Sword Emperor

Chapter 2277

At this time, sun Bing and Lang Xuan couldn't help but look at each other, their faces full of bitterness.

Sun Bing in particular, not only that, but also the deepest part of his eyes was filled with fury, because Xu Di's words directly made him the target of public criticism.

Even though sun Bing thinks that his strength is amazing and it is hard to find an opponent in the same realm, he is hard to defeat four hands with two fists. How many monks have entered the Shenzhou of crossing the world, and they have no resistance to so many enemies.

However, recalling the previous figure, even if thousands of anger, sun Bing can only suppress, because this confrontation has made him clearly aware that he is still too weak after all.

If sun Bing at the moment has the strength of the imperial realm, then not only need not worry about the pursuit of countless monks in the Shenzhou, but also can directly compete with the virtual emperor.

At this moment, sun Bing's desire for strength in his heart has been completely promoted to the extreme.

Fortunately, sun Bing's mind is still there even though she is full of anger. Her eyes are directly turned to Lang Xuan. After barely calming her mind, she says bitterly:

"Taoist friend Lang Xuan, at this time, you should also know my identity. You have given me enough help before. Now I don't want to involve you. Next, you and I will be separated Let's go our way. "

Hearing this, Lang Xuan couldn't help but glare, and even said directly: "brother sun, in your eyes, am I a villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death? Besides, I am also responsible for such an accident this time. If you are with me, the possibility of your exposure will be greatly reduced. "

After hearing these words, sun Bing's heart is extremely complicated. Even he can clearly understand how attractive the promise given by Xu Di this time is.

In fact, at the moment, Lang Xuan has no swords and swords to each other, so he has already been regarded as loving. However, the other party still wants to share weal and woe, which makes sun Bing very moved.

But in the end, sun Bing didn't say anything more. He just kept this in his heart. After all, there were many people who added to the cake, but few people could help them in time of crisis.

"Well, don't waste time. At this time, the whole island has become the most dangerous place in the whole Shenzhou, so no matter what, we must leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, once we are found out, we can't escape."

After a moment's silence, Lang Xuan could not help but said in a deep voice and left the ancient hall with sun Bing.

It's also thanks to Xu Di's finger. If he hadn't destroyed the array around the ancient hall, even if they wanted to leave, they would have to spend some time. In this way, they might even become turtles in a jar.

But before he left, sun Bing quickly returned to the previous battlefield. With his mind moving, the Four Swords scattered in the heaven and earth turned into bright streamers and returned to his hands.

After this amazing battle, even if it was the four swords for killing immortals, the light at this time was quite dim. Although it was not damaged, it also caused a lot of damage, which made sun Bing's heart ache.

Finally, sun Bing stood at the place where Xu Yunkun had fallen, and carefully felt the surrounding space, but to his disappointment, he did not find any booty at all.

This can't help but let Sun Bing frown tightly: "is it said that the treasure of Xu Yunkun has been scattered in the endless space turbulence? Or was he taken away by Xu di? "

For a time, sun Bing's heart was filled with a little impatience. We should know that the reason why he killed Xu Yunkun this time was to conceal his whereabouts when he came to the world crossing Shenzhou. As for the second point, it is the inheritance of the ancient book of heaven and earth.

Now his identity has been completely exposed. If he has not found the inheritance of the ancient book of heaven and earth, this time it can be said to be blood loss.

As time went on, sun Bing became more and more anxious. After all, the longer he stayed here, the more dangerous he would be. Even Lang Xuan couldn't help but urge him to:

"well, brother sun, even if the inheritance is so precious, it can't be blind. You should keep the green mountains in the mountains without worrying about firewood burning."

Just when sun Bing was ready to give up, the light in his mind flashed, and he directly took out the first volume of Qiankun Gujing in Zhongqian world.

Around the ancient Scripture, there was a mysterious light shining around it, and there was an inexplicable connection between them, and they went straight into the endless void.

With this indescribable connection, sun Bing chopped away in front of him with his sword. In an instant, the space separated, and a huge shadow world appeared in front of him.

As for the front, it is the ancient book of heaven and earth, which is also shining with mysterious light. The combination of the two sides makes the breath of incomparable mystery spread around.

At a glance, you can see that the ancient Scripture is filled with infinite mystery, especially the imperial power which diffuses faintly, which makes sun Bing very happy.

Obviously, the combination of the two volumes of Qiankun ancient Scripture is the real inheritance of the imperial realm. There is no treasure in the world that can be compared with it.It can be said that sun Bing was quite satisfied to get this thing, let alone many other treasures in the shadow space.

After all, the emperor's identity is so noble that everything that can be collected by him has its own uniqueness. This time, sun Bing became rich overnight.

"Well, well, brother sun, since you have found it, you should leave immediately. It seems that someone has come."

At this time, Lang Xuan's voice rings directly. Looking out, she can find that some faint streamers are coming towards here at full speed.

This actually filled sun Bing's heart with a sense of urgency, so there was no further delay. With a wave of his big hand, many treasures in the shadow space had entered the middle thousand world.

Then, two people did not have any hesitation at all, ran away with all one's strength, one step toward the front step out, had already passed through the layer by layer space.

Just after the two disappeared for a moment, there were several figures in the same place. They looked at the surrounding environment carefully, and their eyes suddenly became sharp.

Looking directly at the direction sun Bing left, he said in a deep voice: "the fluctuation of space has not yet stabilized, and it is still going in this direction. Let's catch up quickly, there is still hope."

When the words fell, those figures immediately followed. As for the more monks who gathered here, the whole Shenzhou was turbulent.

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