Sword Emperor

Chapter 223

Immediately, he could not help but rush to the direction of the golden light sword sect, because he was very anxious. He was afraid that Zhou Ling might have any accident. After all, the biggest purpose of his coming to Dongtian was to ensure the safety of the other party.

It is for this reason that sun Bing's heart at the moment can be said to be eager to the extreme, and immediately wanted to use the "fleeting light and shadow", but at the moment, after all, is carrying such a heavy sword case, and the speed is not up to the previous level.

After noticing this situation, he found that sun Bing's face flashed a burst of annoyance, but in a flash, he immediately led Zhenyuan out of the elixir field and ran through the whole body's meridians. Finally, his body shape was much lighter. In the blink of an eye, he had disappeared without a trace. What was left in his place was just a remnant.

On the other side, after more than three days, most of them have been explored. It can be said that the harvest is quite fruitful. Almost everyone is quite satisfied, and some people have a happy smile on their faces.

What is different from that three days ago is that the active figure of the golden light sword sect often exudes a strong momentum. Only the monks who have practiced Qi for more than eight levels are qualified to search around. It is obvious that, as the man just said, a great change has taken place in the form of the cave at the moment.

However, these people's eyes are focused on a few buildings. Even though the seal on the surface has experienced hundreds of years of change, it has not weakened at all. Ordinary monks have no way to break through smoothly.

However, in a remote place of jinguangjian sect, there is a man who is chasing and intercepting at this moment. From a distance, you can see that beautiful purple coat. Obviously, this is the monk of Tianying sect, and that big figure is Han Li, who has not been seen for a long time.

At the moment, Han Li is really full of smile, so he stands in front of the partial hall and directly smiles inside and says, "niece Zhou Ling, you'd better open this seal. After all, the relationship between you and me is the same. As long as I get the goods and then you tell me the news of the boy, then I won't embarrass you more."

It's true that Zhou Ling is in this side hall, but I don't know why. The seal of this side hall is quite terrible, especially the outer barrier. Even Han Li, as a monk of the ninth layer of Qi training state, can't open it in a short time, so he can only persuade him in a gentle way.

But after hearing Han Li's words, Zhou Ling inside flashed a trace of resentment on her delicate face, which she would never forget. Just a day ago, the form of the whole cave had changed dramatically. Originally, everyone had the same realm, but they could also fight for opportunities.

However, they suddenly entered hundreds of monks who practiced Qi for more than eight levels, and they could only run for their lives in a hurry.

If it was just like this, it would be nothing. After all, Zhou Ling, as a monk practicing Qi for six levels, had a pretty good foundation of his own, so he could barely guarantee his life.

But soon, she was discovered by the Tianying sect. Han Li immediately asked her about sun Bing's whereabouts. Seeing that Zhou Ling didn't say anything about it, he even planned to put him in prison directly, so as to achieve the purpose of threatening sun Bing. His mind was very cruel.

This is also because Zhou Ling was full of vigilance for Han Li, so the other party even had no action, it had already found out, and immediately ran to the distance.

However fast Zhou Ling discovered it, he even ran away in advance. However, his cultivation level was just six levels of Qi training, which was far from Han Li's nine levels of Qi training. It was impossible for Zhou Ling to be an opponent. This can be seen clearly from the speed.

So soon, we can see that Han Li is getting closer to her, and even the next moment can completely grasp it.

It was in this last time that Zhou Ling turned his body and directly entered a side hall. However, Han Li, who was closely behind him, was blocked by the barrier, so the scene at the moment appeared.

But Zhou Ling obviously couldn't agree with Han Li's words. In addition, she was very safe at present. She glanced at each other lightly and searched the whole side hall directly. After all, she was trapped inside now.

After seeing this for a long time, Zhou Ling didn't respond at all. He even put it aside completely. Han Li's smiling face also lowered, and even his eyes showed a kind of killing intention.

After all, sun Bing once swept the face of the whole Tianying sect. How could such a big revenge not be revenged? It was only because old Zhou was still able to take care of him in tianwu City, and sun Bing didn't mean to leave tianwu City, so this has been stranded.

However, there is no doubt that with the passage of time, Han Li's intention to kill sun Bing is not less, or even more, and has almost condensed into essence. At this moment, after learning that sun Bing has entered the cave, his heart is even full of surprise. It can be said that he has decided to kill sun Bing here.

However, even if he entered the cave for such a long time, Han Li did not find any trace of sun Bing, which made him very disappointed. Fortunately, he found Zhou Ling and immediately had his own mind.Since he can't find sun Bing, he can make sun Bing come to find him. To do this, it's quite easy. Just capture Zhou Ling and publicize it throughout the winter. Finally, he can do nothing but wait for a rabbit.

In the end, there are also many benefits in seizing Zhou's family.

However, the final fact is completely beyond Han Li's expectation, because Zhou Ling found his intention perfectly and even escaped successfully, which made Han Li's face full of frost.

So at the moment, he didn't cover up. His eyes narrowed slightly, just like a poisonous snake. After a long time, he said slowly: "niece Zhou Ling, you'd better come out now, so that I can still save your life. If not, Zhou's family will be a total empress. Do you really think I can't break this seal?"

"Are you finally showing your ambition? Even if I die, I won't let you threaten my grandfather, and I won't tell you about sun Bing. " At the moment, Zhou Ling finally opened his mouth slowly, but the meaning expressed in his words was quite obvious, and his eyes were full of disgust.

Because Han Li's cultivation level has reached nine levels of practicing Qi. If you are in tianwu City, you don't need to have any fear. After all, old Zhou is there, and the other side doesn't dare to be presumptuous.

But in the cave, only she knew that the Zhou family did not have any support at all. Therefore, if she wanted to fight against such a monk, it could be said that it was a fool's dream. It could even be said that the time when the barrier in front of her was broken was the time when she gave up.

"Yes? I'll have a look Han Li's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, and immediately he could not help but coagulate the momentum of his whole body. In this way, he faced the milky white mask to attack. Although it was the same as "blood evil palm", Han Li's hand was obviously more terrifying, and even the moves had already arrived, so that we could hear the breaking wind.

Such a huge bloody hand on the barrier, waves can not help but slowly emerge, but in a flash disappeared without a trace, but the light above is also a lot of dim.

Seeing this, Han Li can't help but continue: "how? Even if the defense of this barrier is strong, it is not invincible. You should have planned ahead. "

but at the moment, Zhou Ling obviously doesn't want to have too much entanglement with Han Li, and he has no voice at all.

"Good, good, really is toasts do not eat and drink, in this case, I can not expect, I want to let you watch, sun Bing that boy was killed in front of me."

Under the extreme anger, Han Li bombarded the mask with one hand and one hand. As time went on, the ripples on the top could not help becoming bigger and bigger. The original bright light could not help but become visible, and even the next moment would be broken.

At the moment, Zhou Ling's face flashed a trace of grim, even full of determination: am I going to die here today? Finally, the young figure flashed through my mind and closed my eyes slowly.

"Blood evil palm, give me coagulation." But at the moment, Han Li's eyes are full of excitement, immediately can't help but shout: "break."

"Stop it But at this moment, an earth shaking roar can not help but spread out.

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