can be called countless.

"Ten sides of silence sword array, let me down."

The sword box behind Sun Bing suddenly opens, and a sharp flying sword flashes out of his mouth. In a short time, it has been connected with each other. The Dao Yun of heaven and earth surrounds and directly turns into a sword array and falls downward.

The sword array contains the power of heaven and earth, which can be called incomparably majestic. The mighty sword array is also filled with incomparably sharp swords. Even if it is emperor Jue, he knows the horror of sun Bing sword array, so he doesn't dare to fight the enemy at this time.

The broken wings behind a incitement, a flash directly out of that side of the space, and even momentum to attack sun Bing. For a moment, sun Bing's whole space is inch by inch broken, as if in an endless space turbulence.

Although he was shocked by his own space at this time, sun Bing had recovered his calm in a flash, and even his mouth was full of sarcasm: "no matter how many changes you have, I will break them with one sword."

The long sword stabbed in front of him in an instant. The sword looks plain, but it contains countless mysteries. Some swords who watched the war from afar even exclaimed.

Because it seems to be just a common sword technique, but you can see the essence of countless sword techniques from it. Just this sword represents kendo.

There are even some sword cultivation with good talent. At this time, he directly entered the realm of the unity of heaven and man that many people dream of. Through this sword, we can understand the Tao.

The so-called Dao Dao is so simple that he has learned countless sword techniques and his own swordsmanship has reached an extremely high level. After all, sun Bing's one sword breaking ten thousand methods finally has a rudiment.

No matter you have space to go forward, infinite powers, and I still only with a sword to break it!

At this point, we can see that one layer after another of space is completely pierced in this simple sword. Even if emperor Jue is the pet of space, he can build infinite space at any time.

However, to such an extent, the speed of constructing the space of emperor Jue is not even as fast as that of sun Bing. In a short time, the original countless space collapsed completely, and only the simple sword could be seen.

Faced with this situation, Emperor Jue's face is full of dullness, and he can't even accept this situation. After all, in his eyes, this sword is too ordinary.

However, sun Bing did not miss such a good opportunity at this time. The speed of the whole person reached the extreme, and his whole body was filled with the sword of killing immortals. At last, the flaming sword fell from the sky.

"Three disasters of industry fire"

those monks who watched the war from afar could be keenly aware of it. The air was full of heat, and even their spirits were burning. When you looked up, you could see that there was endless fire around the red sword.

At this time, the power of the three different fires is directly presented. It not only contains the strength of sun Bing, but also carries the power of heaven and earth. Even the space is under the flame, and it becomes a little distorted.

The monk who really knows the value of the three strange fires is full of strong shock in his eyes, because this sword is no longer a simple move problem. If he can't stop the abnormal fire generated by heaven and earth, he will suffer heavy damage.At this time, the face of emperor Jue changed again and again. The shock in his eyes was obvious. If it was a very small promotion, it would be enough. But the emperor Jue clearly remembered that the same move was infinitely weaker than it is now in the last battle.

Under this sword, Emperor Jue even smelled the breath of death. The desire for survival suddenly burst out, and the space in the sky was distorted.

The most terrible confrontation broke out between the two. Even though he was the enemy, sun Bing had to lament that the Dijiang people were really the darling of space, and the control of space was too exquisite.

Even if the fire from the sky destroyed countless spaces, but there is still a certain distance from the emperor Jue, we have to say that this is really some regret.

However, sun Bing didn't feel depressed because it was very difficult to control such space. Even emperor Jue couldn't hold on for a long time. Even at this time, he could see that his face was particularly pale and his consumption was not small.

In the face of such an excellent opportunity, sun Bing subconsciously reduced his ground to an inch and stepped forward in front of him. Even if the emperor Jue was very proficient in space, he was inevitably negligent. What's more, his spirit had reached a limit at this time.

There is no way to stop sun Bing's approach. Just turning around, you can see sun Bing almost in front of you. His eyes are full of shock and horror.

But before sun Bing did something, he could find that a smile appeared in the eyes of emperor Jue, as if some conspiracy had succeeded. Then he gave a sneer: "after waiting for so long, you are finally cheated."

After listening to these words, sun Bing's heart emerged a thick bad, even if he did not know any reason, but his body subconsciously retreated toward the rear.

Although sun Bing's action has reached the extreme, at this time, it is still a step slower, and the surrounding space directly fluctuates violently. Then the monks who watch the war from afar have deep shock in their eyes.

However, it was just like this. Almost watching sun Bing leave, there seemed to be a sound of space breaking in his ear, and then the space ripples in front of him completely recovered to calm.

But looking at everything in front of them, everyone was filled with disbelief, because both sun Bing and Emperor Jue had disappeared in front of their own eyes. If it was not for the ice sheet below, we could still see the traces of previous battles as if they had never appeared before.

However, looking at everything in front of us, many people's faces became extremely ugly, especially Taoist and Buddhist. Their words were full of anger: "this must be a conspiracy. It seems that the ancient people want to get rid of brother sun, we must rush to rescue sun Bing."

Sun Yanran, who got the news, was filled with endless worries and anger.

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