Sword Emperor

Chapter 2290

Before sun Bing could speak, Yan Yuan could not help but murmured: "and this inheritance of this world is only the beginning of turbulence. Since then, the whole Shenzhou of crossing the world, and even the whole world sea, have undergone tremendous changes."

"What is the matter? Has there been a change in the sea? "

At this time, Lang Xuan can't help being surprised. As an emperor, he knows more secrets.

Almost all of the powerful emperors of the hundred ethnic groups in the Wanjie sea are guarding against the unknown calamity by guarding against the unknown calamity. No matter how unexpected it may be, the wanjiehai will not change much.

After hearing the speech, Yan Yuan took a deep look at Lang Xuan, and then slowly said, "because after these heritages, the whole world sea has been thoroughly boiling, and the ancient forces that have been hidden for countless years have been reappeared.

Among them, there are even some forces that have not even been heard of since ancient times, but their strength is incomparably strong, and there are even some places, like stone city, where there are strong men of ancient times.

Such as this prefecture, is the seventh century in the strong, not only the whereabouts of uncanny, but also the strength is particularly strong.

At the beginning of the rumor, there were even strong people in the Taoist clan who went to investigate, but in the end they did not leave. Although it was just a rumor, there was a certain basis for thinking about it. "

For a while, sun Bing and Lang Xuan can't help but look at each other's eyes, and they can see the shock of each other's eyes. Unexpectedly, in just half a year, the world seems to be a little unknown.

Speaking of this, Yan Yuan couldn't help but raise his glass again. He looked at the scenery around him for a long time. After a pause, he continued to speak:

"as for these, they are only some undercurrent in the sea of thousands of worlds. The place where the most fierce confrontation is still in the boat of crossing the world, not to mention that the imperial realm has been inherited. Even the ordinary half emperor inheritance is attractive The eyes of countless people.

Therefore, after knowing the news, all ethnic groups, one by one ancient force, sent their most elite disciples to this place. In the first 30 years, the struggle here was far more intense than everyone imagined.

Even if there is no hatred between each other, but as long as they meet, they may not hesitate to move. In a short period of 30 years, there are hundreds of millions of people who have fallen here.

If it had not been found that the chance, fortune, and even talent and savvy needed to obtain these heritages, the struggle would have been as fierce as it is today. "

Hearing these words, sun Bing's eyes flashed a touch of happiness. Even though he had not experienced a magnificent era, only a few words of Yan Yuan could imagine how fierce the fierce war was at that time.

Thanks to his foresight, he was dormant early. Otherwise, there would be even danger of destruction.

"Speaking of those heritages, half of them have already been acquired. I don't know what strong people have emerged in the past 100 years? Don't you know where you are now

After some emotion, sun Bing's eyes are very long, and he can see the endless mystery. Seemingly, he asked questions carelessly, but it was the problem that sun Bing paid most attention to.

Yan Yuan didn't recognize the difference in sun Bing's tone. Instead, he frowned slightly: "I don't know much about this matter, but there seems to be a rumor. After daoluo got one of the inheritance, he disappeared completely.

Later, because it was the whole Wanjie sea that gathered here, and even the most top monks in many eras, no matter how difficult the test of imperial realm inheritance was, they were soon obtained. Therefore, the news of daoluo and others soon disappeared completely. "

After all, the whole Shenzhou is so huge. Because of these changes, there are hundreds of billions of talents gathered here. If there is no new news, it will soon be forgotten.

But at the thought that daoluo also seems to have obtained an inheritance, sun Bing's eyebrows can't help wrinkling, and he says in his heart: this seems to be a little difficult to do.

Seeing this, Yan Yuan couldn't help but comfort him: "brother sun, you don't need to worry. Although you were wanted by Xu Di, who was one hundred years old, he didn't show up for such a long time. At this time, very few people knew about this time, and even many people thought that you had already fallen."

Hearing this, sun Bing shook his head helplessly. He didn't frown because of this, but he didn't open his mouth to explain Yan Yuan's kindness.

On the other hand, Lang Xuan couldn't help asking directly, "as you said, many new strong men have been born in this world crossing Shenzhou."

"Yes, it's true that there are talents in every generation. They have been leading for hundreds of years. What's more, there are many opportunities here, and many young strong people have emerged.

As far as I know, one of the friars, Shiyan, was originally a very remote group of vagrants. The strength of the whole group was quite ordinary. As for him, he could only be regarded as an ordinary holy king.However, even such weak people unexpectedly obtained the inheritance of the immortal devil emperor. With immortal blood, they could not compete with them.

Some people even saw that this man fought with the half emperor, and finally relied on the immortal blood to kill a strong man in the realm of half emperor. This momentum did not detract from the Tao.

In addition, there is a son named Xuanyuan. After being chased and killed, he passed the test of swallowing the great emperor. From then on, he transformed into a phagocytic body, with a whole body of swallowing power, which is particularly terrible.

Moreover, not only these people who have already revealed their identity, but also some friars, even if they have obtained the inheritance of the imperial realm, they have not revealed anything. Such people are extremely terrible.

In a word, in the past hundred years, new strong men have emerged, and many people have already done so. They have killed half of the emperor's strong ones in the supreme state. Even compared with the emperors, their strength is not inferior to that of the emperors. "

Speaking of this, Yan Yuan's eyes are even full of longing. This is the best time for vagrants. As long as they can get a piece of inheritance, they can become a strong man easily.

Even if sun Bing and Lang Xuan heard these words, they couldn't help blood gushing. The most exciting thing for sun Bing is that through these words, we can see that the whole world and even the universe are gradually changing.

Sun Bing's best chance is that the strong men in the past era reappear, as well as the new evil powerful ones, which directly opened a new curtain.

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