Sword Emperor

Chapter 1730

Time disappears quietly. Just for a short time, sun Bing's body was filled with a trace of golden flame, through the sudden emergence of the flame, it seems that we can see that this is a phoenix flying.

This is the holy fire of Nirvana that has always existed in sun Bing's cave. As the most mysterious fire in heaven and earth, sun Bing has almost forgotten it for such a long time since he realized the secret method of nirvana.

But how can this magical flame be so common? You should know that it contains the mysterious power of Phoenix Nirvana, which shows only a trace at this time.

In a twinkling of an eye, sun Bing's whole body was wrapped in the golden flame. If sun Bing originally sent out a strong breath of twilight and death, it was full of endless vitality at this time, which was not like a dying man at all.

A burst of vigorous and powerful heart beat followed, and finally it was like a war drum. With the sound of the heart beat, the blood was transmitted to the whole body. Only in a short time, sun Bing's eyes opened slowly.

At this time, sun Bing seems to be still immersed in the previous time. When he opened his eyes for the first time, he immediately said to himself: "I remember that only the last step was needed to completely refine the holy way of time. It is really a pity."

However, the next moment, sun Bing has been aware of something wrong, because looking around, suddenly can find that he is still alive. In surprise, sun Bing immediately closed his eyes to investigate his physical condition.

But then, sun Bing's heart is full of wonder, because he suddenly found that in his body, the nine sacred ways burst out with incomparable brilliance.

And this time, the holy way of refining success, because it has experienced breaking and then standing up, can be said to be incomparably strong, definitely won't be completely broken again.

Just saw this scene, sun Bing's heart even filled with doubts, after all, this is too hard to believe, but after repeated investigation, sun Bing finally believed.

Then, naturally, there is a deep joy in my heart. We should know that although this period of time is only more than one month, and there is a great gap between this period and the closed door which has been used for several years or even hundreds of years, it is the most thrilling time.

In this, sun Bing can be said to have survived several times, and the God of death has passed him by. The breath of death is always hanging over Sun Bing. The danger is to the extreme, but he still survived.

Nothing but lost to know how to cherish, there is no doubt that sun Bing at this time for their own return of life, incomparable.

Of course, the benefits of sun Bing, who successfully separated from his death, are far more than that, because the nine sacred doctrines have been successfully condensed, and sun Bing's strength has also been improved to a certain extent.

After all, there is a huge gap between the present and the past. The overall strength of the holy way is about 10% higher than that of the previous one.

Although it doesn't sound like much, sun Bing's 10% strength can be regarded as a strong one among sages. With his own original strength, the strength he can break out is far more than one plus one equals two.

Just when sun Bing wants to continue to repair and recuperate himself, his face suddenly changes, because at this time, sun Bing suddenly realizes a fatal crisis enveloping his whole body.

But the problem is that when you are in this cave, there should not be many dangers. Is it said that there are enemies looking for here?

For a moment, sun Bing's heart was full of doubts, and then he galloped toward the outside without any hesitation.

After the nine sacred doctrines were condensed successfully, sun Bing did not need any scruples. He stepped out of the cave and came to the mouth of the mountain. With a wave of his big hand, the sword array around him was completely collapsed.

After raising his head, sun Bing finally found the source of this fatal crisis, because he did not know when the sky was covered with black thick clouds, which was completely different from the general thunder clouds. In its center, there was a huge whirlpool.

At this time, sun Bing is directly shrouded in the air, which is full of a huge sense of oppression. Fortunately, sun Bing's strength has been restored. Otherwise, the breath alone can crush him.

Looking up at the black whirlpool in the thunder cloud, sun Bing frowned slightly. After a short period of thinking, he could not help but say to himself:

"this thundercloud is such a coincidence, and it is still this time. If you calculate it, it is just when I wake up, it seems that heaven and earth still do not give up."

The last sentence was said to the thunder cloud. With the fall of sun Bing's words, there was even a burst of thunder in the sky, as if the sky was roaring.

But for all this, sun Bing's eyes did not have a trace of fear, and even the corners of his mouth also revealed a touch of irony: "even if you are angry, then what?"? Even if the holy way collapses, how can we be afraid of breaking and refining again

At this time, a bloody streamer came directly. Sun Bing subconsciously stretched out his right hand. In a flash, Zhuxian sword had already appeared in his hand. Faintly, he could even feel the joy in the sword.This can't help but let Sun Bing's mood is a lot better. He looked at the Zhuxian sword in his hand and said slowly, "old man, it seems that my life has not reached the time of death, and then we can fight together again."

It seems to understand Sun Bing's words, the sword of killing immortals can't help shaking at this time, and an excitement spreads out from it.

After perceiving the idea of Zhuxian sword, sun Bing's inner strength became more and more sufficient. His sword pointed to the sky, his eyes filled with arrogance, and his whole body momentum also burst out.

At this time, sun Bing's momentum was more powerful than that of the former sun Bing. It seems that sun Bing had experienced life and death several times and realized the warmth and coldness of human beings. Sun Bing's whole body was filled with a sense of vicissitudes, and when gathered together, they all turned into the most terrible edge.

Just as sun Bingjian pointed to the sky, he could find the original rolling thunder cloud. In a moment, he continued to gallop up, and a series of thunder snakes appeared, especially the vortex in the middle of the thunder cloud, which became more and more profound and mysterious.

Just looking at the whirlpool, sun Bing's face gradually changed and became more and more dignified. In just a moment, sun Bing suddenly found that the whirlpool in the thunder cloud had gradually turned into an eye.

It is full of indifference, there is no trace of emotion, but Sun Bing has already identified it at a glance, which is the eye of punishment that injured sun Bing last time.

After knowing this, sun Bing's face was extremely ugly: "I didn't expect you to appear again. Do you want to be punished like last time? I'll wait and see all this! "

Even so, sun Bing's heart is full of dignified, because the last punishment eye, only so small an eye, caused such a terrible injury to sun Bing, only one step away from the fall.

The one in sun Bing's eyes at this time is particularly huge. The center of the whole thunderstorm cloud is the eye of God's punishment without any emotion. If he suddenly launches the punishment, the possibility of sun Bing's successfully resisting it is too low.

It is because of this, sun Bing's heart this eventually suspended a sense of crisis, but there is not too much fear, looking at the indifferent eyes, the heart is full of fury.

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