Sword Emperor

Chapter 217

Immediately, sun Bing couldn't help but glance around the cave. He could only find out that there was a stone gate not far away, but there was nothing else left. Instead, it was quite desolate.

Just when sun Bing was full of doubts, he suddenly realized that there was a sound behind him. He could not help but turn his head and see that the stone gate that had been opened had been slowly closed at the moment.

Sun Bing can be said to be the last time to turn back. He can only hear a "click" sound, and even the last trace of gap has disappeared without a trace. In an instant, the whole cave is dark.

However, sun Bing's face is still calm and calm. Although the surrounding stone wall is quite hard, even if it is a treasure, it can't be broken through. Don't forget that sun Bing still has a spirit tool shadow sword in his sword box.

Even though the stone gate has been completely closed, relying on the shadow sword, it should still be able to split the other side, but it takes a long time, and there will be no other danger.

What we need to worry about now is, what will happen in this small stone chamber? In particular, not far away from the second stone gate, which makes sun bing more confused, can only be alert to look around.

But just after the stone gate was closed, sun Bing found that there was a small dark grid on the mountain wall. The sound was very small, as if it had been there before. If it was not for sun Bing's amazing insight, he would never have noticed it.

It can be said that this is the only breakthrough in the whole stone chamber. There is not much fear in sun Bing's heart. After all, at the moment, his strength is not low. When he walks forward slowly, he can see that there is an ancient animal skin scroll in the dark lattice.

"It seems that this is the biggest secret in the stone chamber, but I don't know what it contains?" Sun Bing can't help but secretly say, but the movement on the hand is not a bit slow, straight will this piece of parchment into the bag.

The handle of this scroll is very good and delicate. Through the simple color, we can see that the other party has gone through many years of changes, far more than hundreds of years, and even existed before the establishment of the golden light sword sect. It can be regarded as an incomparable treasure.

However, sun Bing didn't find out what kind of monster's skin it was made of. After such a long time, there was no change at all. Moreover, there was a faint pressure coming out. It was obvious that his strength was extraordinary before his death.

If only one animal skin scroll is really precious, the contents on it, naturally, will be even more amazing. Moreover, this animal skin scroll is hidden in such a stone chamber. In association with a series of dangers previously encountered, sun Bing's heart can not help but ripple. I can't help but immediately and carefully investigate.

But suddenly, you can see that sun Bing's face actually showed a surprise smile, even a direct smile, which is as excited as ever to know that he can break through the news, because there are many ancient words on the animal skin scroll.

However, this did not eliminate the shock of sun Bing's eyes. When he knew that he could not practice, he could be regarded as a well read book. Even those ancient words had been carefully studied, so he could fully understand the meaning expressed.

It is for this reason that sun Bing is so excited at the moment, because the two words on the top of the scroll are "sword meaning", and the content is also how to cultivate sword meaning successfully. For sun Bing at the moment, it can be called timely rain.

You should know that only if you have the sword spirit, you can be regarded as a swordsman. Although sun Bing's strength is so strong at the moment, it is not a real swordsman. Moreover, with the sword spirit, sun Bing's strength can be greatly improved.

If other people get this scroll, they may not regard it as a treasure. After all, they are a little far away from the meaning of sword. However, sun Bing is just one step away from the door.

Even if you don't get this scroll of parchment, you can understand the meaning of sword after polishing for a long time, but it is often months or even years later, and the time is incomparably long.

I believe that after this guidance, sun Bing will be able to break through the bottleneck and directly understand the meaning of the sword. In that case, even if it is a monk who practices Qi for nine levels, and with the help of Chengying sword, sun Bing will even have the power to fight.

Because of this reason, sun Bing at the moment almost did not delay at all, and immediately began to investigate the contents of the animal skin scroll, after all, this is what he has always been extravagant for.

However, it's very difficult to understand the words. After all, it has been hundreds of years of history, so every word needs to be carefully studied. What's more, the sword meaning is something that needs to be understood. Every word seems to contain incomparable mystery.

With the passage of time, the essence of sun Bing's eyes can not help but become more and more bright, understand more and more of the content, his heart can not help but be more surprised, this point, from his obvious smile can be found.At the same time, sun Bing has also learned that the skin scroll is really like waste to ordinary people, because it is very precious. It is refined from the skin of a kind of animal called void beast. Its quantity is quite rare, but it contains a lot of magical effects.

For example, even if ordinary people can read the words in the volume of animal skin in front of them, they can't read out the mystery of the sword technique if they don't have a deep understanding of the sword technique.

Because the latter content can only be understood after the basic sword technique has achieved detachment. Otherwise, only a pile of useless symbols can be seen.

Therefore, this kind of animal skin can be used to make skill scrolls. It is very difficult for others to learn from it. However, because it is too precious, only the kind of very profound secret script can be made from this kind of animal skin. It is not afraid of the passage of time, nor is it afraid of others' learning.

The sword meaning is the lifelong pursuit of every swordsman. Some extraordinary people may understand it early and exert their great strength. There are also many ordinary people who can't understand the meaning of sword in their whole life. Therefore, it can be regarded as the supreme secret script. In this way, it can be placed here, even if it is incomparable with prefecture level skills.

After reading it all over, sun Bing understood the content and how to succeed in the spirit sword. That is, he fully unfolded his whole body and instilled it into the sword pool in front of him. There were 36 long swords of treasure level and 365 swords of magic weapon level.

Through the influence of sun Bing's sword power, he can emit his own sharpness. Finally, under the heavy pressure, he will radiate the sword spirit from others. If he fails to understand the sword meaning, he will fall into the sword pool completely. Even if he is equipped with his own sword, he will enter the sword pool.

In this way, although many people can successfully understand the meaning of sword, but there are more people who can only fall completely in the end, which is really extremely dangerous.

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