Sword Emperor

Chapter 2235

When sun Bing had a thousand thoughts in his mind, obvious changes had taken place in the samsara sea. Only in the vast chaotic air current could we see that a blue lotus suddenly emerged.

Thirty six lotus leaves in the infinite chaotic atmosphere under the background, flashing brilliant brilliance, the surface is engraved with countless mysterious to the extreme inscription, only a glance in the past, even want to indulge in half of them.

The most shocking thing is that, even though the sea of reincarnation is surrounded by waves, it is especially calm near the cyan refining. The lotus flowers are blooming slowly, just like the half of the center of heaven and earth. As soon as it appears, it attracts everyone's attention.

Even at this time, even on the faces of daoluo and others, there was a brilliant light in their eyes.

"This, this, this is the chaotic green lotus in the rumor. I didn't expect that I was lucky to see such treasures today."

Among the vagrants, there are also knowledgeable people. At this time, they can't help but speak directly, and their eyes are full of confusion.

After hearing this, sun Bing was shocked. It is said that thirty six chaotic green lotus are the lotus of creation, and even a new universe can be born.

Even if this is just a rumor, it can be seen that chaos Qinglian can be regarded as a treasure, even comparable to the emperor's ware.

At the thought of many rumors, even in sun Bing's eyes, there was a little heat. The most important thing was that he could clearly feel that the ice-white jade lotus in the middle thousand world felt something and sent out a sense of prayer.

However, even ordinary vagrants can know the precious place of this chaotic green lotus. How could daoluo and others not know?

At this time, we can see that Shenyue and others are standing directly on the wall at the most edge of the city. With a wave of their big hands, they are quite calm. With a wave of their hands, they are astonished to have a rod of fish. The light is shining on it, and it is emitting a faint pressure. It is very extraordinary.

As soon as you throw it, the hook falls directly into the vast sea of reincarnation in front of you.

After facing the samsara sea, people can more clearly feel the vastness of the sea of reincarnation. Every drop of chaotic water is like a brand-new world. When the hook falls into it, there is no wave at all.

Even though the chaotic green lotus has drawn the minds of countless people, no matter how hard daoluo and others try, the distance from it has not been narrowed down, it seems that it has become more and more remote.

I can only watch the chaotic green lotus in the center of the samsara sea, slowly rotating, sending out countless mysterious inscriptions, shocking people.

After a moment of calm, the samsara sea boils again, and then a huge wave emerges. A dilapidated ancient temple emerges from the bottom of the sea, showing thousands of mysteries. Only one inscription flickers, but they are full of suffocating pressure.

"This, this, this ancient Chinese character I seem to have seen, and the ancient temple, as if I had seen it in an ancient secret place, seems to be called Zixiao palace, which is a place of supreme power for enlightenment."

Some people can't help but exclaim and thoroughly reveal a few words before the era.

In fact, there is no need for others to tell us. The smell around the ancient hall is more chaotic than the green lotus. Daoluo and others can't help but stretch out their fishing hooks again.

However, in the face of the mottled ancient hall, the fishhook is so small that it is still not close to it. In the boiling sea of reincarnation, a ferocious beast suddenly emerges, which directly bites the hook and completely cuts off the hope of daoluo and others.

Then, a broken world appeared in the center of the samsara sea. The bright heart of the world attracted everyone's attention.

One after another, the treasure has attracted everyone's attention, especially the heart of the world at this time, which makes the atmosphere reach the extreme in an instant.

Even at this time, there are a lot of vagrants, almost lost their sense, completely left the stone city, straight toward the vast sea of reincarnation.

Then, people can see that the vagrants who have reached the highest level of cultivation have just entered the samsara sea, and the whole person can no longer fly, just like a stone, falling downward.

In addition, the chaotic air waves that sometimes stir up are flapping along with them. After the chaotic air waves of hundreds of thousands of miles high, the figures in the original place completely disappear, as if all the previous things had not happened at all.

Even if a few people survived, but then, in the samsara sea, suddenly drilled out of a ferocious ancient beast, the mouth opened and closed, the rest of the figure also completely disappeared.

This time, even if people have known for a long time that this reincarnation sea is quite dangerous, many situations in front of them are still far beyond their imagination.

At this time, they finally knew why daoluo and others did not act rashly. It was because even they did not dare to face the crisis in the samsara sea. However, it was very difficult for them to fish for the treasures in the samsara sea.You should know that even those fishing rods, hooks and so on, are very precious, and even need to be able to engrave inscriptions, otherwise, it will not be able to stop the corrosion of chaotic air flow.

Just when the crowd was at a loss, a sudden burst of Hawking came directly into everyone's heart: "the fishing rod of Zhutian is forged with chaotic jade bamboo, and its thread is the silk of nine eye Tianchan, and the fishing hook is forged from bone of treasure hunting rat.

What's more, the breath of the great power of the half emperor remains, and he can even use it to fish in the sky. It is a kind of supreme artifact that can gain opportunities in the samsara sea. There are not many, first come, first served

Turning around, you can see that an old man is sitting not far away, in front of the stall, there are rod after rod of fishing rod, various.

Seeing this situation, immediately there were some homeless people who could not bear it for a long time. They went forward quickly and said directly without any hesitation: "I'll take this fishing rod for life yuan."

"Ha ha ha, not much, not much, ten thousand years."

Hearing the speech, the old man immediately beamed and said directly.

In a flash, a little hesitation flashed on the faces of many vagrants. After all, thousands of years may be quite short, but ten thousand years, for a supreme man, is a long time.

It seems that seeing the hesitation on people's faces, the old man couldn't help but continue to say: "you should know that my fishhook is forged from treasure hunting rat bones. You can explore treasure naturally. As long as you can get one of them, you can easily make up for it completely."

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