Sword Emperor

Chapter 232

Immediately, I can see sun Bing standing still, enjoying the peace after the battle, and feeling the changes of his body. After all, the eight paths are a great improvement for himself.

In a flash, he realized that he had completely recovered, and sun Bing's eyes were shining. If such a test, he even wanted to continue, because his promotion was too great.

Immediately the corner of the mouth could not help but smile: "so what kind of test should the next level face? I'm looking forward to it

But just after finishing this speech, he saw a sword soul standing not far away. It can be said that sun Bing was quite surprised. He thought that the number should be more, but he did not expect that it would degenerate again.

However, on second thought, it would be excusable to face a sword soul with nine levels of Qi training. In a flash, sun Bing found out that the cultivation of the figure not far away was only the sixth level of Qi training, and even had not reached the peak.

In this way, it can be said that sun Bing was quite confused: "is that the most difficult level just now? But it shouldn't be. Although it's hard for ordinary people, it's not hard for genius to want to pass. "

Immediately, sun Bing can't help but run to the front. In a flash, he can't help but see the true face of this sword soul. At the same time, he also knows why there is only one sword soul this time.

because the spirit as like as two peas in the distance is the same as Sun Bing. The same blue shirt, the same sword box, and even the same breath on the body are the same. The only difference is that the face of the other party is blurred, and the opponent is himself compared to this.

Although it's common to say that in the face of yourself, it's very difficult to do it. If you want to beat others, it's nothing, because it's easy for you to do it.

But it is very difficult to defeat yourself. After all, the ultimate enemy of every friar is himself. It can be said that this is almost impossible to achieve under the same conditions.

If you fight with yourself, you can find the flaws in the moves and your own weaknesses. If you successfully break through this level, even if there is no benefit, your own strength can also get a qualitative transformation.

Only the information in his mind tells sun Bing that there are very few monks who can successfully defeat themselves, even those who are gifted. It can even be said that the more talented, the more difficult it will be to defeat himself.

Sun Bing's eyes flashed with a sense of war. Up to now, sun Bing has not met any enemy in the same realm. I hope this sword soul can bring him enough pressure.

At the moment, sun Bing's face didn't even hurt when he came to sun Bing's face.

Immediately, sun Bing immediately took out his sword, and then his body shape flashed in a flash. He dodged the sword in a dangerous and dangerous way. His heart, which was originally despised, disappeared instantly. His eyes were filled with dignity: "this should be the sword drawing skill. I didn't expect that the sword drawing skill I faced was so terrible."

However, after all, the soul of the sword has long been dead, and it is impossible to communicate with sun Bing. Then he uses the "fleeting light and shadow". There is only a shadow left in the spot. The real body has already rushed to sun Bing to stab him. This move is also "killing with one edge".

After being forced twice, even sun Bing could not help but feel a trace of annoyance in his heart. His eyes were full of eager to try. The same moves were used in an instant. In a flash, he could see the two sword tips touching each other, emitting a spark, and finally crossed by.

But at the moment, one sword soul seems to have a soul in his heart. Even when he is about to make a mistake, he suddenly attacks again. For a time, only the sound of two sharp swords can be heard in the whole space.

Finally, sun Bing retreated to his back and looked at the sword soul not far away. His face was filled with solemnity. After a long time, he said slightly: "the more terrifying my own strength is, the more difficult it is to break through this barrier. My sword technique has reached a detached state. In addition, I can gather Qi to form a gang. Both attack and defense can be regarded as top-notch, even if I don't have it myself Find the slightest flaw. "

However, in a flash, sun Bing's eyes lit up with a sense of War: "but the more impossible it is, the more I want to do it. If I can defeat you, I believe my sword technique will definitely be able to go to a higher level."

Immediately, sun Bing didn't wait any longer. The sword in his mind suddenly began to spread. Even the other side's sword could not help shaking, and he was almost out of his control.

However, if this sword soul was really so bad, how could it be possible to fight with sun Bing for such a long time, when the same sword spirit gushed out and fought in the air like this.

Sun Bing didn't use the sword Qi, which was not unexpected to sun Bing. Sun Bing knew that even though the power of the sword Qi was terrible, it had no effect. He could easily avoid it or break it.Therefore, he immediately moved forward and crossed again. He could only see the figures interlacing, and then there were sparks on the sword. The swords were covered with sword marks for several meters, and even could sleep. The monks in the same realm could not survive here. We can imagine the horror.

"I didn't expect that this move could be used like this!" In the process of fighting, sun Bing also suddenly found that although the use of the same move, but one person a sword soul, there is a clear difference.

It can even be said that this also brought sun bing a lot of inspiration. The whole person seemed to be suddenly enlightened. Even the strength of his moves could not help but have a slight change, but there is no doubt that this is a very good change.

Because he found that, in this way, his own strength of attack was greater, but the consumption was less. Suddenly, sun Bing seemed to have discovered some new continent, and his eyes were shining with thick essence.

Looking at the sword soul in front of me, I don't want to erase the other party. After all, if I really want to pass the test, sun Bing can rely on the sharpness of Chengying sword. Even though the sword soul is so powerful, we can't suddenly change the sword in our hands from treasure to spirit.

With such concentration, sun Bing clearly discovered the differences between the sword moves practiced by the soul of the sword. One move in one form can be regarded as reaching the perfect state without any loss at all.

It can even be said that although sun Bing's swordsmanship is equally superb, it is still a little worse than his sword soul. At the moment, I can't help learning with an open mind. After all, what the old Zhou explained was just the content of cultivation realm. Sun Bing understood the sword technique completely by himself. Now it's not easy to have such a chance to correct mistakes. How can you bear to leave quickly.

In the process of learning, sun Bing did not give up the game of two people. In the battle, he even had more insights. At the same time, he also found his obvious weakness, that is, all aspects are too balanced, and there is no real card to protect one's life.

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