Sword Emperor

Chapter 22

The voice was like a bell, which directly awakened sun Bing, raised his head, and saw the solemn face of elder Sun Li, as well as the hidden expectation in his eyes.

Even the disciples around were quite surprised. After all, they were the sun family. Even if they didn't know sun Bing, they knew that this was the waste of the family. How could they suddenly run into the big family competition today?

In this moment of public attention, even if sun Bing is indifferent, he still has some excitement in his heart. Step by step, he slowly walks from the crowd and finally faces the stone platform.

"What? Sun Bing was able to add a big family match. Did the sun come out from the West today? Or am I not awake at all? "

"Isn't he called a waste in the family? How can you come here? Is it the same name and surname? "

"Shouldn't this waste be eliminated long ago? How can he stay in the sun family? His skin is too thick. "

"Ha ha, you see, he used a wooden sword. What kind of lethality can it have? It seems that over the years, he is not only a waste, but also more stupid."

Along with sun Bing's walking, there were bursts of laughter and even ridicule, but these were not enough to shake sun Bing's mind. At the moment, his eyes only focused on the stone platform not far away.

A short distance made sun Bing feel quite long. After a long walk, sun Bing finally came to the stone platform and said to himself: "from today on, you will say goodbye to yourself completely."

Even if elder Sun Li was optimistic about sun Bing, he did not give him any preferential treatment. Instead, he put the bamboo tube in front of him. Sun Bing drew out a bamboo stick and saw the big "three" written on it.

At once, he walked to the stone platform which was almost half a person high. With a little toe, the whole person jumped onto the stone platform directly as if there was no weight.

But this move did not arouse the people's idea, and even some lamented: "waste, get out of here."

However, before the man finished his words, he was immediately stopped: "don't shout. Look at Sun Bing's opponents, but the top ten of last year are not as powerful as the first three, but it's easy to teach him a lesson. Now there's a good show to watch. The waste should look like a waste."

Hearing this, sun Bingcai looked at his opponent's appearance. His face was somewhat mature. He looked very old. He was about eighteen or nine years old. He used a steel knife in his hand. At the moment, he looked down on his face.

On the stage, he even said bluntly: "you should step down quickly, or I'll be afraid that I'll be heavy handed later. Then you'll be unknown about your life and death. The waste should have self-knowledge. Don't come to such a dangerous thing casually."

Sun Bing is not a bit unhappy about this remark, because he can feel that the other side is not as strong as himself. Although he is six layers of hardened state, sun Bing's combat effectiveness can not be inferred from common sense.

The other side can be said to be sun Bing's first opponent in public occasions, which is very commemorative. Sun Bing's eyes are flat on each other: "I'm sun Bing. What's your name?"

But Sun Bing's attitude, the other side did not appreciate, but ridiculed: "don't want to delay time, even if how to delay, you can't win, or obediently admit defeat, this not only saves time, but also avoids their own injury."

"Ah," a sigh, sun Bing also no longer words.

However, it seems that he has been insulted in the opposite direction. His face is full of anger. He directly raises his steel knife in his hand and cleaves towards sun Bing's head. If he is attacked, sun Bing will definitely blow his head.

But even to this point, sun Bing still stood there quietly, as if frightened by the oncoming knife light, did not know how to fight back.

All of a sudden, a group of people below burst into laughter: "this place is not a waste can come. I didn't expect that this was the first move to be scared silly, ha ha..."

Before the words were finished, they suddenly got stuck, just like the barking of a male duck. However, no one paid attention to the laughter at the moment. Instead, they were all stunned. Under the eyes of the crowd, the cold steel knife was blocked by the wooden sword which they had mocked at the beginning. The black wooden sword was particularly striking under the silver and white sword.

The iron fact is irrefutable. Even if you want to pick a bone in an egg, you can't find any problem at all, because this move is blocked to death.

Even people can clearly see that the people on the stone platform have both hands holding the knife, which can be said to have used all the strength of the whole body, but Sun Bing is still light, holding the sword with one hand, so it is easy to block.

It seems that the people on the stage are not the top ten masters in the last year, but the ordinary people who set foot on the road of practice. People with a clear eye can see that the two sides are not of the same grade.

After all, after all, since he won the top ten disciples of the outside school last year, he has been allowed to identify himself. Even when he walks outside, he can receive a lot of preferential treatment. Today, if he can't beat a recognized waste, then he has no face to live.At that time, he slowly retreated two steps, and his gaze toward sun Bing changed from his arrogance to resentment. A roar made the steel knife shine faintly. Obviously, this is the strongest blow of the other party.

After all, the six layers of quenching body state have not yet broken through the meridians in the body, so the true Qi is too rare. Now the opponent transports all his genuine Qi into the steel sabre. Moreover, this move is the most powerful move of the opponent's cultivation, which is definitely his unique skill to protect his life.

In the face of such an offensive, even sun Bing's face also showed a trace of surprise. Sure enough, everyone's unique move can't be underestimated. Although this move can threaten sun Bing, the other side basically has no formal experience in fighting the enemy, so it is still too tender.

Immediately, sun Bing's figure flashed, and he didn't reveal the secret of his secret footwork. He dodged this move at ordinary speed. Then the wooden sword came back and pointed directly at the man's neck.

All this happened between the electric light and the flint. When they reappeared in the public's eyes, they found that the master whom they had high hopes for was now pointed at by the wooden sword, and even a trace of blood appeared on his neck. If he still did not surrender, he might die in the end.

"Sun Bingsheng." The elder's faint voice broke the silent atmosphere at the moment. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, sun Bing slowly walked down the stone platform.

"It's impossible. It's impossible. I can't even beat the disabled." It was obvious that the people on the stone platform could not accept the fact that they had failed, and even some of them were insane. Elder Sun Li was a little disappointed. He waved his hand and sent him directly down the platform.

As for the current crowd, it is more boiling. Everyone's eyes towards sun Bing are full of deep surprise. To know that the top 10 in last year has proved that the strength of that person is quite good.

At least 90% of the people on the stage are stronger, but such a person was solved by sun Bing in a few moves. What does this mean? Is sun bing more powerful? The situation suddenly reversed.

"I knew that brother sun Bing was hiding his talent and keeping a low profile. I didn't expect that."

"Yes, yes, I have been quite optimistic about sun Bing from the beginning."

Sun Bingsi doesn't care about these villains, and continues to return to the back of the crowd, waiting for his second battle. However, now he has the qualification to be faced squarely by anyone.

Even last year's top three, sun Bing's eyes couldn't help blinking. At the same time, he asked himself in his heart: if he met the top ten, could he be so quick?

After thinking about the results, suddenly in the heart, looking at Sun Bing's eyes can not help but be more serious, which represents that they have recognized the strength of sun Bing.

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